Influence Of Astral Parasites On Humans - Alternative View

Influence Of Astral Parasites On Humans - Alternative View
Influence Of Astral Parasites On Humans - Alternative View

Video: Influence Of Astral Parasites On Humans - Alternative View

Video: Influence Of Astral Parasites On Humans - Alternative View
Video: This is Your Brain on Acid (Seriously) 2024, October

Not so long ago, the SA Scientific Journal published an interesting report on the sensational discovery of a group of scientists at the University of Cape Town, concerning the control of human consciousness of astral entities. These findings have been confirmed by aura research.

The research results were classified, in addition, attempts were made to remove information from already published material.

The method of the Kirlian spouses, which allows taking pictures of the aura - the field that surrounds a biological object, is already well known.

Images of such fields, obtained using the improved Kirlian method, allow observing these fields in dynamics, and they can be found in many sources. In addition, there is a large number of serious works that confirm the dynamic relationship of such a field with the psychophysiological state of a person.

Scientists at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, which included scientists with many years of experience in paranormal research and aura fixation, led by Ph. D. Ngung Tobago, have revolutionized the understanding of the meaning of these fields for humans.

Research methods developed by scientists and the invented device, for which US Patent No. US 5,253,984 B1 was issued, make it possible to register the dynamics of the aura of biological objects. Experimental research carried out allowed to make a sensational discovery for the world community.

Research has not yet been completed, however, most of them are classified, since the results of the research allow conclusions to be drawn. concerning the assessment of the characteristics of human behavior.

Despite this, some of the research results could not be hidden. At the first stages of research, a large number of people were involved in testing the methods and the device, from whom the results of the experiments could not be hidden.

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As a result of these studies, the direct connection of astral entities with man was proved.

Researchers of paranormal phenomena have repeatedly tried to fix ghosts, poltergeists and other, so-called, astral entities on photographic film. Despite the fact that some of these attempts have been very successful, mainstream science still questions the reality of such images.

A group of scientists from the University of Cape Town has proven the real possibility of obtaining such images, which is confirmed by a US patent. As a result of the application of the improved Kirlian method, they received not only a clear fixation of astral objects, but also investigated their dynamic characteristics, such as the dynamics of the radiation spectrum and their constituent fields.

As a result of the research, data were obtained that confirm the direct interaction of astral entities and the aura of a person, and also identified certain patterns of behavior of astral entities. The photographs were obtained that allow one to see how they penetrate into the human aura.

In order to ensure the purity of the experiment, and not to arouse suspicion, the pictures were taken in a laboratory disguised as a photo studio, as well as in a well-known design studio.

As a result of research, it was found that the astral fields have a variable intensity. This was originally attributed to statistical fluctuations. But more detailed studies have shown that such fluctuations are interconnected with the harmonic components of the modulated signal, and their analysis has shown that they interact with the bioelectromagnetic activity of the human brain and affect it.

Scientists managed to record the stages of "penetration" of astral entities into the human aura. At the first stages of "penetration", the internal rhythms of the astral are synchronized with the rhythms of the "victim", as a result of which the astral gains access to the aura of the "victim". After the astral penetrates into the “victim”, under its influence, the internal rhythms of the “victim” are rearranged.

As a result of complex research carried out jointly with psychologists and psychoanalysts, a clear relationship has been shown between these fluctuations and the psychophysiological reaction of people who took part in the experiments.

Despite the fact that most of the research results were classified, information that was obtained in the early stages of research leads to certain conclusions.

Astral entities can be divided into two types: "black" and "pure", the difference between which is in the intensity of the glow, in the spectral composition of the glow and in the dynamic characteristics. These entities affect people in different ways. "Black" entities are constantly trying to penetrate the human aura. "Clean" - such activity, as a rule, do not show.

The resulting relationship between the psychophysiological state of a person and the activity of "black" entities also differs from the impact of "pure" entities in the degree of impact on a person. Most often, the influence of "black" entities causes unreasonable aggression, which is not adequate to the situation.

Experiments have shown that a large number of people are under the constant influence of such entities.

A number of psychological and medical tests, the study of the reactions of people participating in the experiments to certain specially created situations, made it possible to study the stability of the psychophysiological state. The relationship between the psychophysiological state of a person and the "purity" of his aura, its susceptibility to "penetration" was proved.

In order to confirm the conclusions made, statistical studies were carried out on large groups of people consisting of representatives of various categories: from prisoners in prisons to businessmen and politicians who gathered to discuss various issues.

In order to ensure the purity of the experiments, the subjects were completely in the dark, and the researchers impersonated the interviewers. To obtain adequate behavioral responses, the questions asked were specially prepared by psychologists.

Research was also carried out at the 2002 Johannesburg Summit. The conclusion turned out to be overwhelming: "Almost all businessmen and politicians attending the summit in Johannesburg were" infected "with astral entities." Scientists were shocked by these results!

It turned out that the largest number of "black" entities partially or completely penetrated the auras of politicians and businessmen, the number of which is many times greater than the number of "infected" prisoners. Many politicians from different countries of the world of the highest rank turned out to be "infected" astrals.

Thus, as a result of statistical studies, the conclusions of scientists have been confirmed that a large number of people are constantly exposed to the "black" astrals, which control consciousness and behavior. Most often, such "sharing" is observed among politicians and businessmen.

Considering that "like attracts like", pure thoughts and feelings, love for one's neighbor is the best protection against the penetration of "black" astral entities.