Third Reich In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

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Third Reich In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View
Third Reich In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: Third Reich In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: Third Reich In Search Of The Holy Grail - Alternative View
Video: Hugo Boss' Secret Nazi History | Fashion At War | M2M Exclusive Documentary 2024, June

Hitler sincerely believed in higher powers. Moreover, he was sure that he, the Fuhrer of great Germany, these forces are simply obliged to help in establishing a new order and reorganizing the world according to his personal plan. Another thing is that in order to attract transcendental entities to our side, it was necessary to collect certain Christian shrines in one place. in particular, the spear of Destiny and the Holy Grail.

Why does the Fuehrer need Austria?

With the spear, everything turned out to be quite simple. It was kept in the Vienna Museum, and all that remained to be done was to seize Austria. This is what the Fuhrer did in the first place when he came to power. If at that time it was possible, as it is now, to accurately estimate the time of manufacture of the artifact, then Hitler most likely would not have thought of breaking into the Vienna Museum and picking up a spear from there, which was made (as it turned out only in 2003) in VII century. That is, it is quite old, but clearly 700 years younger than Jesus, and therefore could not be the instrument of his murder.


But, as we have already said, Hitler did not know this and therefore ordered to transport the spear to Germany, and gave his subordinates a new task: to find the Holy Grail.

And again, if the former corporal had carefully read, even if not history books, but at least historical novels, he would have known that, firstly, the sacred cup, into which the blood of Christ was collected, is the same age as the Vienna spear. And secondly, the task that he gave to his comrades-in-arms was tried long before them by dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of people who were smart enough, competent, financially secure and not bound by moral restrictions. And none of them succeeded.

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Search start

No museum in the world has admitted to owning such an artifact. Medieval legends told about the Grail rather vaguely, obviously in order to completely confuse the seekers of the treasure. And most importantly, no one has ever seen the Grail in the eyes, and therefore there were only approximate descriptions of how this bowl looks.

But once the Fuehrer ordered - it must be carried out, and a powerful German machine spun in search of that, I don't know what.

Responsibility for the search for the Grail was assigned to the Reich Minister of the Interior of Germany, Heinrich Himmler. The latter, at the suggestion of his Fuhrer, in addition to his direct duties, was engaged in the most hopeless affairs: he created a race of supermen, was looking for Shambhala, Atlantis, and now the Grail. But like any disciplined administrator, Himmler replied, "Jawohi, mein Fuhrer"! - and entrusted this task to his subordinates, in particular, to the institute "Ahnenerbe" specially created for such matters, recommending its employees not to be ashamed of expenses.

High in the mountains

Employees in the person of Professor Otto Kluse and his assistants carefully studied all the available archives, and came to the following conclusion: if the Grail was found by one of the knights-crusaders, then it is most likely hidden in Europe. The assumption that the Grail is stored somewhere in Germany was immediately rejected - Germany had already been studied far and wide. England was also excluded - if the British took possession of such an artifact, they would trumpet the whole world about it. If the Grail were in France, then after the French Revolution it would surely have surfaced. That is why Italy and Spain, more precisely, the hard-to-reach places of the Alps and Pyrenees, have become the main search area for relics in Europe.

Special SS teams, disguised as tourists, combed the rocks day and night, scrupulously explored existing and abandoned temples and monasteries, and any places where the crusaders have ever visited or Christian communities lived. In fairness, it should be noted that the Nazi search engines did not dig holes in the territory of monasteries and did not break the walls of churches, but only carefully examined them for the presence of hiding places. This was facilitated by the authoritative statement of Professor Cluse, regarding the fact that the Grail, since it is a shrine, cannot be buried in the ground like a simple treasure, but must be kept, as befits a shrine, in a place of honor.

Secrets of the Cathars

In addition to Christian communities, the Nazis even more carefully studied the places where, according to legend, representatives of one of the largest heretical sects, the Cathars, were hiding.

Cathars appeared in the XII century, and were distinguished by the fact that they completely denied all Christian attributes - crosses, icons, as well as the existence of heaven, hell and the Last Judgment. They developed their own rituals and symbols, in the center of which, in particular, the Holy Grail was present. Why? Because the church does not officially recognize the Grail as a sacred relic. That is why the Grail has become a symbol of the organized heretical movement of Western Christianity, in particular, the same Cathars.

The conditional capital of the Cathars was the Montsegur castle, located in the spurs of the Pyrenees. The castle (more precisely, what remained of it after the siege by the papal troops in the 13th century), as well as the surrounding mountains, were studied with truly Germanic pedantry. The search engines found a lot of interesting things there, in particular, caves littered with stones, where traces of the Neanderthals' life are still preserved, and on the walls there were secret signs made by exterminated Cathars, and even the symbols of the Templar Order! It seemed that the search from day to day will be crowned with success, but the Grail slipped away. But now the German military has the most detailed maps of the Alps and Pyrenees.

Trap for Otto Rahn

In the history of the search for the relic, the name of Otto Rahn is repeatedly heard - a fanatical explorer, the real German "Indiana Jones", who fervently believed in the existence of the Holy Grail and set his goal to find it at all costs. Otto Rahn even joined the SS just to be free to search for him. He personally climbed up and down the ruins of Montsegur castle and dozens of other places. When the search was unsuccessful, Ran tried to quit the SS, but this was not an organization that could have been abandoned so easily. Not only was he not fired, but he was persistently recommended to work as an overseer in one of the concentration camps. Otto Rahn realized he was trapped and committed suicide.

And then the Second World War began, which seriously expanded the search area. Now special teams, without embarrassment, ransacked the archives and monasteries of the conquered states. Poland and the Balkan countries were literally shaken out and turned inside out - the Fuhrer was preparing for a big march to the East, and he badly needed the Grail. But, as we understand, these searches were unsuccessful.