Anti-speech And Dying Freedom Of Speech - Alternative View

Anti-speech And Dying Freedom Of Speech - Alternative View
Anti-speech And Dying Freedom Of Speech - Alternative View

Video: Anti-speech And Dying Freedom Of Speech - Alternative View

Video: Anti-speech And Dying Freedom Of Speech - Alternative View
Video: Noam Chomsky - Freedom of Speech for Views You Don't Like 2024, October

Today, questions of political correctness are looming over society more than ever, shaping its consciousness. It all starts with the prohibition of words and expressions, which until recently were pronounced without fear. Then the ban spills over to actions, to the composition of society itself and its individual cells. Which words are most forbidden in the West and under what pretexts?


For the pronunciation of this word in relation to the black population, it is punishable not only by fines, but also by arrest. For example, in New York were arrested schoolgirls had a fight with a girl, and called her a nigger Nigeria - 10-year-old was fined, and 11-year-old opened a criminal case … it will cause irreparable damage to their reputation and that of their parents. But just half a century ago in America it was written on every step - only for whites, Nigeria is prohibited ….


Considering that there are more than a million migrants in New York, it turns out that there are migrants, but there is no word for them.


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So, drunk in a bar and making anti-Semitic speeches, the world famous fashion designer John Galliano had, by law, to get off with only a fine, but the public is not limited by a fine - everyone around Galliano got angry - he was immediately dismissed from his post, everyone who turned away from him previously admired him, he experienced all the horror of the fall …


So, at the University of New Hampshire, the word "American" is forbidden to be used and "US citizen" is recommended, because it can offend those who are not American, and the words "motherhood" and "fatherhood" are also prohibited for pronunciation in society. because the power of LGBT gay rights activists is growing and multiplying at the speed of light.


It is unclear how they still have Black Friday …


And also the expression "this exam got me fucked up" is also forbidden. it can offend victims of sexual assault …


From now on, Goldman Sachs will only accompany the IPO of those startups whose board of directors includes women, representatives of non-white races and persons of non-traditional sexual orientation.


Previously, in order to become the host of this ceremony, the actors lined up. Today the ceremony has to be carried out without any hosts at all, because there are so many failures that there is no one to lead it. And all due to the fact that every time a statuette is handed over to a white person, or a person of traditional orientation, or a man (or all together, even worse), scandals arise on the basis of the infringement of women, blacks, sexual minorities, etc.


But as soon as he said that it would be good to evaluate films at the Oscars by quality, and not by the cast, he was immediately trampled … On his Twitter, he said that "I never considered 'diversity' in matters of art, only quality." King was hastily shamed by feminists, LGBT activists and representatives of colored minorities, and his trick was condemned by newspapers and TV channels.


An active minority, advocating universal equality, body positivity and the rights of transgender people to advertise lingerie, spoke out against them, and they listened to them so much that the show was completely closed … th size. They will have to sew large panties, and what are the costs for rhinestones and feathers …


The “word of the year” chosen by the German Language Society in Wiesbaden refers to the most significant event of this historical period, regardless of its political or ideological content. Among them there are words that are truly amazing to our ears.

For example, it is forbidden to say:

Ausländerfrei - "free from foreigners" (1991).

Ethnische Säuberung - Ethnic Cleansing (1992).

Überfremdung - "oversaturation with strangers" (1993).

National befreite Zone - "national liberated zone" (2000).

Kreuzzug - "Crusade" (as US President Bush originally called the US war on terrorism)

In 1999, it was the word "millennium", marking the transition into the new millennium, in 2001 - "September 11", a date referring to the terrorist attack in the United States.

Rentnerschwemme - "influx of pensioners" or "place of mass bathing of pensioners" (1996) - the expression contains signs of "age chauvinism", proposing to consider the growth in the number of pensioners as a threat. So if you have a place where pensioners and Germans gather, be careful not to mention the meeting of pensioners …

And the word of 2018 - "Anti-Abschiebe-Industrie" - this neologism can be roughly translated as "anti-deportation industry." This refers to the activities of lawyers and their initiatives, which purposefully explain to migrants how to avoid or postpone deportation.

And quite as expected - in 2019, Anti-Climate Hysteria became the anti-word in Germany. This expression discredits the efforts of those who fight for the ecology of the planet and draws attention to climate change …


Today, Germany has some of the toughest laws in all of Europe that limit freedom of speech. Here are real prison sentences for denying the Holocaust (or doubts about its scale), and criminal cases regularly initiated due to politically incorrect posts on social networks.

However, all the same can be said about many European countries - France, Sweden. Austria, etc.


Today it is very careful, and it is better only in your own kitchen, to discuss - migrants, the Holocaust, the climate, rape.

Thus, the first victim of the new law, which took effect on January 1, 2018, was Beatrix von Storck, a member of the Alternative for Germany party. She wrote on Twitter a couple of unkind words about the Cologne police, who allowed "mass rapes by barbarian Muslim hordes on New Year's Eve." Her account was immediately blocked, and she herself went through many condemnatory statements against her, as well as problems with work and membership in the party. There is rape, but there is no such word …


“It’s terribly annoying that today you have to think about every word in advance, because you can be criticized for it,” complains the elderly preacher and human rights activist Theo Lehmann, who has lived most of his life in the GDR. - It hurts free discussion, it instills incredible fear in society. No one dares to speak frankly so as not to fall out of the mainstream. Otherwise you will be called a Nazi and a fascist without any discussion."


For example, in 2016, 63% of young Americans said they feel friendly and comfortable among gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, and other sex variations of humans. In 2017, there were 53% of these, and at the end of 2018 - only 45% of those surveyed.

And in 2019, the first application was filed to hold a heterosexual parade - Heterosexual pride (named after gay pride parades). Of course, this gave rise to a lot of controversy and indignation, and it is not a fact that such a parade will take place, but a certain trend has already emerged …
