Man And Parasite - Alternative View

Man And Parasite - Alternative View
Man And Parasite - Alternative View

Video: Man And Parasite - Alternative View

Video: Man And Parasite - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, October

Are you a part of nature or a king exalted above it? The answer to this question divides people into two fundamentally different categories: the people, which is the majority, who transforms nature and gives it new harmonious forms, and parasites, who are a minority, who do not consider themselves a part of nature, but live at its expense. How the parasite thinks: nature is a resource for all my desires and she owes me as a king, separate and independent from her. In relation to society, with its hierarchy, such a philosophy means that all the lowest in rank belong to nature, therefore they are a resource of parasites, as a part of it. And since ordinary people owe them from birth, then the fruits of human labor, being produced, are also a part of nature and therefore do not belong to them, which means they must be withdrawn. This is done by the worked out way of taxes, open and hidden,economic coercion to wage labor for only a tiny fraction of the value that a person generates (they actually pay for a few hours of working time). This is how the logic of exploitation works, and at the expense of a monstrous share of stolen labor, capital is formed from each. The disposal of this huge mass of resources stolen from society is the power of parasites, the aggregate of which is called the state. By its exploitative activity, it oppresses all living things and does not allow it to develop its potential. The disposal of this huge mass of resources stolen from society is the power of parasites, the aggregate of which is called the state. By its exploitative activity, it oppresses all living things and does not allow it to develop its potential. The disposal of this huge mass of resources stolen from society is the power of parasites, the aggregate of which is called the state. By its exploitative activity, it oppresses all living things and does not allow it to develop its potential.

How does an ordinary person look at nature, realizing that he is a part of it? He says that we are all children of nature, including parasites. Its purpose is simply to be, to improve oneself, satisfying the needs of all its living parts at the expense of labor that produces a variety of new forms. Here are the materials, says nature, and how you can use them in an interesting way - so it will be necessary. Nobody is forcing you to do something in any particular way. It all depends only on your personal initiative for development, the discovery of your own capabilities, the desire to continue living. All nature works in a united front, growing its fruits simply out of interest. The power of life in it is one and therefore can be fully manifested only on the basis of the interest of its parts, their initiative, which develops into joint actions. Your will, your needs are the will and needs of nature. In the world there is no second will for control, standing above nature and goals higher than the organic necessities of nature themselves, and whoever says otherwise is just a parasite, which is also a part of it.

Nature with all things in it was before us and will be after. Therefore, property in it is conditional, and is initially considered based on the fact of being used by a person: out of personal necessity or in the interests of society. For example, whoever personally cultivates the land is its owner, who personally uses the property is its owner, who equips the infrastructure with community resources is the owner of these resources. And even more so if a person personally works with others - then he is their friend, brother and participant in managing the fruits of common labor.

It goes without saying that the one who stole resources through exploitative machinations is not their owner, but a warehouse useless for nature, where resources will disappear with him or someday return to circulation. As for the management of the common fruits of labor, the people exercise it on the basis of self-organization, that is, figuratively speaking, all its associations arise as organs in the body according to specific vital needs and live for a common organic goal. The totality of these associations is called a power. At the same time, those opportunities and things that your friends have - you also have, that is, you can use them out of friendship when necessary. Potentially, you can be friends or cooperate with everyone around, which means that all the benefits of the world are available to you. Just act in the public interest and the world is in your hands.

As you can see, goodwill is a direct path to self-realization of nature, and compulsion is a suffocating delusion of the parasite. Any compulsion hides either he or someone's parasitic tendency. And therefore, the owner for nature is not some randomly taken parasite, but the most intelligent person who is a part of it, who knows how to find a socially useful order for everything in nature, to organize with others for this. And the scale of any person is determined precisely by how many things he finds useful for everyone. The more there are, the more a person is needed, for nature wants everything in it to be applied and everyone needed.
