It Looks Like There Are Clouds Behind The Sun! - Alternative View

It Looks Like There Are Clouds Behind The Sun! - Alternative View
It Looks Like There Are Clouds Behind The Sun! - Alternative View

Video: It Looks Like There Are Clouds Behind The Sun! - Alternative View

Video: It Looks Like There Are Clouds Behind The Sun! - Alternative View
Video: Why Are There Clouds? 2024, June

As we have already drawn the attention of our readers, a few months ago an amazing “artifact” appeared in the network of webcams installed around the globe, which wanders from camera to camera.

At first, there were 2-3 such “broken cameras”, then 20-30, but today the number of “artifacts” is off scale, exceeding all conceivable limits:

Nisyros - Dodecanese




There are not just a lot of such “artifacts”, but a lot. Sometimes they are dark spots, sometimes “artifacts” look like luminous objects like a second Sun or Moon, such as, for example, a strange object filmed with one of the Polynesian cameras:

Promotional video:

Other cameras used in the video: camera 1, camera 2, camera 3.

To explain such phenomena, various versions have been and are being proposed, for example - shadow on the camera, dirt on the lens, and so on. And this really takes place:


However, if you observe this spot from the camera, you can clearly see that this is a shadow from some small defocused object - the spot is very mobile, like any spot on the landscape. At the same time, the spots against the sky do not move.

In addition, if we assume that fixed spots in the image are not shadows, but dirt, then, according to the theory of probability, dirt should fall on the lens evenly, covering either a section of the sky or a section of the landscape. Moreover, according to the same theory of probability, more artifacts should appear on the landscape, since its area is larger - after all, the camera looks at the landscape, and not at the sky.

Nevertheless, the study of cameras turns the statistics upside down: for several hundred cameras there are only 1-2 where some spots are observed on the landscape, while dozens of cameras show “artifacts” on the strip of the sky entering the camera. How can this be explained? How do you explain when the “dirt on the lens” looks brighter than the atmosphere and forms the correct light circles?

Let's not get hung up on cameras, let's move on to the next source of information: very curious footage of the solar eclipse on July 2, taken in South America:

The author threatens to remove the video, therefore, just in case, we make the most important screenshots from the video, in which a strange round shadow suddenly appears on its background during digital filtering of the Sun's brightness:


As everyone understands, this does not look like the Moon, since the angular size of the Moon is approximately equal to the angular size of the Sun. But what is it then? Halo?

In general, the topic of Nibiru is very complex at the moment. When you look through the window, it is not visible, so it is not easy to convince someone that Nibiru exists: explanations about “halo”, about “glare”, ridicule of the theorists of the Flat Earth and so on will immediately begin.

Therefore, to break this vicious circle, the NB TV - Nate Skywatcher team took a telescope with 1000x magnification and pointed it towards the Sun at sunset. The result of the experimenters shocked: how much can you believe your eyes - there are some clouds behind the Sun:


Now we do not even know how to explain such a wonderful phenomenon, but we follow with interest the course of the discussion and, in general, the development of events. Perhaps NB TV - Nate Skywatcher are absolutely right and we live in the Last Times, when, at least in people's heads, the world familiar to them from childhood is blown to pieces.