The Theory Of The "cold" Sun. Our Star As An Inhabited Planet - Alternative View

The Theory Of The "cold" Sun. Our Star As An Inhabited Planet - Alternative View
The Theory Of The "cold" Sun. Our Star As An Inhabited Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The "cold" Sun. Our Star As An Inhabited Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The
Video: The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Newest Edition】 2024, June

In the minds of an ordinary modern person, there is a number of unshakable truths that stand in his way like monoliths and never give in to doubt. One of them is knowledge about the sun, our only star, the source of light and heat, thanks to which life exists on Earth.

The traditional "anatomy" of the Sun looks something like this:


Scientists have calculated the average temperature of the star - from 5,500 degrees Celsius to 15 million degrees Kelvin. But there are skeptics among them who argue that these data do not correspond to the truth: the real temperature of the Sun remains unknown, since no one has been able to measure this indicator in the immediate vicinity of the star.

Moreover, during solar flares, space equipment has repeatedly recorded the outbursts of cold matter that preceded the outbursts of plasma (which does not agree well with the current theory - speaking figuratively, it does not climb into any gate). For this and other reasons, some physicists are sure that the sun is actually cold.

This theory is at least 450 years old. It was then that Johannes Kepler believed that "the stars are frozen into a fixed solid of ice." Continuing this idea, the famous astronomer V. Herschel wrote in 1795 that “the Sun itself is a cold, solid, dark body surrounded by two cloudy layers, the outermost of which, the photosphere, is extremely hot and bright. The inner layer of clouds, as a kind of shield, protects the central core from heat."

In 1937, engineer Isaiah Araujo Serpos published his work entitled "The Electromagnetic Theory of the Cold Sun: Analysis of the New Structure of the Universe", in which he loudly declared: our star is actually the same planet as all the others, only very large, and on it some biological forms can live. The engineer came to the conclusion that sunlight is not thermonuclear, but electromagnetic in nature, and our planet "heats" itself, retaining heat thanks to the atmosphere.


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02:47 The theory of the "cold" Sun. Our star as an inhabited planet

In the minds of an ordinary modern person, there is a number of unshakable truths that stand in his way like monoliths and never give in to doubt. One of them is knowledge about the sun, our only star, the source of light and heat, thanks to which life exists on Earth.

The traditional "anatomy" of the Sun looks something like this:

Scientists have calculated the average temperature of the star - from 5,500 degrees Celsius to 15 million degrees Kelvin. But there are skeptics among them who argue that these data do not correspond to the truth: the real temperature of the Sun remains unknown, since no one has been able to measure this indicator in the immediate vicinity of the star.

Moreover, during solar flares, space equipment has repeatedly recorded the outbursts of cold matter that preceded the outbursts of plasma (which does not agree well with the current theory - speaking figuratively, it does not climb into any gate). For this and other reasons, some physicists are sure that the sun is actually cold.

This theory is at least 450 years old. It was then that Johannes Kepler believed that "the stars are frozen into a fixed solid of ice." Continuing this idea, the famous astronomer V. Herschel wrote in 1795 that “the Sun itself is a cold, solid, dark body surrounded by two cloudy layers, the outermost of which, the photosphere, is extremely hot and bright. The inner layer of clouds, as a kind of shield, protects the central core from heat."

In 1937, engineer Isaiah Araujo Serpos published his work entitled "The Electromagnetic Theory of the Cold Sun: Analysis of the New Structure of the Universe", in which he loudly declared: our star is actually the same planet as all the others, only very large, and on it some biological forms can live. The engineer came to the conclusion that sunlight is not thermonuclear, but electromagnetic in nature, and our planet "heats" itself, retaining heat thanks to the atmosphere.

Our contemporary Jonathan Cohain, professor of physics and astronomy, a specialist in cosmic energies, has repeatedly stated that official science is manipulating us and hiding the truth about the Sun, which in reality is not so hot.

He confirms his theory with a simple example: when a spacecraft reaches the uppermost layers of the atmosphere, astronauts see that these layers are completely dark, that is, they are not illuminated from the outside. Cohain also writes that there is a magnetic field between the Sun and the Earth, which, given the super-high temperatures of the star, would be impossible.

And this scientist is not alone. In 2015, Russian scientist Yuri Badin published a very interesting illustrated book “The Sun is a Cold Body with a Hot Photosphere. The mechanism of gravity ", where he suggested a" refrigerator "inside our star.

There are many similar statements. And people who come up with bold ideas are confident that they are right. Some inquisitive minds fantasize that the Sun has its own intelligent life, others believe that our star is a portal to another universe or another dimension.

Either way, attempts to restore justice are constantly being made. But in the case of the Sun, it is very difficult and very expensive to test them in practice. Hence, a large number of all kinds of theories that revolve around the truth, like a round dance of aborigines around a fire - without touching the flame.

Author: Elena Muravyov
