Underground Alien Base In Dulce - Alternative View

Underground Alien Base In Dulce - Alternative View
Underground Alien Base In Dulce - Alternative View

Video: Underground Alien Base In Dulce - Alternative View

Video: Underground Alien Base In Dulce - Alternative View
Video: Breaking Into Military Bases with UFO Fanatics | Mystery Girl 2024, October

The Dulce underground laboratory is located in New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, about 25 miles west of Cham, in the Navajo Indian Reservation. This is one of the most mysterious bases about which little is known, reports Express.

According to rumors, a specially guarded and classified alien base is located here, where they conduct biogenetic experiments on humans and animals. Before the "ill fame" about the Dulce base was made public, there were numerous cases of cattle mutilation in the area. For example, in 1970, New Mexico police officer Gabe Valdez investigated cattle mutilation at the ranch of farmer Edmond Gomez, who lost four cows to mutilation between 1976 and June 1978.

The Schoenfeld Clinical Laboratory in Albuquerque analyzed samples from sacrificed animals. The potassium content was found to be 70 times higher than the norm. Some researchers attribute the mutilation of cattle to the actions of aliens with UFOs, often observed in the Dulce area.

In the spring of 1990, Jason Bishop, who was investigating cattle mutilation in Dulza, sent a message to a select few researchers, and later gave permission to release it to the general public. This message, entitled "Memories and Impressions of a Visit to Dulza, New Mexico, October 23-24, 1988," is reproduced in part below:

“On arrival, I was introduced to Dr. John F. Gille, my French compatriot. Dr. Gillet holds a PhD in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Paris. He worked very fruitfully with the French government to study UFO phenomena in France. (Note: Over the past few years, there have been numerous reports claiming that the French government is secretly collaborating with "Scandinavian-type" aliens who have colonized the planet in the relatively nearby system of Wolf 424 and have high-tech knowledge. The emblem used by these humanoids has been observed in many parts of the world: H with an additional vertical stripe across the center of the crossbar These creatures live on the planet Ummo and are therefore known as Ummites. They supposedly protect people from predatory gray ("Gray aliens") and collaborate with another humanoid community with Vega, who, like the Ummites, directly claim ancient ties to prehistoric, lost civilizations on earth. - Branton)."

“Gillet told me that he had not worked in his specialty for fifteen years, devoting all his time to UFO research. Dr. Gillet is a friendly, outspoken man. But until I get to know him better, I feel like I have to be very careful with him."

“Edmound Gomez is a rancher. His ranch is 13 miles from Dulce. He informed me that his family has owned the family ranch for 111 years and that as a result of these injuries, they lost $ 100,000 in eight years."

"Edmond was very open and discussed with me all the cattle mutilation that happened on his ranch …"

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“The members of the expedition to the Archuleta Mountains (in search of the Dulze base - author's note) were: Police Officer Gabe Valdez, Edmund Gomez, Dr. John Gillet, Manuel Gomez-Edmund's brother, Jeff and Mat Valdez (Gabe's sons). Because Gabe was the sheriff in Dulza, we got permission to go to the mountains."

“At 19:51 all seven of us saw a very bright object approaching at very high speed from the northwest. The object appeared to be similar in shape to a boomerang. The color was very bright - blue and green.

The object approached, slowed down (apparently under intellectual control), changed direction and finally came to a stop, with sparks emitted from each end of the boomerang. The object then began to move forward and disappeared from the field of view at very high speed. All this lasted about 10 to 15 seconds."

“At about 22:00 we climbed to the top of Mount Archuleta. We could look across the canyon in the moonlight. This canyon wall is where Paul Bennewitz (an eminent and renowned physicist and UFO researcher) claimed to have an alien base and that during the night their craft took off from an open cave. During our time at the peak, we saw two very bright holes in the walls of the cliff, exactly where Paul had mentioned them.

There are no roads on this cliff. The light appeared suddenly and then gradually faded. During this time, we also heard voices that sounded like radio broadcasts. The voices were not clear, but they were nonetheless.

The object we saw at 19:51 was seen around 01:00 by Edmound Gomez."

“My impressions of this trip are mixed. I believe there is something in this place in a certain way. What is this, I do not know. Perhaps this base is jointly run by aliens and the government, as John Lear recounts. There are no fences around to arouse the slightest suspicion … Actually, I can not speak confidently … ". As stated in the documents of John Lear, "On the surface there is a disguise - houses with a tiled roof. In Dulza there is also an underground base of the Sirian (Sonnerians).

The conflict with the Sonnerians in Dulza took place in 1979. It was caused by the unauthorized capture by the Americans of a hydrogen reactor (the size of a basketball) on trans-V element 115, which was removed from an active UFO (in the absence of the Zonnerians). Returning, they could not take off, and, looking into the reactor compartment, they found the loss. The Americans did not react to their demand to return the reactor.

Then the aliens took 44 people from the scientific and technical personnel hostage and repeated their demand. The American side refused, commandos of Delta were called from the Fort Carson base in Colorado. During this action, 72 people died (all 44 hostages and 22 Delta fighters, a total of 66 people, + 6 more fighters were missing, their bodies were not found). All those killed were burned (a similar phenomenon is known as spontaneous combustion of people).

This reaction from the aliens caused panic. In the period 1979-1981. all US-Sirius contacts ended, but gradually there was reconciliation, and now the cooperation continues. "Here is what Daz Smith writes in his article" Dulze Papers ":

In 1987, the British research group Quest International introduced me to the so-called "Dulze Papers". These documents discuss the joint actions of aliens and government in New Mexico, USA. The Dulze Papers emerged at a time of ubiquitous flourishing of ufology, mass UFO sightings and crop circles, and spawned a new generation of UFO researchers.

Subsequently, many researchers have added evidence on this issue, such as Bill Moore, Bill Hamilton, and John Lear. Each of them contributed to the story of cooperation between humans and aliens, underground bases and the secret government covering up everything that happens. After reading the Dulze Papers, I believed them. Nearly ten years later, in 1996, I found on the Internet an excerpt from a film called "Area 51", which confirmed the information from the "Dulze Papers."

What was in these "Dulze Papers" and is it true? In 1979, something happened at the Dulce base, resulting in 66 deaths and 44 missing. One of the base employees who escaped death, who turned out to be a CIA agent, made some sketches, photographs and video frames of everything he saw on the territory of the base.

Subsequently, he made copies of these materials and distributed them to four of his acquaintances on the condition that if he missed the four previously stipulated meetings with them, they could do with these documents as they please … In December 1987, the Dulze Papers were made public.

According to the researchers, the structure of the Dulce base is as follows: The multi-level underground building of the base goes down at least seven known levels, which have one central hub, managed by the base's security service.

There are over 3,000 surveillance cameras and over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. Many around Mount Archuleta, others to the south around Lake Dulce and even far to the east. Deep sections of the complex are connected by natural systems.


Level 1 - parking garage. All vehicles of the Dulze base are parked here. Nobody will drive a car inside without permission from the security service. On the roads near the garage, there are magnetic sensors similar to those located around Area 51.

Level 2 - contains a garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel cars.

Most of the tunnel systems lead to large underground alien bases: Site 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Dugway, Edwards AFB, Denver International Airport …

Level 3 - Housing, workers' complexes and testing laboratories are located here. This level is the main control node where most computers are concentrated.

Level 4 - includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, all aspects of telepathy, hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens know how to separate the astral body from the physical body in order to place the life force matrix of the "alien object" within the human body after the removal of the human soul.

Level 5 - Housing for the "Grays" and "Reptoids" alien species is located here.

Level 6 is a confidential level known as the Hall of Nightmare. There are genetic laboratories here, where experiments are done on animals and humans. The aliens gave people a lot of knowledge about genetics: knowledge, both useful and dangerous. Cloning is also carried out at this level.

Level 7 - at this level, it is possible that refrigerators contain human embryos, and cells contain living human "material" for conducting experiments.

So what is actually located in the Navajo Reservation Area?