Buryatia Has Its Own "Troll's Tongue" - Alternative View

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Buryatia Has Its Own "Troll's Tongue" - Alternative View
Buryatia Has Its Own "Troll's Tongue" - Alternative View

Video: Buryatia Has Its Own "Troll's Tongue" - Alternative View

Video: Buryatia Has Its Own
Video: LUCA's Alternate Ending & DELETED SCENES You Never Got To See! 2024, October

… What appeared to our eyes amazed. The stone slabs were not only perfectly flat, but also exactly the same size. We noticed a pile of "spare plates" on the side. Real construction! Yes, that's just the construction site of this hundreds, and maybe even thousands of years. And, as one of the legends says, the "cosmodrome" in the Ivolginskaya steppe was not built by people …

During our expeditions, we have repeatedly encountered phenomena that are difficult to explain. Suffice it to recall the mysterious whirlwind that soared over the Aman-Khan desert, or the appearance on the top of Bain-Khara of the "black horseman", the keeper of the places there.

However, such phenomena belong to mysticism and no one can explain them yet.

But today we are not talking about that. We will touch upon a certain artifact, which, as it seems to us, is of artificial origin. This is a mysterious stone plateau near the Tapkhar village. Some claim that this is the work of ancient people, others insist that alien civilizations were involved in the appearance of a strange site. Allegedly, this is a runway where alien spaceships could once land. That's where we headed.

"Cosmodrome" near Ivolga

What he saw exceeded all expectations. Having passed another rise, our car suddenly found itself on a large and perfectly level area, lined with even and absolutely identical plates. As if they were made at some factory!


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Walking on a huge plateau was really in a stupor. It's like we're really on an abandoned runway. Or we are walking on the stone floor of a vanished palace … We could not get rid of the strange feeling that we had touched some mystery of ancient times.

The strangest thing is that the edges of many of the slabs were clearly processed. Even neat potholes-marks were visible, along which the ancient craftsmen cut the stone.


The fact that the "Ivolga Scythians" really lived here was confirmed by the abundance of tiled graves along the edges of the plateau. However, on the plateau itself, in contrast to the burial grounds, huge slabs of several tons in weight were used. And it is simply impossible to understand how the prehistoric stonecutters managed to split them, hew them exactly and, most importantly, put them in neat rows and fit them together. It obviously needed heavy equipment, which the ancient people did not have … Or was it? After all, we know very little about the mysterious "tilers" who left behind difficult-to-explain artifacts.

A little off to the side we noticed a whole stack of "spare plates". Real construction! Yes, only this "construction" is hundreds, maybe thousands of years old. Why did the representatives of the most ancient civilization erect this site, and it remains a mystery: was it used as an observation post? Or were rituals performed here? maybe there was once a huge palace here?


However, did people do it? Indeed, as one of the legends says, the "cosmodrome" in the Ivolginskaya steppe was built by "brothers in mind" who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago. Maybe it was? Too much this "tiled floor" looked like an artificial structure … And those who claim that the plateau could be used as a "runway" are right in their own way. Even now, when most of the plates are deeply buried, a helicopter can easily land here. And in ancient times, a plane could have landed.

Genghis Khan's headquarters

The mysterious site, lined with huge stone slabs, has another name. It is popularly called the "headquarters of Genghis Khan". Allegedly, it was on this board that he pitched his tent during his campaign to the north. And below, in the valley, the invincible fogs of the Mongol commander lined up. True, there is no historical evidence that Genghis Khan's army reached the Ivolginskaya steppe. But the legend, you see, is beautiful. However, this does not answer the main question: who, after all, built the "cosmodrome"?

And it is also possible that the Huns, the ancestors of the eminent Huns, gathered here on their campaigns. The playground is just the perfect parking spot. Standing on the edge of the cliff, you can imagine that under the rocks thousands of horsemen were lined up in even rows, listening to the voice of the leader, who came out with a speech on a huge horizontal ledge - a slab hanging over the valley. By the way, this ledge is somewhat reminiscent of the famous Norwegian "Trolltunga". This is probably why in recent years the plateau has become a place for wedding ceremonies, which are held here in order to be imprinted against the background of the "language". And the ledge has repeatedly appeared in documentaries as one of the most unusual landscapes in Buryatia.


And for good reason, the place is truly amazing. Smooth slabs stretching into the distance, a majestic "rock garden", looking at which, you understand that huge cobblestones are laid out on the plateau in a certain order. Who laid them out and why? Another mystery …

There are interesting rectangular niches and pits on the flat top, bizarre rocks that resemble animals. So, for example, our attention was attracted by a stone outlier resembling a sea turtle. Even the "flippers" are clearly visible. A play of nature, of course, but an unforgettable experience.


In general, the Taphara plateau is an interesting enough place worth visiting. Or organize a tourist route there. We are more than sure that it will be very popular - we have never seen such places in Buryatia. You just need to remember that the plateau also has a sacred meaning. We found a Buddhist suburgan and shaman obo there, which suggests that cult ceremonies are held here. So you should behave in this area appropriately.

Well, our path, since we decided to devote the expedition to the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, went further - to the mysterious Altan mountain, which is in the Selenga region. The fact is that from the top of the mountain you can supposedly see geoglyphs - figured and geometric patterns. Well, just like in the famous Nazca Valley! These drawings are so large that they can only be seen from a height, and even then not always, but at certain times of the day and of the year.

Leonid Actinov
