Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna. Part 2 - Alternative View

Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna. Part 2 - Alternative View
Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna. Part 2 - Alternative View

Video: Mausoleum Of Theodoric In Ravenna. Part 2 - Alternative View
Video: The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna 2024, June

Read the beginning here.

dmitrijan: It is interesting that the stairs were added later and initially they were not provided at all.

And the trace on the roof resembles a dent from a "hot soldering iron" that accidentally fell off and touched, there are fasteners for this "soldering iron" in the ear, and a bend in the edge, as if the material was dragged by pulling somewhere. Like a trace of a hot wire on the body. But the problem is a stone. Of course, they could pull out the fasteners clumsily during casting. Then this is a manufacturing defect? Or a late patch, torn off for some reason.


Although it may be a trace of a late renovation screed when trying to patch up the hole. It's done very crookedly.

Although a strange tie, could a patch have jumped out and needed to be held? Where does the pressure come from inside for this, that it was necessary to hold this place so? Here is the question!


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mitrijan: Traces of crack repair are visible, one screed still remains, traces of others are visible above, but why could the crack potentially grow in such a structure?

It's still a roof dome, not an inflatable tire.

Why did they patch up the structure in this way? Here's the question.


dmitrijan: By the way, from the inside on the dome you can see a crack in this piece, on the left. Sealed, outside brackets and screed. What for? Didn't such a piece, even after breaking away, want to lie still, pressing itself into the dome under its own weight?

Maybe for this strange reason, the dome is not composite, not made of blocks, but one-piece?

But what could have caused such a dome to crack, and the crack to expand, that additional efforts were required to keep a piece of the dome in its place and prevent the crack from growing?

Where did the excess pressure come from inside? Question.

A strange mausoleum of some kind, with traces of excess pressure inside, just like an airlock.

And where does he come from there? Pressure, and even excessive pressure? Is that the passage environment where to equalize?

But it is said the mausoleum - it means the mausoleum!

Although in fairy tales they jumped over the wells to other worlds, to the same valley, and nothing, for these are the inventions of ancestors, frightened by the secrets of nature! So they invented all sorts of fairy tales, not like we are now, then they will smear the pen with something, then buckwheat, then the invisible hand you know who.

elektromexanik: It turns out that the structure of the arch is adapted for better stability while reducing the load from above. So that the stones do not accidentally move:


dmitrijan: It turns out that the structure "breathed" and there was a margin for it.

And for this, it must, at a minimum, be lifted or lost weight, or otherwise experience bursting loads.

elektromexanik: Then it is logical to use a solid cover.

dmitrijan: That is. the designers initially knew about the excess of internal pressure and did not hope to keep the structure intact only due to the weight of the blocks, but put “locks” and there are many of them.

It is possible that the ears are not just like that, but as fasteners for retaining elements, they are very much formed, as we would make locks on a pressure cooker or a high-pressure boiler, so that the lid does not break off.

Surely the upper planes of the ears have traces of such fasteners.

Moreover, we ourselves make similar structures, where one of the chambers is vented or has a supply, for example, of gas, so that they can then close the lock.

Like a high pressure accumulator.


pro_vladimir: If you look here, what abrasions are visible on the ears.

dmitrijan: There was clearly something on the vertical end face of the ears.


pro_vladimir: And what's funny. All these images are in the “hall of the zodiac”.


dmitrijan: What a stormy life at the mausoleum!

Fire breaks out from the back room.

pro_vladimir: They write that they don't know what kind of fire it is. Throw themselves into symbolism. Who drew and when, they also do not know.

dmitrijan: For symbolism, the movement is no worse than our station, or any other exit, for example, from a bunker.


There is a window on the left without a lattice, apparently torn out, and the fasteners are sticking out. Strong grate! What kind of pigeons are they, since they put such grates?

Again, there are pneumatic lifts and other mechanisms that require such elements, and they look similar even in our time. Is that the material of manufacture is slightly different.

Yes, and the mausoleum can be an abbreviation for a thread of the Moors, the elevator zone, or something similar, how many abbreviations we have of a similar orientation?

pro_vladimir: The type is credited with the authorship of the entire architecture. Although the frescoes are already in ruins.

dmitrijan: Well, the inscription Vasya was here also indicates Vasya's authorship. However, there is a nuance!


It looks like either a button or a guide.


And "loopholes" remain with us when the external elements are uprooted from the case.

Especially flanged pipes.

Especially used for self-sealing joints.

In principle, a lot of anything can be made from modern boilers and tanks.

Diogenes, they say, even lived in a barrel, which is not a solution to the housing problem.

elektromexanik: Well, a round object with a lid …

dmitrijan: Well, yes, there would be a barrel!

If the people of the underground see how miners descend from the sky to them, there will be a lot of impressions.


dmitrijan: Strange smudges, or maybe it followed what? And different stones are used. Hardly for the surprise of posterity.

A lot of oddities for some mausoleum.


dmitrijan: Some kind of fasteners stick out on the walls, hardly just like that.

And there are a lot of crosses in places. And the neighboring structures - walls and turrets are made of bricks.

And the people believe that they were casting because they could not make bricks. So they should give the bags to haul, and before that they still sew. And then to argue as it is just a lot of many.

Commercials and will write about us that they built monolithic houses, because they lost the technology of making bricks!

And yet we have run wild and cannot count on the accounts !!!


Author: Vladimir Mamzerev