Classification Of Possible Life Forms In Space - Alternative View

Classification Of Possible Life Forms In Space - Alternative View
Classification Of Possible Life Forms In Space - Alternative View

Video: Classification Of Possible Life Forms In Space - Alternative View

Video: Classification Of Possible Life Forms In Space - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, July

In 1975 he said: “In the infinite space of space, there can be many civilizations, among which there may be more intelligent and more perfect than ours. I am a supporter of the cosmic hypothesis, according to which the expansion of the universe in accordance with the basic data occurs an infinite number of times. In the book of the Universe, on the pages of the past and the future, other civilizations, including more perfect ones, are imprinted countless times …"

Currently, in the public and scientific consciousness of the leading countries of the world, especially in the United States and earlier in the USSR, actively engaged in space research, the UFO problem has gradually become linked with efforts to establish contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence, other possible space civilizations in our Galaxy or in the surrounding us The universe. Recently, radio astronomy observations have made it possible to capture a very distant source of radio emission. The distance to it is determined at 13 billion light years, i.e. it is 3 billion times farther from the closest star to Earth.

The very fact of a person's emergence into outer space, manned flights to the Moon, extensive exploration of planets and the entire solar system, unmanned space vehicles once again sharply raised in the minds of the inhabitants of our planet an unsolvable question since time immemorial whether we are the only beings of reason in the Universe or we are surrounded by many worlds with a wide variety of forms of higher mental activity. In 1961 a separate book was published, and in 1965 it was published in Russian under the title "Interstellar Communication". Professor Huang Tanyang of the Department of Space Physics of Wuhan University is seriously analyzing the "cosmic" relationship between man and the sky. The leadership of NASA (USA) announced that since 1992 it has been carrying out a ten-year search program for extraterrestrial civilizations. To carry out work,under the program, it is planned to spend one hundred million dollars.

The works of the Belgian, Russian by origin, physicist Prigogine make it possible to understand the physical processes that lead to the appearance of complex structures in space on principles different from those of terrestrial protein-nucleic acid, and the American physicist R. Universe gave the following classification of possible forms of life in space. So:

plasmoids - creatures in stellar atmospheres, formed due to magnetic forces associated with groups of mobile electric charges; ridiobes - live in interstellar clouds, are complex aggregates of atoms in a state of excitation;

lava - organized structures of silicon that live in lakes of molten lava on very mountainous planets;

Hydrobes are amoeba-like forms floating in liquid metal and extracting energy from the transformation of orthohydrogen into parahydrogen;

thermophages are a type of space life that extracts energy from the temperature gradient in the atmosphere or oceans of the planet.

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It should be noted that, considering the issue of different creatures in the Universe, we often cannot imagine them completely different from us. But we know so little about intelligent cosmic life and the regularity of the appearance of living matter, and therefore let us pay tribute to K. E. Tsiolkovsky, who believed: “Nobody saw atoms, but they certainly are. There are also solid grounds for complete confidence in the existence of countless cadres of celestial inhabitants."

An interesting modern Western hypothesis, which is based on the work of many ufologists in the world, about the existence of a single information field of the Earth, containing a record of the entire history of the planet. Soviet scientists A. V. Nalimov, Z. A. Drogalina in the work "Probable model of the unconscious", published in 1984, develop this hypothesis. Note that our thoughts after the physical death of the body fall into the space, which Academician V. I. Vernadsky designated as the noosphere. And if so, then immortality is not a metaphor, but the eternity of the soul. The mind of the earth, according to many ufologists, is the so-called golden sphere of eternity. It seems that modern science is gradually rising to the level of prehistoric views of mankind, given to him by the cosmic mind during paleocontacts.

There are many examples of the appeal of earthlings to other civilizations, possibly to cosmic Reason. Let's turn to the facts. The Patriarch of American Astronomy F. Drake sent a whole message into space with the help of the world's largest radio telescope (antenna diameter of three hundred meters). It contains a huge amount of information about the chemical structure of earthly life, about humanity in general.

The first message was sent in 1974 and has been repeated annually since then. There is no answer yet.

Another method of addressing extraterrestrial civilizations resembles an old bottle mail. In space, a spacecraft is used instead of a bottle. In 1972-1973, two American Pioneer stations were launched, which, after reconnaissance of Saturn and Jupiter, should begin an endless journey in the Universe. Scientists of the United States K. Sagan and F. Drake, being supporters of the formed scientific direction, the purpose of which is to search for an extraterrestrial civilization, compiled a drawing on a special plate - a message where they depicted the position of the Sun and the Galaxy, a diagram of the solar system, a spaceship, a man and a woman. In 1977, two American Voyagers were launched to distant planets. To the hull of each ship, K. Sagan and F. Drake attached a container with a gilded gramophone record.

The most conservative estimates promise that the super-strong shell and plate can exist for about a billion years. What can the inhabitants of the cosmic ocean hear? It will be the music of Bach, Beethoven, Stravinsky, folk melodies from all over the world. The former USSR is represented by Azerbaijani bagpipe music and Georgian choir singing. In addition, the music library contains the voices of people, the cries of animals, the howl of the wind. The container contains one hundred and sixteen photographs of the earth's landscape, landscapes, paintings, revealing various types of human activity. It was decided not to include the image of wars and any manifestations of injustice, oppression - this could be perceived as a threat, not a greeting.

The first people on the Earth, the astronauts of the United States, who visited the moon, left a plate on its surface with the inscription: "We arrived in peace from all mankind." The text of the appeal is compiled in seventy-four languages of the peoples of the world. It contains the following words: "As the Secretary General of the UN, consisting of one hundred and forty-seven states, which represent almost all of humanity on planet Earth, I send greetings from the population of our planet."

For the past two decades, we Earthlings have persistently sent radio signals to “everyone” in the Galaxy. Members of the Odessa UFO Initiative Group have developed a text of an appeal to aliens, which will be used in meditation: “We, a group of people, with faith in goodness, are now looking forward to meeting you, brothers of the Higher Mind. We hope that it will help moral purification, the improvement of man and society, help to improve the nature and life on planet Earth."

Employees of the Ukrainian Radio Astronomy Observatory in Yevpatoria, together with American scientists, sent a coded message addressed to our distant neighbors in space. The transmission of digital information about the Earth using a 72-meter radio telescope in the direction of four star systems similar to our solar one will reach possible civilizations of other worlds no earlier than 2050. From Evpatoria, 45 thousand private messages have been added to the message of scientists.

It is pertinent to note that in 1999 alone, astronomers of the world received 30 strange signals from space. The largest ufological centers in the world are working on solving them.