Was Akhenaten The Alien King Of Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View

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Was Akhenaten The Alien King Of Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View
Was Akhenaten The Alien King Of Ancient Egypt? - Alternative View

Many experts have been theorizing for many years that Ancient Egypt and its history are shrouded in great mystery. From its imposing architectural structures to mythology, there were dozens of questions that Egyptologists were unable to answer.

Now a new version: the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were genetically engineered by alien beings. Could this be the last connection with the "gods"? The main focus is on King Akhenaten and his strange appearance.

Evidence of human hybridization by aliens in ancient Egypt

According to new research, which is the result of seven years of studying and mapping the genomes of nine pharaohs of Egypt, it can be concluded that these ancient rulers are surrounded by great secrets. Some researchers even believe that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs may have a connection with other worlds, imprinted in their DNA. Despite the fact that Akhenaten's mummy has not yet been found (at least officially), many argue that the strange appearance of this pharaoh indicates a completely mysterious origin, which, as many assure, may refer to extraterrestrial gods.


In 1352 BC. Akhenaten ascended the throne as the tenth pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty. Almost immediately, he introduced a number of fairly radical religious changes, including a ban on the worship of multiple gods. He abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism and introduced the worship of Aten, a disk-shaped object.

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People not from Earth?

Many experts have concluded that modern humans do not come from Earth at all. One of the brightest among these experts is the American ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver, who presented a book called People Not From Earth. The ecologist claims that humans cannot be native to Earth and could have come from other planets. Silver makes arguments based on human physiology, suggesting that we did not evolve along with other life forms on the planet, but came from other parts of the universe, brought here by extraterrestrial beings tens of thousands of years ago.


Silver believes that some of the chronic diseases that plague the human race, such as back pain, could be an important signal that humans have evolved in a different ecosystem. Silver also mentions other unique human traits, such as the fact that babies have relatively large heads, which is why women have trouble giving birth. In the past, this has often been fatal to the mother, child, or both.

Akhenaten, possibly an alien pharaoh

To support this, the researchers focused on various medical abnormalities to explain Akhenaten's physical appearance. Among them are the strange Frohlich syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome or Marfan syndrome. But the truth is, experts cannot agree. Unconventional thinking suggests that Akhenaten may in fact have been the result of extraterrestrial interference and that his mysterious appearance and way of running Egypt are undoubtedly signs that may indicate a connection to another world.


So is it possible that Akhenaten's mummy remained hidden as it is evidence of extraterrestrial contact? Although the bodies of many pharaohs and their family members were almost perfectly preserved, Akhenaten's mummy was never found. Many people think that scientists "failed" to find the mummy of this king, as this would completely rewrite the history and origins of humanity and Ancient Egypt as we know it.