Shalya Village - Russian Zone 51 - Alternative View

Shalya Village - Russian Zone 51 - Alternative View
Shalya Village - Russian Zone 51 - Alternative View

Video: Shalya Village - Russian Zone 51 - Alternative View

Video: Shalya Village - Russian Zone 51 - Alternative View
Video: Stranded In Russia's Creepiest Village 2024, October

A quarter of a century ago, a meteorite fell into the pond of the village of Shalya, which UFO researchers are trying to find.

There is a secret training ground in the United States called Area 51. In this area, unusual objects are constantly observed, which are usually called UFOs. The military does not hide the fact that the latest samples of aviation technology are being tested in this place …

The June evening of 1980 will be remembered by the residents of the village of Shalya (Sverdlovsk Region) for life. They still remember the incomparable whistle that tore the sky and made them look up. A large, dark object swept overhead and crashed into one of the small ponds in the center of the village. The object, obviously, was very hot - the water began to boil and the entire floodplain of the creek, the nearby banks and the slope of the mountain were covered with a thick fog, very humid, warm and heavy. Half an hour later, when the fog cleared, the Shali residents were surprised to find a strange rusty film floating on the surface of the water. Soon she also disappeared …

A few years later, a local ufologist Sergei Mikhailovich Kolmogorov began to study this phenomenon. After probing the shallow bottom of the pond with a sharp edge up and down, he found a large crater in the place where the object fell. The presence of an unusual magnetic anomaly with clear contours was confirmed by a group of researchers from Moscow, who visited this place in November 2003.

Strange things began to happen in the Chalet.

S. M. Kolmogorov:

“Four years ago, an object of unusual shape hovered over the pond. It was a strange construction, tall, cylindrical, and very large. Having estimated the distance to it, they decided that it was several tens of meters across. Cast in a silvery matte color. From the bottom to the surface of the pond, an even sheaf of dazzlingly bright light emanated, which did not scatter. There were five or six moving searchlights around the circle, which "rummaged" along the ground and the surface of the pond. "They" were clearly looking for something."

There are hundreds of such stories in the piggy bank of any ufologist, it is virtually impossible to check them if there were not a single BUT. Over the past five years, unidentified flying objects have been filmed three times in the area of the Shalya village. The first UFO encounter took place on June 26, 1999. Three guys accidentally managed to catch a "flying saucer" in a classic shape. The object swiftly swept over the forest and disappeared into the sky. The analysis of the film was carried out first in Yekaterinburg at the Pro film studio by director Vasily Goloshchapov, and later by Japanese documentary filmmakers from the TNT TV channel (Tokyo). The conclusion is unambiguous - not a fake. Yekaterinburg computer graphics specialists were involved in the analysis of the video recording, who put forward their verdict - to create such an animation, you need very expensive editing equipment and the highest professional training,professional actors and exclusive sound design. They even named the amount - "We would take on such work for at least $ 10,000"!

Promotional video:

Three years later, on June 3, 2002, the same operator, Vladislav Lukanin, again encounters a UFO. The magnificent two-minute video of the "black ball" taken from a distance of less than two hundred meters has puzzled many researchers and experts. Particularly striking was the unusual movement of the object, which seemed to sway in the earth's magnetic fields, making jump-like maneuvers that contradict the laws of inertia. The possibility of forgery was tested in various ways, up to launching a meter-long rubber ball filled with helium on a thin line. To do this, a specially assembled team of experts went to the filming site, which included the author of this article. The Japanese also came from TNT, who released in the fall of 2002 a documentary film about the Ural anomalies, which had tremendous success in Tokyo.

In October 2002 - the third shooting with a professional digital camera. A disk-shaped object hangs over the edge of the forest, swinging slightly up and down, starts abruptly and flies away rapidly …

In addition to the video, about a dozen photographs of anomalous objects of various shapes and sizes were taken in the Chalet. The negatives provided by the authors are currently undergoing examination.

In the summer of 2003, the village was again visited by a "flying saucer". This time, only the camera was at hand. In its shape, the object was exactly the same as the UFO filmed in June 1999!

The elusive Bigfoot was also observed in these places. In May 2001, a strange creature of enormous growth, covered with auburn hair, was noticed on a railway embankment. The first thought is a bear! But the "bear" moved too humanly. Frightened by the approaching train, he jogged into the forest, looking over his shoulder. In the place where the creature crossed the clay area, the researchers found huge flat-footed footprints resembling human ones. It was possible to trace the path of the huminoid along the broken branches. However, oddly enough, no one was purposefully studying this phenomenon.

By the way, the Kama forests keep many mysteries. Over the past ten years, hunters have encountered another no less amazing creature several times - a flying man: a giant bat with a human head. But I will talk about these amazing meetings in the next article …

Vladislav Lukanin believes that he was lucky and he, like the famous Swiss ufologist Billy Mayer, faced a manifestation of extraterrestrial intelligence. What is the reason for its uniqueness and why I demonstrate myself in the presence of Slava more often than necessary, he does not know. He immediately becomes serious and says: “We only think that we know everything about the world around us. It seems to me that we have been given to understand only that which deems it necessary to open the world around us …"

Why is a small Ural village so interested in aliens from space? Are they still trying to find the wreckage of their spaceship that crashed here 24 years ago?

But there is another side to reality. Having collected all the data on UFO sightings in the Shali area, the researchers plotted the flight paths on a map. It turned out that unidentified objects are moving in the same "corridor", which coincides with the location of some secret military unit located near Shali. And the Shali "meteorite" itself resembles an unsuccessful launch of a ballistic missile. So are these new examples of technology or are they still "little green men" who are interested in local flora and fauna? We have yet to answer this question. In the meantime, Shalya may well claim the title of "Russian Zone 51" …