Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View

Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View
Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View

Video: Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View

Video: Don't Believe In Yesterday's Forgery? Take A Look At The Preparation Today! - Alternative View
Video: A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram 2024, October

How often you can hear that history cannot be faked, because there are not so many people who would make counterfeit on an industrial scale.

Apparently, such people in their lives, in general, did nothing, since they do not believe that this is possible. In fact, crowds of slaves are not even needed, who help the official historians in every construction of the ancient world. An art college or a Jesuit school set up on the stream is enough. But you can do without them. And you won't believe it, even without money!

You just need to find enthusiastic enthusiasts and they themselves will compose and draw whatever your heart desires. All that remains is to choose works that are suitable for the script and artistic quality.

For example, these are:

They come up with alternative lines of the past, present and future. Each because of his inflamed or extinct consciousness.

In the results of activity, you can drown and write the history of a dozen planets.

She will not be perfect everywhere!


Promotional video:

Russian bombardment of Central Warsaw, as reported in Polish TV news, 17 September 1999

(Russian bombing of Central Warsaw, as reported on Polish TV news, September 17, 1999)


NATO's strike on Kaliningrad on the opening day of the war, as reported in Russian TV news, 15 March 1999.

(NATO attack on Kaliningrad on the first day of the war, as reported on Russian television news, March 15, 1999.)

Do you remember such events? In your memory, nobody bombed Kaliningrad, and we didn’t bombard Warsaw?

Nonsense, now we'll give you more American divisions!


American M1A1 Abrams tank in Belovezhskaya Puscha, Belarus, June 1999 and American troops advance in Kaliningrad Oblast, April 1999

(American tank M1A1 Abrams in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Belarus, June 1999, and the advance of American troops in the Kaliningrad region, April 1999)

A little more and an ordinary home computer will be able to draw HD graphics at a professional level. To be honest, even now, many in a limited mode already can. And we will get an avalanche of video in which all real actors will absolutely believably fulfill the desires of dreamers.

And, frankly, it would be better if only erotic ones.

Here a man prepares to simulate the victory of the White Guards. Preparation of Kolchak's entrance to Moscow:

For example, I don't remember this event. If not for Trump, he could have believed.


US Foreign Secretary Donald J. Trump meets with Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in June 1983 in Moscow due to the hospitalization of President George Herbert Walker Bush after an attempt on his life left him mortally wounded.

(U. S. Foreign Secretary Donald J. Trump meets with Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev in June 1983 in Moscow in connection with the hospitalization of President George Herbert Walker Bush after an attempt on his life resulted in his fatal injury.)

I am ready for a bet in 10 minutes to find a person on the street who will believe that after World War II the Americans fought the Russians a little.


Batoon of American and European soldiers during the European stage of the Ruso-American war.

(A platoon of American and European soldiers during the European stage of the Russian-American war.)

And the Second World War itself, now anyone can win.


Personally, I have nothing against the Novgorod Republic of the late 19th century. But what to do with the rest of Russia?


The first flight of the first functional rostislav (rigid airship, zeppelin) in the world, constructed by and named after Republic of Novgorod inventor, Fyodor Andreyevich Rostislavsky. 8th September AD 1892, Karelian coast.

(The world's first first in the world functional Rostislav (rigid airship, airship), built and named after the inventor of the Novgorod Republic Fedor Andreyevich Rostislavsky. September 8, 1892, Karelian coast.)

If they only made such jokes, it would still be all right.

I - not a Beatles fan. Right now, I sit and think, maybe there was such a note?
I - not a Beatles fan. Right now, I sit and think, maybe there was such a note?

I - not a Beatles fan. Right now, I sit and think, maybe there was such a note?

Or like this:


I wonder if these are real flags or fictional? The stories under each on that encyclopedia.


Flag of the Commonwealth of Virginia Adopted in 1899.

(Commonwealth of Virginia, adopted in 1899 Commonwealth of Virginia flag, adopted in 1899 1899)

The world war is perfectly spelled out in variation - Napoleon defeated Russia. You can publish it in 10 volumes even now.


The mushroom cloud over St Petersburg, minutes after the H-bomb was detonated.

(A mushroom cloud over St. Petersburg a few minutes after the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.)

Thank you for leaving our country on the map by the end of the epic
Thank you for leaving our country on the map by the end of the epic

Thank you for leaving our country on the map by the end of the epic.

You can, of course, consider that all this is nonsense. It is only advisable to understand that such projects are not a fiction of today, but quite a historical practice.

Today, the same can be done faster, better, and at a different technological level.

So when, before our very eyes, material is being made, systematized, logically substantiated as a game for any desired variation, you will still ask how you can write a fake story?