Modern Traditions Of Sacrifices - Alternative View

Modern Traditions Of Sacrifices - Alternative View
Modern Traditions Of Sacrifices - Alternative View

Video: Modern Traditions Of Sacrifices - Alternative View

Video: Modern Traditions Of Sacrifices - Alternative View
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Nowadays, sacrifice in almost all countries is equated with a crime. However, they continue to be practiced in secret. Every now and then in the press reports of murders of people "for witchcraft" seep.

These cases are most common in Africa. In addition, people are sacrificed in order to use their organs for ritual purposes.

There is a whole black market where you can buy these "souvenirs". For example, in 1989 in Zimbabwe, two girls were killed and part of their entrails, tongues and genitals were cut out to make amulets "for good luck."

Human sacrifice is not so rare in various sects, mainly of the satanic persuasion. Usually, the victims are small children (sometimes babies) or young virgin girls who are kidnapped or lured into a sect gathering by deception.

The bodies are opened with a knife and all the blood is pumped out, which is poured into a bowl and allowed to circulate. Sometimes this rite is part of the black mass. In most cases, the victims are animals - cats, rats or birds, which, however, causes no less horror and disgust in normal people.

Although ritual killings of people are prosecuted in African countries, they are still secretly practiced by worshipers of certain religious cults. So, in the Akwapim community, located near Accra, the capital of the state of Ghana, during the funeral of a local leader, a human sacrifice is traditionally made.

For example, in 1979 malefactors kidnapped a 4-year-old boy. However, the police managed to track the criminals and free the child. In 1989, the Minister of the Interior of Liberia was convicted of involvement in a ritual murder. This time the crime was not prevented: the victim's head was cut off and his heart was ripped out …

In Nepal, there is a Tacho sect that worships the goddess Kali. They sacrifice 108 buffaloes to the deity every year. The heads of the animals are cut off and the blood from the wounds is drunk. But there are rumors among the local population that once every 12 years sectarians kill one child in order to sacrifice him to Kali. Indeed, children sometimes disappear in those parts …

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In Western Europe, the United States and Canada, human sacrifice is associated mainly with Satanist cults. So, only from 1989 to 1990, according to Interpol, more than 100 ritual murders were committed by devil worshipers.

In France, there is a sect of Lucifer fans who call themselves "Gypsies Clowns". Their initiation ritual goes like this. At night, in the vicinity of the city, by the light of torches, a ritual table is laid on which the attributes of sacrifice are placed: a knife with six blades and a mini-altar decorated with images of green dragons. A victim is brought here - most often a small child.

French writer Jean-Paul Bourret describes the horrific ritual as follows:

“When the Gypsies Clowns return from the hunt for people, they are an unusual procession that sings monotonous songs. Then the victim is tied to a table painted red, and the priest subjects her to monstrous tortures, carving magical signs (the most common of them is a swastika) on a living body.

In conclusion, the sectarians, before moving on to the liturgical banquet, sing cannibal hymns, and then eat the heart and other organs of the victim."

A couple of years ago, graves were desecrated in the cemeteries of two Spanish towns near Madrid - Torrelodones and El Escorial. Human bones were found nearby. According to the police, some satanic sect performed a sacrifice in the cemetery. Local resident Maria Mieres said she watched the ceremony in which a two-year-old child was killed and sacrificed.

True, most of these sects behave relatively harmlessly, limiting themselves to killing animals or ritual tormenting of their own flesh. However, violence is violence. Alas, as long as there are bloody cults in the world, it will hardly be possible to eradicate the practice of sacrifices.