Matrix! Output: Man - Alternative View

Matrix! Output: Man - Alternative View
Matrix! Output: Man - Alternative View

Video: Matrix! Output: Man - Alternative View

Video: Matrix! Output: Man - Alternative View
Video: VP4 : Matrix 2024, July

All that we see is only one visibility.

Far from the surface of the sea to the bottom.

Consider the obvious in the world unimportant, For the secret essence of things is not visible.

Omar Khayyam

Since childhood, our brain is trained by the System (Matrix) in a certain way. Literally from the cradle, certain types of behavior are implanted, the foundation is laid for the future gray and hopeless life. Much in human life is absurd. You think that everything you do is logical and normal, but this is far from the case. Many things in your life have nothing to do with the reality of the surrounding space, and sometimes they simply come into direct conflict with it. But you, for some reason, cannot tear yourself away from your stereotypes and patterns and, with wide eyes, interrupt this process. Why?

Continuing the started topic: here and here;

Example: I constantly observe the same picture in stores: mothers with children, grandmothers with grandchildren … at the checkout, a child asks to buy "chupa chups" (chewing gum …) and the answer is: "You are behaving badly, I will not buy … here is" Sasha " behaved well, I will buy him, but you don’t …”. And what does it mean to BAD YOURSELF IN 2-3-4 years? It's running, screaming, frolicking, isn't it? Simply put, prevent your parents from watching TV on an area of 18 square meters! But I'm not even talking about that, about something else. What does mom do when she tells her child?

Promotional video:

The answer is obvious: SHE MAKES THE CHILD IN CONFORMITY! It turns out that in order to get "chup chups" - you have to correspond. Well, then, you know, the child is taught to correspond to expensive phones, iPhones, computers, etc. In this case, the child's behavior is brought into line with the concept of good behavior of his parents. Of course, we are not talking about children, although the problem originates there.

This concept: COMPLIANCE, painfully familiar to all of us and close, right? We dress according to the season, also according to our social status; we demand an appropriate attitude, respect; we have at home the appropriate equipment, furniture … in general, wherever you look, you have to comply with everything, otherwise you can cause some negative consequences in your address, right? Well, a business woman will come to a business meeting in galoshes and a scarf - she didn’t have time to go home from the dacha - to change…, the negotiations are unlikely to end with a contract; the director of the construction company will come to work in a tuxedo and a bow tie, the employees will laugh (for the eyes, of course)! But if he tells them that today there is a grand premiere of the opera in the city, and he goes straight from work right there … They will immediately begin to admire him! These examples are everywhere, see for yourself!

"What goes around comes around".

"As it comes around, it will respond."

Conformity is enshrined even in our proverbs, which indicates that CONFORMITY is an integral part of our life.

In other words: to be in the System is to fully comply with it, unconditionally accepting its rules and conditions, which are invented by the people themselves (hundreds of ridiculous laws are adopted by the Duma every year!).

If you lived in Soviet times, then you will remember that that System needed high moral qualities, honesty, a strong family … AND IT WAS: education of a different level, high quality products, family values in the first place, media censorship … Today the SYSTEM changed direction and now all the old paradigms have been thrown into a landfill, and right away what? The fact that families are falling apart, degradation is in full swing, products have become weapons of mass destruction … I am not a supporter of any System. Therefore, I am talking about one thing: THE SYSTEM DICTES THE CONDITIONS, AND THE MAN MEETS THEM! That's all! SINCERITY! HONOUR! CONSCIENCE! Fitting into the System today? And what fits? PROFIT AND LIVE! The Charter of the enterprise spelled out the clause: Purpose of the activity: EXTRACTING PROFIT! You see, this is how it is understoodas having nothing to do with the USE of the society as a whole and people in particular, and therefore it is possible to make products from … to provide "air" services of housing and communal services, etc. Agree? Not?! The System does not provide a choice, therefore - YES!

Since a Man undergoes his development in two hypostases: material and spiritual, then absolutely every action manifested on the physical plane corresponds to a Spiritual component. When we say that a Man has committed a high / low deed, we mean the deed itself as a physical action, but we immediately define its Spiritual component: high - low !?

A person gets angry - the poison imperil is released in the body, rejoices - endorphins are released … And so in everything, no matter what emotion you show, your body immediately reacts physiologically and this is a scientifically proven fact.

And since negative emotions: anger, anger, envy, resentment … carry the vibrations of a low Spiritual level, then the body forms the CORRECT substances that can destroy the physical body. On the contrary, high feelings and emotions of delight, admiration, joy, cause CORRESPONDING positive changes in the body. And this goes beyond the scope of internal processes, and manifests itself even at the visible level of appearance: “What are you, Vanya, hanging your head? Didn't trouble happen? " Do you remember in fairy tales? And these phrases: “I lost my hands!”; "The Stone Hangs on the Soul"; "As if a load had been lifted off my shoulders." It is our subconsciousness that lets us know that something is wrong … Or, “It’s like my wings have grown behind my back”; “Yes, I'm jumping for happiness!”; “I flew all day!”; "It's so easy to breathe right away!" It is our subconscious that makes us understandthat there are beneficial processes in the body.

Why do good people get sick? Because they want to make the whole world good, but they do not succeed, in connection with which they experience disappointment, indignation … which affects their health. (I do not consider the diseases of the Holy People, because there is a different, higher level of development, it is not for me to talk about it!)

The conclusion that follows from this: Spiritual development is directly proportional to the physical development manifested in the actions of a Human!

Here you can also say about RESPONSIBILITY. You can often hear that you need to take responsibility for your life into your own hands, have you heard? This is not entirely true, since you never lose this responsibility. You are always responsible for everything! Everything that comes from a Human: feelings, emotions, actions, words, wishes … has his Energy (karmic) signature and returns to him. If feelings-emotions immediately cause a biochemical reaction of the body, then actions, words … their back reaction can stretch in time.

The system teaches a Man to think in fragments, not connected: “what does it have to do with the fact that I express myself stronger than any man - I have such a job, and that I am alone ?; what has it to do with the fact that I took a photo session naked 5 years ago, I have something to see, you know, and the fact that my baby needs a complicated operation ?; but what has it to do with ….

When you see a beautiful picture and suddenly … a spot / blot somewhere in the corner ?! For some reason your gaze falls on this blot and you understand that the picture is spoiled, right? If you hang it in a conspicuous place in the house (think: some kind of speck!), All your guests will see and pay attention to this very spot and say that “it's a pity that the picture is spoiled …”. So is life: THIS IS A WHOLE PICTURE AND EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU, IS REFLECTED ON ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE! And her material side as well. THE ACTION CORRESPONDS TO THESE CONSEQUENCES that occur subsequently. It is easier than karma - a complex spiritual and philosophical teaching!

By committing actions that entail consequences that harm other people, sooner or later you will receive a retaliatory blow. Even if it seems to you that the “boss”, “business owner”, etc. should be responsible. YES, of course, but you too! Everyone knows the cases when "a person's life just got better, he cheered up, got married … and BOOM … this!" Or, when: "Yes, I went there because there was nothing to do and then again … such a miracle!" And here I will again remind you of CO-NEWS, because it is it that is our karmic signature on everything that comes from us, even when a Person, following the course set by the System for deception and profit at any cost, forgets about it.

Today the word PLEASURE is popular! Enjoy life! What is it? This is what corresponds to the three lower chakras, which are responsible for our life support. Therefore, having bought a good thing, a person experiences pleasure. Having taken a bath with rose petals, one feels pleasure. And that is great! But … we must go further in our development, for Life is movement, not stagnation!

Do you remember that M. Gorky, having visited America, said that unhappy people apparently live there, because so many pleasures are created for them …

The system closes the Human on the 3 lower chakras - the SURVIVAL level, which corresponds to the spiritual part - PLEASURE! Spending himself on the physical level, Man needs Spiritual release, whatever one may say, but he has not yet turned into a robot.

That is why the work is hard (even in the office) and takes so much energy, which corresponds to a low level of Spirituality. If you look attentively at any work, you will see what qualities a Human should display while performing it. A conscientious and honest Man is forced to be silent and endure (suppress his high qualities) only in this way he can get paid for this work and stay on it … Agree? Low Spiritual qualities support the low material nature of "feeding". But they are only capable of destroying life, health … It is this kind of low-level energy that the System needs, it is it that the Egregors distribute in the future.

The next Spiritual level is HAPPINESS, it corresponds to the HEART! Such a Person will not tolerate, and having an Open Heart, he, as a rule, has much wider opportunities for his realization. The heart, by no means, is not an organ for pumping blood, it is still a receptacle for Soul and Love! Spiritual Energy, inherent in the Heart, but not used by a Man, due to the manifestation (albeit forced) of low Spiritual qualities, eventually leads a Man to Heart diseases. For what does not flow becomes a "swamp".

From the PoKon of Ages, our Ancestors Lived by Kon!

Kon is a rule, a vault, a circle of rotation. To live according to Kon means to enter harmoniously and is in the Universe, interact integrally with Its living organism (sl.).

It turns out that CORRESPONDING TO CON, you enter the circle of rotation!

The Body is controlled by the Soul, the Soul is controlled by the Spirit, and the Spirit is controlled by the Conscience. Conscience is the joint Message of the Human Soul with the Gods (Heaven, Nature …).

Having entered the KON, a Man adjusts his Life in all its manifestations. And what is LAD?

LAD is a complete COMPLIANCE with natural vibrations.

To play the guitar beautifully, you first need to tune this guitar, otherwise it will turn out anything but music, right? A seven-string guitar should sound, not out of tune, all seven strings. THIS IS UNDERSTANDED BY ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Everyone is ready to call a person stupid, who every now and then comes up to the upset guitar again and again trying to play it. But … why not adjust your own life to LIFE, leaving the SURVIVAL programs?

From an energetic point of view, all relationships between people, between themselves and with Life in general, are a constant exchange of energies. All our thoughts, feelings, emotions, reactions and other movements are continuous emissions of energy outside and receiving it from outside: from people, circumstances, natural phenomena, etc. At the material level, this corresponds to the metabolism in the body. Everyone knows that with age, this same exchange slows down, which leads to … And if the energy exchange is also disturbed, what happens then?

The system has taught people to believe in one essential detail of the Universe: the Spiritual world does not exist somewhere in an unattainable distance from our earthly Being; on the contrary, the physical world is literally woven from the Spiritual. The spiritual world is the underlying reason for the physical, they are intertwined with each other and do not exist separately, and Man is their connecting link and carrier!

The energy of people exists in order to create conditions and enjoy life …

Why is it important to provide yourself with 90% food from your own (or growing 100 km) production, clothing? Why should you use 90% of your time for yourself? To ensure that you have a vibration level that suits your place of residence. And as an ANSWER to this you get HAPPINESS! Happiness is a purely Spiritual state, it does not depend on material things, it is the level of an Open Heart! And by doing the opposite, you will unbalance yourself. You perfectly understand that these fruits and vegetables do not add health all year round, they do not charge you with energy. Their mission is to keep you on the survival program, that's all.

As a rule, the most difficult thing is to reach this level, the level of the Heart, and now the Open Heart is able to go further.

You see, the best Teacher, one might even say the Only Teacher, at that Perfect and impartial, not giving preferences, as well as wise and just, because this manifests itself naturally in him - this is NATURE (God, Higher Powers, who is closer to whom!). One observation of Nature and its phenomena can change and bring Life to a new level, and quickly enough! Man, unlike Nature, cannot teach another Man, his capabilities are limited only by indicating the direction in which to move and that's it! Therefore, reading books, communicating live with interesting people, we get from them a hint in which direction to go, for which we are grateful to them. It's like driving into a village and asking a passerby how to get to point A. If he turns out to be an old-timer, he will easily and clearly explain the route to you, and if the passer-by himself is a guest,it's better not to listen to him …

All discoveries that a Man makes are connected directly with Nature or and relate to it. To fly planes, I had to study how the wings of birds and insects are arranged. Take the modern cellular communication, the name itself speaks for itself. Nature is generous and abundant: you don’t like chamomile-smelling buttercups, you don’t like buttercups - take gladiolus … And only the Man “grabbed his teeth” for his “office” as the only nurse in the world, otherwise “starvation on the porch” - EVERYTHING! There are no options! Why?

Tell me, if you bought very good seeds, which the seller himself plants and gets a high yield of "cabbage". And you take them and throw them into the swampy soil … These are very good seeds, they should germinate well and give a good harvest ?! Accordingly, if you have not received the harvest, you will accuse the seller of deception, because there is no result promised!

And if I give you a mantra worth 10 thousand dollars, composed in a special way for the flow of money into life. You start reading it, will there be a result? Why?

Because the soil must CORRECT to the seeds and promote their growth, and the inner state of the Human must come into resonance with the received mantra, then the "cabbage" will grow and "money" will appear.

The next levels are: JOY and GOOD! At these two levels in a Human everything happens naturally and by itself, the concept of “need” dissolves without a trace, money itself looks for a way to it … Are there such people? Yes there is.

Agree, each of us, in the Soul, has its own concept of “MAN”, it sits somewhere in the depths and manifests itself at the level of an inexplicable feeling, inner understanding, when you know: THIS WAS A MAN! …, it even has people who are almost completely degraded, who, having lost the ability to literally connect four words, will say: “Mikhalych is a Man! I respect! " Surely, you can also give such examples. So, what is this concept of "MAN"? What are you putting into it? Naturally high qualities: HONOR, VALOR, COURAGE … Isn't that what we are talking about when we talk about our Spiritual development? Do we not strive for it, as for this level that was once lost in ourselves? All our notorious SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT, about which everyone shouts and strives, is it not, in SIMPLE UNDERSTANDING, a simple "BECOME HUMAN",bringing your physical and Spiritual qualities in direct CORRESPONDENCE with this concept ?! And having achieved this CONFORMITY, a Man begins to SIMPLY LIVE AND MANIFEST HIMSELF ACCORDING TO NATURE ?!

Everyone knows the concept of "EGO". What does it MEET? Yes to our "righteousness", which everyone has, which serves as a shield to justify all "good" deeds. Which turns on with half a turn: "… beautiful words … and you try as I do … there are no two children-husband, I need to feed them …" Its mechanism is banal to the point of absurdity. And the goal ?! Reason as much as you want and as you want, argue, shout, prove, BUT … ONLY DO NOT DO ANYTHING in the direction of changing your program. The Ego corresponds to the Mind, therefore, whatever information the Person receives, he will “scroll” it in the Mind, replenish his “mental reserve” and EVERYTHING! The chain is closed! Every day you see and hear on TV how smart “uncles” argue beautifully about “how to make everyone good”, only the deadline never comes for this “good”.

SURVIVAL - PLEASURE - EGO - RIGHTS - READING! It is this program that keeps people captive. But today, alas, it is outdated. The New World is sprouting, even though many still do not see them because of the tremendous inertia of sleepy existence, but they are already sprouting.

If space shows you happy, healthy, fulfilled, beautiful people, rejoice !!! MEANS YOU LEAVE THE SURVIVAL PROGRAM, YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS SEES AROUND YOURSELF A NEW WORLD, to which the chain of concepts corresponds:




Author: KUPAVA