Why Do People Die On Lake Surzi In Russia? - Alternative View

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Why Do People Die On Lake Surzi In Russia? - Alternative View
Why Do People Die On Lake Surzi In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Die On Lake Surzi In Russia? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Die On Lake Surzi In Russia? - Alternative View
Video: From an Atheist to Holiness 2024, October

In the Arkhangelsk region of Russia there is a small, seemingly unremarkable lake Surzi, … killing people who decided to relax on its shores. The serene water surface, the abundance of tasty large fish, and the serene landscape attract unsuspecting fishermen and nature lovers. But, resting on Surzi is extremely dangerous, moreover, after 2002, it is completely prohibited. More than 20 people died during the year. Vacationers were found dead near the lake.

Deadly Lake Surzi

To this day, the mystery of the reservoir has not been solved. The cause of death for most of the unfortunate tourists is poisoning or asphyxiation. After numerous samples of water and soil, diving with special equipment, scientists came to the conclusion that the level of toxicity is normal. The water is crystal clear, only at the bottom there are some strange pits-funnels.

Lake Surzi
Lake Surzi

Lake Surzi.

Vladimir Belugin came to go fishing with friends in 2002, he was 35 years old. The autumn lake was frozen in ice. I was struck by the fish frozen into the ice and black-brown oily spots of unknown origin. After fishing, all the members of the group felt unwell. Vladimir died in agony, he had convulsions, his skin turned blue, and it became hard to breathe. The man became the first victim of a poisonous lake, from which a string of deaths began.

Others fainted right on the shore, remembering after the terrible visions that occurred a few moments before falling into oblivion. Alexei Shitikov, a local resident, saw a powerful entity descend from the sky, engulfing everything around him. At the same time, the arms and legs became leaden, vision blurred. The man was trying to call for help when his friend Benjamin fell dead to the ground. The people who were on the other side also became ill. Venya died.

Arkhangelsk region, Surzi
Arkhangelsk region, Surzi

Arkhangelsk region, Surzi.

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The few residents of the nearby villages are tired of complaining. Only one of the commissions suggested that the fluoride present in the water may be the cause of the poisoning. But, the amount of the substance is not enough to kill a living organism. In addition, fluoride leaves burns on the skin that have not been observed on victims.

Meanwhile, people are dying of livestock, relatives are sick. Vegetation disappears around Surzi, mushrooms and berries have ceased to grow, wild animals began to bypass the abnormal place, trampling new paths.

Black holes at the bottom

There is no official theory, so one can only guess why an ordinary fishing lake began to kill people, which earned the fame of one of the most anomalous places in Russia. Opinions were divided: some believe that the rocket's radioactive stages that fell into the water are to blame (near the Plesetsk cosmodrome). Government officials insist that no parts of the rocket fell into the water.

Other private researchers are inclined to the theory of black holes: pits-funnels, in their opinion, fill Surzi with underground gases that poison the ecosystem.

Witnessing the deaths of their own friends, surviving fishermen still cannot get away from such a rest, remembering their friends twisted from suffocation and their own paralyzed limbs. The alcoholic version is also swept aside by offended tourists.