The Phenomenon Of Molebka - Alternative View

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The Phenomenon Of Molebka - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Molebka - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Molebka - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Molebka - Alternative View

In the photo: UFO filmed on video in June 2002 at about 21.00 in the area of the Perm anomalous zone.

The zone, later called the Molebsky anomalous, was accidentally discovered by the Permian geologist Emil Fedorovich Bachurin. In the fall of 1984, during an expedition, he noticed a strange object soaring over the forest, resembling a flying saucer

Going to where, in his opinion, the object was supposed to take off, Bachurin discovered a thawed patch in the snow with a diameter of about sixty meters. Bachurin examined the place of the alleged launch of the UFO and soon noticed that his watch, which had been running flawlessly until then, began to lag behind by two hours! Soil analysis brought a new surprise - rare earth elements were found in the forest land, which is typical for those places. where unidentified flying objects land.

Orange balls

Soon researchers of anomalous phenomena and tourists rushed to the Perm region. And almost everyone who happened to be in the Molebka area witnessed unique events. Gradually, the glory of the cosmodrome of alien aliens was entrenched in the zone. How close this is to the truth is difficult to say. However, there are photographic documents and eyewitness accounts to support this. that not far from Molebka there is an area where amazing things happen. In the photographs taken in the M-sky triangle. orange transparent balls are clearly visible. It is surprising that not a single person sees them, but the camera records. The researchers of the zone are only speculating - perhaps an impartial lens captures some energy formations on the film. However, no one can explain their nature yet.

Mysterious film show

On the left bank of the Sylva there is an amazing place, the so-called Zaval. It is there that strange light rays are "born", plowing the night sky above the forest. On a 2,500 square meter plot of forest, there are trees broken three meters above the ground. Their broken off tops are turned to the south. Clear. that such a global action is hardly within the power of even a group of people. Moreover, its meaning is not clear.

Many researchers have noted another strange phenomenon - the appearance of moving images on the walls of canvas tents. Sergey Sh. From St. Petersburg, who traveled to the zone in early autumn 1995 with two friends, said:

- We were going to stay in the zone for no more than a week: it is not yet known how this place affects a person. Who can guarantee that this action will not be disastrous. I, for example, I heard that those who stay there for a long time change the blood formula. Therefore, we were not going to stay there. One evening, when we went to bed, I noticed with peripheral vision that one of the walls of the tent began to glow faintly. Dead silence reigned behind the walls of the tent, even the wind died down. Sergei silently nudged Oleg lying next to him with his elbow. He wanted to swear at his comrade, but he froze with his mouth open: on the illuminated wall of the tent, triangles, circles, trapezoids began to flash and go out … They were all black and white and replaced each other quite quickly. Soon, all three friends were watching the incredible "movie" in fascination. The flickering of the figures became either faster or slower, as if someone was offering people a test, with which, apparently, failed. In any case, the invisible "projectionist" interrupted the "session" a few minutes later, and the fabric of the tent darkened again. According to Sergei Sh … this inexplicable phenomenon took place not far from the place called Central Polyana. It is there that anomalies are most often observed.

Witch's rings

24 years have passed since the discovery of the Perm anomalous zone. These days there is a detailed description of the zone, and those who go there. know which places to stay away from so as not to harm their health, as well as where to go to witness unique phenomena. For example, a place with the ominous name of the Witch's Rings. Here, on one bank of the river, a gloomy forest descends to the water itself, the other bank, consisting of flat stones, rests against a steep 60-meter cliff. Research expeditions in this area usually do not stop: in the forest, the mighty trees and the bushes surrounding them are not allowed to put up a tent standing "shoulder to shoulder", and it would never occur to anyone to stop on the stone shore, not protected from the sun, wind and rain. But where does the name - Witch's Rings come from? It turns outif you take pictures here, then they get different-sized black balls with light spots in the center, which received such a gloomy nickname.

PyramidsPromotional video:

Another mysterious place that Bachurin discovered is Pyramids. At a distance of ten kilometers from the nearest human habitation, someone neatly folded three stone pyramids, located as if at the tops of a huge isosceles triangle. With the help of a frame, or a vine, the researchers found that a narrowly directed energy flow beats from the top of each pyramid. Maybe the pyramids are some kind of landmarks for UFOs? From time to time, one of the visitors to the zone, trying to understand the nature of the pyramids, begins excavations near them. However, such enterprises usually end up with injuries to amateur diggers: despite all the precautions, the stones of the pyramids fall on people.


Forester's House on Vyselki

Visitors to the M-Triangle know the ruins of the forester's house drowned in the nettle thickets. From time to time, traces of UFO landings are found here, in particular, depressions in the soil from the supports, as well as brown grass, which stands out especially clearly against the background of bright greenery. They say that in the very house of the forester, under the collapsed stove, a certain creature still lives, making sure that tourists do not visit his property too often. If necessary, it can put an invisible energy barrier in the way of uninvited guests, or send them to meet such monsters that the women taking part in the expedition rush away with a squeal.

And men in such moments do not feel the best way. This glade is called Vyselki. An increased energy background is noted here. No one is surprised that the compass needle in the clearing ceases to point in the right direction, and the clock slows down - all these are considered common signs of an anomalous zone.

Mukhortovsky dam

However, much more impressive events take place in the Mukhortovsky dam. Pavel Mukhortov described one of these meetings in his book “M's Triangle, or Aliens Don't Walk Here”: “The phosphorescent silhouettes of robotic people walked right at us. They turned only fifteen meters away, hiding in the forest. From there came the crackle of twigs … Two-, three-four-meter "guests" were bulky, of both sexes. Women above men. And they went to some bright phosphorescent square, down the corridor."

The eternal wanderer

The Perm zone does not have constant clear outlines, it seems to be moving through a section of the forest, and those who were unlucky regarding the meeting with the unknown, perhaps, simply did not get into the territory of the M-triangle. The zone continues to live its own life. striking with its manifestations the members of the expeditions, who are still trying to figure out what it is: the place of landing and takeoff of a UFO, a crossroads on the border of several worlds, a colossal laboratory of some interplanetary intelligence, experimenting on earthlings?


"Secrets of the XX century" No. 51