"Anomalism" In Russia - Alternative View

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"Anomalism" In Russia - Alternative View
"Anomalism" In Russia - Alternative View

Video: "Anomalism" In Russia - Alternative View

Video: For Animalism. Reseach Seminar of the Moscow Center For Consciousness Studies 2024, October


There is in the wilds of the pre-Klyazmen forests almost nobody knows the mysterious Shushmor tract, into which the Lord will not bring anyone to get into.

The story with this place began more than a century ago - in 1885. Then repair work was carried out nearby on the Kolomensky tract. And suddenly, completely unexpectedly, absolutely reliable people began to disappear without a trace (more precisely, completely non-drinking and not thieves).

The road was repaired, but two years later a whole wagon train disappeared in the same place - four carts loaded with iron. Together with him, the carters and the clerk who accompanied the cargo disappeared. The police have actually scoured the entire forest along the tract near the local residential areas, but to no avail.

Mysterious disappearances of people continued here in the following years. By 1920, there were about twenty of them. Then it was unambiguously believed that the victims were the cause of accidents or attacks by robbers.

Since the mid-1920s, traffic on the highway stopped, as new, more convenient roads appeared. Many years later. And about 20 years ago, a group of scientists from Moscow and Vladimir visited Shushmore. They were interested in the geomagnetic field of this region of the Earth.

In the very first days of their stay, the researchers discovered here a strong "twisting" of the lines of the magnetic field strength, the epicenter of which was at Shushmore. This means that, purely theoretically, the disappearance of people in Shushmore during the periods of its "activity" is quite probable. Therefore, everyone who makes any movements here should bypass Shushmore.

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In the northwest of the Samara region there is a certain Shikhan Mountain. It has a domed vault made of hard rocks. However, the top of the mountain is overgrown with forest, framing a vast and swampy swamp. Above it, almost every night, local residents observe "balls" and "flying saucers", which they unconditionally call "witchcraft". And that's why. Firstly, they shimmer with different colors of the rainbow, and secondly, from time to time, the initial letters of the names of the villagers appear on them, over whose houses they sometimes hang. If this happens, then a person whose name begins with the revealed letter will soon develop a dangerous disease. Scientists cannot explain this phenomenon yet.


It has long been known that Lake Pleshcheyevo is famous for out of nowhere appearing temporary nebulae in the form of milky slushy haze. A person who has fallen into it, for some reason, almost instantly acquires a "path" along which it is as if someone is leading him.

In the process of his movement, the involuntary traveler sees something that he has not seen in his entire past life: various fantastic pictures, as a rule, of good content and even many episodes from the Middle Ages. Having wandered in such a fog for half an hour or an hour, or even much more, the "lost" one finds himself mostly 15-25 km from the beginning of his "mysterious excursion".

It also happens that a person who has disappeared in the "milky fog" is looking for a whole day by the police with dogs in all the neighborhoods, and a day later, smiling, he leaves the forest.

Many researchers (and there are quite good reasons for this) associate, for example, “Pleshcheev's fogs” with unsolved mysteries of the interaction of space and time.


In 1975, a zoologist who was conducting special research in one of the valleys of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve suddenly noticed several huge yellow-gray boulders in the stream. Imagine his surprise when he saw that these were not stones at all, but dead bears. There were many carcasses of smaller animals and even large birds lying nearby.

Scientists have carefully examined this place and found that most of the time of the year it does not pose any danger. However, with a period of 8-12 months for 1-2 days, it turns into a living hell: everyone who is near the stream, almost instantly perishes. In 1991, even a "wild" tourist died here.

Volcanologists who have studied the Valley of Death (as it is now called) definitely believe that the bottom of the stream is periodically filled with a mixture of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide and other toxic substances, escaping from the depths through cracks in the rock.


Just a few years ago, between Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the Valdai forest, quite unexpectedly, they discovered a large clearing, in the middle of which stands a round tree stump glowing from the inside. Until now, no one knows what it is. No research has yet been conducted. It is only known that everything living and nonliving approaching the stump disappears before the eyes of observers (or, as they say, "quickly melts").


The anomalous zone on the Medveditskaya ridge, in the north of the Volgograd region, was first discussed in the press in 1990. Then, in front of the eyes of several shepherds, one of the local residents, perched on a stone, flared up with a bright flame and burned out in a matter of seconds, but his clothes remained practically unharmed.

This case has been studied by many scientists. In the course of the study, there were many witnesses to the fact that here in the sky fireballs and mysterious light are often observed at night. Some allegedly even saw tall people in silvery suits.

In 1992, the radars of the Saratov airport clearly detected "flying saucers" over the Medveditskaya ridge. And the scientists, who then explored the mysterious zone, stumbled upon the UFO landing sites several times. The devices there immediately went off scale. The clock usually stopped or started to run. Instrumental studies have shown that underground there is a tunnel 12 km long and about 22 meters in diameter. It was along it that many anomalous phenomena were traced.

Listening to voids with an echo sounder gave nothing: the sound did not return. Attempts to find the entrance were unsuccessful, since the excavation sites were already flooded with water at a depth of 3 meters. Local residents say that many people who walked in the vicinity of the tunnel often disappeared, and if they returned, they fell into unconsciousness.

Based on all of the above, scientists quite reasonably assume that the Medveditskaya ridge performs some kind of cosmic function.


There are many so-called lightning sockets in the world, where they strike almost constantly during a thunderstorm. Only in Russia there are at least 25 of them. But both scientists and mystics have dealt with them, it seems, quite thoroughly.

The former believe that "lightning nests" have a low electrical resistance due to a water source hidden in the ground or deposits of metals.

From this it becomes clear why the mound robbers chose precisely such hills, which were often struck by lightning. Following this, they dug a passage in the ground along a burnt channel, which accurately led them to metal jewelry.

However, robbers and even just treasure seekers often perish. And here mystically minded people argue with conviction that such (in their opinion) criminal cases in no way do without the intervention of dark forces. And since deadly lightning is a kind of lumps of negative energy, their victims are just people punished for grave sins.


There are a large number of various anomalous zones on the territory of our country. But, perhaps, the greatest interest is the one that is located on the banks of the Volga near the city of Zhigulevsk. The fact is that an amazingly clear color mirage appears - a beautiful palace surrounded by openwork turrets.

It is well known that a mirage must have a real basis somewhere. But here's the bad luck: the palace that appears in the sky over the Volga looks absolutely fabulous, that is, the kind that does not exist on the entire globe. So this is a figment of someone's fantasy? But whose? Or maybe there is something completely different here, which we still do not even suspect.

With regard to this mirage, there has long been a legend among the people that the same princess who Stenka Razin drowned in the Volga lives in this mysterious palace. In the dungeons of the palace, there are treasures stolen by the robber.

Local residents believe that all this "anomalousness" of them is not at all accidental, for very close to Zhigulevsk there is the village of Malaya Ryazan, in which there is supposedly a huge cave with a whole system of branched passages. How do you know? Perhaps it is there that the untold jewels of the famous chieftain are hidden, now giving rise to mysterious mirages at times.

"Peasant Russia"
