The Mechanism Of Rotation Of Planets And Stars. Facts That Astrophysicists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

The Mechanism Of Rotation Of Planets And Stars. Facts That Astrophysicists Cannot Explain - Alternative View
The Mechanism Of Rotation Of Planets And Stars. Facts That Astrophysicists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: The Mechanism Of Rotation Of Planets And Stars. Facts That Astrophysicists Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: The Mechanism Of Rotation Of Planets And Stars. Facts That Astrophysicists Cannot Explain - Alternative View
Video: Gravity Visualized 2024, July

Such is the child's question: why do planets and stars rotate? But who will tell and describe in detail the mechanism itself? In astronomy, there are only assumptions:


The explanation is vague: the inertia of the initial spin of protoplanets or gas masses of future stars, which turned into the rotation of the planets themselves. And due to what did these protoplanetary masses unwind? Like an electric motor? Repulsion of electromagnetic fields in plasma masses? How did this synchronism of fields and dipole orientation come about? And is electromagnetism capable of rotating protoplanets on the scale of planetary systems? A new answer or an attempt to answer something on these questions raises new questions.

There are oddities in the solar system. There are many of them. And the hypothesis of the formation of planets from a proto-cloud does not explain these oddities:


Why does Venus rotate in the opposite direction? It is similar in size to the earth, but a day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days. Those. rotates very slowly around its axis. There is practically no magnetic field. In opposition (maximum approach) with the Earth, it is always turned towards us with one side.

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Why does Uranus lie on its side? Its axis of rotation is directed along the plane of the ecliptic (the plane in which the orbits of the planets of the solar system lie). In 2033, the Earths Uranus and the Sun will line up in one line. There is a version that such a position (with the axis towards us) can affect the Earth. How - below in the article.


The rotation of the giant planets is very fast for their size and mass. Even if their gas shell rotates. It's also strange.


The sun also revolves. And what promoted him? This also happened during the initial unwinding of the gas nebula? Why is there such a desynchronization of the circular motion of matter on the surface of the Sun, depending on latitude? Such powerful reactions and processes are going on in our star that there can be no question of any inertial residual effect. There, magnetic fields can stop any movement of matter on the surface. Or arrange the movement of the plasma in accordance with its lines of force.

How can all this be explained by the hypothesis of the formation of planets from a proto-cloud? Not at all, except for an explanation that something affected Venus and Uranus: a rapprochement with another star, the fall of asteroids already during the existence of the planets themselves. But for some reason, this did not affect the other planets of the system. Possibly influenced Phaeton (asteroid belt).


What destroyed the planet between Mars and Jupiter? Or was the planet unable to form there? But it is not dust and gas that flies there, but large debris - this is the asteroid belt. They call him that.

Another interesting fact:

The Earth's rotation is slowing down. What is the reason? There is no friction in Space. Are the falling meteorites and fireballs slowing down? Why not assume that they, on the contrary, spin the Earth if they fall in the direction of the planet's rotation? They transfer their kinetic energy somewhere. The energy of the fall goes not only into heat.

The magnetic field of the planets is generally a mystery to astronomy. The main traditional explanation: convection movements in certain layers of the mantle or magnetization of the metal core.

But what if everything is much easier! The rotation of cosmic bodies occurs due to a mechanism that we do not want to include in the field of study by sciences? Rather, he was thrown out of science and recognized as a pseudoscience. Guess what I mean? Yes, about ether dynamics.

According to these representations of the ether, the sun is a huge funnel that absorbs, transforms and emits light energy in a different spectrum and different elementary particles. Compare the true rotation (movement) of the planets of the solar system:

With the magnetic field of the Sun:


Here comes the funnel. Perhaps the magnetic field of the Sun is a kind of manifestation of a huge aetheric rotation.

Whereas the planets themselves are secondary funnels around the star itself.


I found only the most suitable pictures for the model. A funnel from the ether creates gravity. Only its flow enters approximately evenly over the entire surface of the planet. Pictures are a kind of simplified visualization. And this etheric funnel leads to the rotation of the planet, twists it. Like this:

It can be compared to a whirlpool. Some thoughts are in this video:

But any impact on the flow of ether can speed up or slow down. And this will lead to inertial shifts in the planet's crust. This is me for the fact of the opposition of Uranus with the Earth and the Sun on 2033-23-06 as the cause of lithospheric and hydrospheric disasters in the past (global extinctions of animals like the Permian). It turns out that such meetings are regular like clockwork.

I propose to consider this information simply as an outline to explain the mechanism of rotation of stars and planets. For something this material does not pull, tk. each topic has to be worked on for years. And I write on one topic, then on another. But I think that this also has a plus: to show on a large scale that not everything is clear and unambiguous in history, in geology, and even in astrophysics.

Author: sibved
