Forgotten Essence Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Forgotten Essence Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View
Forgotten Essence Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Essence Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View

Video: Forgotten Essence Of Russian Fairy Tales - Alternative View
Video: Alice in Wonderland - Tales and Stories for Children - Russian Fairy Tales - Cartoon 2024, October

“The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! The one who cognizes is the lesson."

To understand the ancient tales and the meaning inherent in them, it is necessary to abandon the modern worldview and look at the world through the eyes of people who lived in ancient times, when the tales themselves appeared. The keys to attunement to ancient perception are the unchanging figurative roots of a particular tale. For example, animals are the name of the palaces on the Svarog Circle, but when they help, it must be perceived as the help of ancestors, a totem animal.

As they write in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the first Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Lelya, one of the three Moons revolving around Midgard-Earth at that time.

Here is how ancient sources say about this event:

In memory of the salvation from the Flood and the Great Migration of the Great Race Clans in the 16th year, a peculiar rite appeared - "Paschet" (The Way of Asami Khodyasha Is Firmly Kommersant), with a deep inner meaning, performed by all Orthodox people. This rite is well known to all. On Easter, colored eggs hit each other, checking which egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Kashcheev egg (they gave it to the dogs), i.e. destroyed by the Moon Lelei with the bases of the Chuzezem people, and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog (they ate themselves) And so that the peeled egg differs from the unpeeled one and painted. The tale of Kashchey the Immortal, whose death was in an egg (on the Moon Lele) somewhere on the top of a tall oak tree (on the world tree, that is, in fact, in heaven), also appeared in everyday life. And do not confuse - a mortal and immortal, there used to be such a form of writing that meant eternity. And Lunacharsky spread a sheer "devilry". And mind you, neither Catholics, nor Judaism, nor Islam, although the roots are the same for everyone, there is no such rite! Having become Orthodox, Christianity was forced to introduce this custom, setting it out in a new way and sprinkling it with Yeshua's blood.

Christians not only distorted Slavic tales, but also invented their own. In such fairy tales, there is mainly the eternal dream of the Christian people about "freebies". While in Slavic fairy tales, the main characters always achieve their goals only by their work.

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One example of distortion is the "Tale of the Turnip", known to everyone from early childhood. In the original Slavic version, this tale indicates the relationship between generations, and also indicates the interaction of temporary structures, life forms and forms of existence.


The modern version of this tale lacks two more elements that existed from the beginning - the Father and the Mother, without which seven elements are obtained, since Christians have a sevenfold system of perception, in contrast to the ninefold Slavic system.

There were nine elements in the original tale, each of which had its own hidden image:

The turnip is the heritage and wisdom of the Family, its roots. It seems to unite the earthly, the underground and the supermundane;

Grandfather - Ancient Wisdom;

Grandma - traditions of the house, thrift;

Father is protection and support;

Mother - love and care;

Granddaughter - children, grandchildren;

Bug - prosperity in the Family, there is something to protect;

A cat is a blissful atmosphere in the Family, because cats are harmonizers of human energy;

The mouse is the welfare of the family, where there is nothing to eat - and mice are not found.

But Christians removed the Father and Mother, and replaced their images with protection and support from the church, and care and love - with Christ.

Initially, the meaning was as follows: to have a connection with the Family and Family Memory, live in harmony with relatives and have happiness in the family. Maybe this is where the expression came from - "Give it a turnip - so that enlightenment comes."

Another of the many distortions is the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Here is its original version:


This tale is a figurative description of the astronomical observation of the Ancestors for the movement of the Moon across the sky from full moon to new moon. In the Halls of Tarkh and Jiva, on the Svarog Circle, a full moon occurs, and after the Hall of the Fox comes a new moon.


Thus, it was possible to get basic knowledge in astronomy and study the stellar map of the world.

Confirmation of this interpretation of "Kolobok" can be found in Russian folk riddles (from the collection of V. Dahl):

"A blue scarf, a red bun: rolling on a scarf, grinning at people."

This is about Heaven and Yarilo-Sun. I wonder how the fabulous remakes would depict the red Kolobok? Blush in the dough?

Let's take the description of the Gorynych snake.


The image of a serpent means a mountainous, round and long, like a snake, because it is as tall as a mountain.

In this case, an explicit description of the tornado. The serpent Gorynych can be either three-headed (three funnels) or nine-headed.

Other ancient Russian tales describing the appearance of a serpent say that it can fly, its wings are fiery. Clawed paws and a long tail with a point - a favorite detail of popular prints in fairy tales, as a rule, are absent. A constant feature of the snake is its connection with fire: “A strong storm arose, thunder was thundering, the earth trembled, the dense forest bows down: a three-headed serpent flies”, “A fierce snake flies at it, scorches fire, threatens death”, “Here the snake emitted from itself a fiery flame, wants to burn the prince."

This snake is recognized as the Kundalini snake - the spiritual strength of man. His constant threat: "I will burn your kingdom (ie your body) with fire, scatter with ashes."

In Russian folk tales, the snake is the guardian of the border between Java and Navu. The border itself is described as a fiery river called Smorodina ("pestilence" - death, "one" - one; that is, one death). Through it there is a bridge called "viburnum" (in Sanskrit "kali" - ill-fated), that is, only those who have the egghore ("devil's seed" - a drop of Causal matter) fully manifested themselves on this border. The one who kills the serpent (egghore) will be able to cross the bridge, that is, he will defeat all his animal elements.

If we expand the word Gorynych into the initial letters of the Old Russian language, we will receive confirmation of the above. G-OR-YNY-CH - GOR - the path, YNYE - manifested in an unknown set, H - leading to a certain line, the Line, a bridge.

When he meets the serpent, the hero faces the danger of sleep, falling asleep, that is, obsession - a hassle: “The prince began to walk across the bridge, tap with a cane (the main ascending channel of the Kundalini force running along the center of the human spine), a jug popped out (mystical abilities that manifest themselves as Kundalini) and began to dance in front of him; he gazed at him (carried away by mystical abilities) and fell asleep soundly (that is, "fell into delights"). An unprepared person falls asleep, a true hero never: Tempest - the hero did not give a damn (did not get carried away with these abilities), spit (brought them to the "hara", balanced) on him and broke into small parts. " The serpent is immortal and invincible for the uninitiated, it can only be destroyed by a certain hero: the egg-keeper can be defeated only by those in whom it is located - “There is no other rival for me in the whole world,except for Ivan Tsarevich, and he is still young, even a crow will not bring his bones here."

The serpent never tries to kill the hero with weapons, paws, or teeth - he tries to drive the hero into the ground (ie, into sin) and thus destroy him: "The miracle-yudo began to overcome him, drove him knee-deep into the damp earth." In the second fight, “he hammered into the damp earth up to the waist,” that is, with each fight, the dirt (damp earth) of the egg begins to appear in a person more and more. A snake can only be destroyed by cutting off all its heads, that is, by defeating one's feelings. But these heads have a wonderful property - they grow again, that is, the power of the senses increases when they are satisfied: “I cut nine heads off the miracle-yuda; Miracle Yudo picked them up, struck them with a fiery finger - the heads grew back again. Only after the fiery finger (lust) is chopped off, the hero manages to chop off all the heads.

Knowing the dependence of spiritual development on mastering our senses, our Ancestors gave us the following instruction:

The third fight is the worst. A special condition of the last battle is that only the hero's wonderful assistant - his Divye, the spiritual body - can kill the snake: “The heroic horse rushed to the slaughter and began to gnaw the snake with its teeth and trample its hooves. … The stallions came running and kicked the snake out of the saddle. … The animals rushed at him and tore him to shreds. " “One horse reared up and the snake jumped on its shoulders, and the other kicked its hooves on the side, the snake fell, and the horses pressed the snake with their feet. Here are the horses! " The fight, of course, ends with the hero's victory. But after the battle, one more thing must be done: the snake must be finally destroyed, that is, it is necessary to transform the human body into a Light body (the body of Light) - pure virtue: "And I rolled my body into a river of fire"; “I picked up all the parts, burned them, and scattered the ashes across the field”;

By this, fairy tales prepare children to achieve complete perfection through the acquisition of the body of Light.

Another mystery was the needle. After all, the egg in which the needle was kept, if we take into account the most ancient cosmogonic ideas, denotes the embryo of the Universe. How can the fate of Kashchei be in it?

In the fairy tale "Crystal Mountain" (AN Afanasyev) there is a completely amazing image that allows you to shed light on this difficult topic. The hero saves the princess from the kingdom of death - the crystal mountain. Despite the fact that the ruler of the kingdom of death in this case is the Serpent, with the tales of Kashchey, this plot is brought together by the presence of a chest with a cherished egg, in which the fate of the kingdom of death lies. The serpent has already been defeated by the hero and the falcon. The chest is enclosed in the snake's torso. In the chest - a hare, a duck, a fish, and in them - an egg. Everything is like in the tales of Kashchei. But the egg contains not a needle, but a grain. It is the touch of this grain that destroys the Serpent's kingdom of death - the crystal mountain in which the princess is imprisoned. The grain is, of course, an older and deeper image than a needle. If a needle was used in ancient Russia by healers from the evil eye and from an evil sorceress,then the grains and flowers meant the resurrection of life. And until the twentieth century, grain dishes were used in church and folk traditions at memorial rites in this very sense. But why does the needle still replace grain? In Sanskrit, related to the Slavic languages, “shila” means a stone, a rock, but at the same time, “shila” means an “ear” (Skt.). An ear is already, literally, a resurrected grain. What is common between an ear and a rock? Let's remember the Russian word "awl" - this is a needle inserted into a wooden handle. Sets of various stone awls have come down to us thanks to archaeological research. But why does the needle still replace grain? In Sanskrit, related to the Slavic languages, “shila” means a stone, a rock, but at the same time, “shila” means an “ear” (Skt.). An ear is already, literally, a resurrected grain. What is common between an ear and a rock? Let's remember the Russian word "awl" - this is a needle inserted into a wooden handle. Sets of various stone awls have come down to us thanks to archaeological research. But why does the needle still replace grain? In Sanskrit, related to the Slavic languages, “shila” means a stone, a rock, but at the same time, “shila” means an “ear” (Skt.). An ear is already, literally, a resurrected grain. What is common between an ear and a rock? Let's remember the Russian word "awl" - this is a needle inserted into a wooden handle. Sets of various stone awls have come down to us thanks to archaeological research.

So, an awl is a thin stone point that can pierce fairly hard objects. An ear, like an awl, pierces not only the soil, but also stones and rocks, emerging from the underworld of death, from the "grave" in which the grain was buried. It is quite natural that, initially, in the egg - the image of the nascent Universe - the ancient storytellers placed precisely the grain as a sign of resurrection, and by no means a simple tool of labor.

As for the image of a crystal mountain, there are several levels of meanings, one of which may be the image of winter-death, the other - the image of an advancing glacier. And, finally, the deepest meanings are the dedication of heroes belonging to the Warrior and Priestly estates; death and resurrection of the Deity (princess), in this case the female.

When it is said about the initiation of the hero in the kingdom of the Water One (or in the Leshey) and in the kingdom of Kashchei, one must not forget that these worlds are not unambiguous. If the first two personify the element or even the bodily death of the hero in this element, then the kingdom of Kashchei only conditionally, at the level of the hero's dedication, can mean such death. Because in the Vedic scriptures it is said that bodily death is only one type of manifestation of life. On deeper semantic levels, the kingdom of Kashchei means spiritual death.

Remember, Baba Yaga, now a bone, then a golden leg. But originally there was Baba Yoga. And it was not in vain that she got along with Leshim, the owner of the forest, where her house stood surrounded by a high tynom, hung with skulls. But initially the skulls were animals, because it is they who retain the strength and wisdom of their kind, creating a protective circle. Again, the hut was on chicken legs, from which she flew out on an aircraft into one evil force. But kuryi means smoke, i.e. the house stood above the ground and could turn wherever you wanted. Kuril Islands - are there smoking chickens? Nothing of the kind! - There the hills (vylkany) constantly smoke, i.e. "Smoke". And one more thing: Whoever passes through the smoke will fall into another world. A very clear description of the "stargate". Haze is a reflection of the changed space. “Small outside - immeasurable inside” - this speaks of a changed matrix of perception.

Who was always revered in Russia? A young beautiful Goddess named Yogini Mother. And only Christians turned a pretty woman into a terrible old woman and called her first Baba Yoga, and then Baba Yaga, who supposedly devours children.

Think about it, Yogini Mother, Yogini - connecting. What did she connect? She rode the land and differed from other women in that she wore gold-embroidered boots. Hence it was "Baba Yoga golden leg", that is, in golden boots. She collected orphans and took them to her Skete, and the children were then consecrated to the Gods (made priests). And just imagine, the foothill skete is a stone wall, inside the cave-Ra, that is, the cave of Light, or, as they say now, "cave". A stone platform, which was called "lapata", advanced from there. And now the stress has changed, and what happened? Shovel. Children were dressed in a clean white robe, decorated with flowers, given them a drink of sleep-herbs and laid in a niche. There were two niches. The children were placed in the rear niche. Then, deadwood was placed in the first niche, and the paw was pushed into the cave-Ra. But no one saw that when the paw moved,a stone wall fell and it fenced off the brushwood from the children. And then the priest or the Yogini Mother herself set fire to the brushwood, and for all the laity and those present, the brushwood was burned. That is, through the fire, the connection of children with the outside world was interrupted. And it was believed that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some speculated and said that they had eaten them. But in fact, these children were carried to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. And when the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, they were united in a family union so that they could continue their lineage. But who, after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people. And then the priest or the Yogini Mother herself set fire to the brushwood, and for all the laity and those present, the brushwood was burned. That is, through the fire, the connection of children with the outside world was interrupted. And it was believed that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some speculated and said that they had eaten them. But in fact, these children were carried to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. And when the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, they were united in a family union so that they could continue their lineage. But who, after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people. And then the priest or the Yogini Mother herself set fire to the brushwood, and for all the laity and those present, the brushwood was burned. That is, through the fire, the connection of children with the outside world was interrupted. And it was believed that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some speculated and said that they had eaten them. But in fact, these children were carried to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. And when the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, they were united in a family union so that they could continue their lineage. But who, after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people.that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some conjectured and said that they had eaten them. But in fact, these children were carried to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. And when the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, they were united in a family union so that they could continue their lineage. But who, after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people.that the children were burned, roasted in the oven, and then some conjectured and said that they had eaten them. But in fact, these children were carried to rooms or cells in the rock and raised from them priests and priestesses. And when the time came, these orphans, boys and girls, they were united in a family union so that they could continue their lineage. But who, after 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess, could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people.who in 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people.who in 10 or 20 years in a young priest or priestess could recognize that little ragged child an orphan? And the expression "to dedicate to the Gods" meant to serve the Gods of his Clan, his people.

Perhaps the most mysterious and even magic number in mathematics is the number zero. We come across its special properties already in primary and secondary school. You cannot divide by zero. At the first acquaintance with the number line, it turns out that zero is not identical to the empty set. This number not only has its own coordinate on the number line, but the frame of reference of one-dimensional, two-dimensional and three-dimensional mathematical space originates from it. We can say that zero is the boundary point separating positive and negative numbers, up and down, right and left, forward and backward directions. By its mysterious properties, zero can be compared to such a phenomenon in physics as a vacuum (which is also not a void).

In a fairy tale, we meet a heroine whose characteristics remind us of the characteristics of this number. She always lives on the border of two worlds, being like a door between them. This essence is never an integral part of those worlds that it divides, but always only - a border. But the precision of this character is manifold. The point, which it characterizes and designates by itself, unfolds inward in a huge space, and this happens through the number three: point, number three, space. The fact that this is the inner space of the point, that is, the space is completely different from the one whose coordinates were separated by this point (in other words, external for this point), becomes obvious from the fact that the hero finds himself in a completely different space. In most fairy tales,the hero from the world of life (positive numbers) enters the world of death (negative numbers) - the kingdom of Kashchei, the Serpent-Gorynych, passing through the border point between these worlds - the hut of Baba Yaga. But in "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water" this border point suddenly unfolds into space. The hero finds himself not in the world of material life, but in the world of "death". That is, he, without crossing the border point between life and death, enters, as it were, inside this wonderful point. He finds himself in the kingdom of Sineglazka, the daughter of Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga herself unexpectedly triples, that is, from one point it turns into three points (rather, into three coordinate systems connected with each other), between which there is a huge space that the hero overcomes on winged horses. Moreover, each horse belongs to another Baba Yaga,which allows us to speak about the correctness of the assumption of the presence of a super-system of coordinates. So, in the hut of Baba Yaga, the entrance to what is called the "fourth dimension" opens. More precisely, it is a whole system of measurements. The fact that the hero, leaving the hut and sitting on the magic horse, goes into a completely different space than from which he entered it, is confirmed by the fact that first he asks to turn the hut to him in front, and to the forest with his back (that is, to open in the space to which it is usually closed). Consequently, the hostess, leaving the hut to visit her sisters, goes into a different space than the one from which the hero came. But, at the same time, this is not the space of Kashchei or Snake-Gorynych. This turn of the hut from the forest to the person is not an ordinary rotation of an object in three-dimensional space, because, in this case,the hero himself could easily walk around the building in order to enter the door, as is done in such cases.

So, Baba Yaga's hut is the point of initiation. The unworthy are either not allowed or perish. Those who are worthy can cross this border and return to the material world alive. Iriy, the kingdom of Sineglazka, opens to some of them. The fact that this is exactly Iriy is evidenced by the source of living water and rejuvenating apples.

Let us recall another fairy tale, where Baba Yaga has a daughter, a turtledove, who can turn into a girl (“Go there - I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.” “Russian fairy tales”). In another version of the same tale (Fedot the Archer), the daughter of Baba Yaga is a cuckoo girl. This girl, even having married the main character of the tale, continues to live in the forest. She does not go to a city or a village, that is, to the material world of people. In this way, she looks like the Frog Princess (she is also Vasilisa the Wise, daughter of the Sea King, bereginya), who is hiding from people under frog skin. The world of the elements and animals is open and obedient to both, as the hut of Baba Yaga is always open (turned) to the forest. This is another riddle of this border point in the Russian fairy tale - the point of initiation from which the road to Iriy opens; a point usually closed to the material human world,but at the same time open to the world of Nature and animals. Baba Yaga always has animals: horses, dogs, cats, owls, owls. Her daughter herself turns into a bird. This once again emphasizes the fallacy of the superficial idea that Baba Yaga belongs to the world of evil. Otherwise, why does she need animals? Indeed, according to ancient beliefs, the spirits of evil are afraid of animals. That is why, in ancient times, fangs, claws, scraps of animal hair were worn as amulets, and later, until the twentieth century, a body belt made of woolen threads. Even in Serbia, where, under the influence of Old Testament ideas about the dog, there was a negative attitude towards this animal, in the 18th century the belief continued to exist that a dog is able to see and scare away ghouls. The owl, according to Iranian beliefs, is able to discern evil in darkness. Belief about the ability of a cat to see and scare away evil spirits,even now widespread and common knowledge.

So, in mathematical terms, the point that characterizes this phenomenon (the image of Baba Yaga and her hut in a fairy tale) does not belong to either positive or negative numbers, where positive numbers characterize the world of material existence, and negative numbers characterize the world of death.

However, it would be wrong to think that this coordinate is frozen and motionless. It is as immobilized as the point in the flowing river, which, as you know, cannot be entered twice.

You can expand your understanding of this "point" by reading "Righteousness" and the works of Dewey Larson.

Of course, the whole topic is not exhausted by one number "zero". Everyone will remember the numbers 3, 7, 12, 33, repeatedly mentioned in fairy tales, the meaning and meaning of which in the Slavic Vedic system of representations has yet to be truly investigated. The difference between the number 0 is that it is never mentioned in plain text, but its presence is obvious.


Remember in Pushkin - a mermaid was sitting on the branches, and her hair was light brown. She was a bird-maiden - wise and not tailed.

Wait, how do they write? Anderson wrote about green-haired maidens, daughters of the water one and they had nothing to do with mermaids. In Russia they were called Mavki.

Do you remember the tale about the Snow Maiden? Why are her parents nowhere mentioned in modern versions? So why did she melt?

It is not easy to understand the Ancient Wisdom in its original interpretation, because it must be perceived with the heart, the Soul. This is well said in the tale of the Ryaba chicken. She carried a golden egg, which grandfather beat - did not break, grandmother beat - did not break, but the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. Here the golden egg bears the image of the intimate Ancestral Wisdom, which you cannot take at a swoop - no matter how hard you beat it. At the same time, by accidentally touching, this system can be destroyed, shattered into fragments, destroying the integrity.

Therefore, if people have not reached the level that would allow them to understand the innermost, simple information in the form of an ordinary testicle is sufficient for them to begin with, because from gold can and "roof" demolish.

Fairy tale "Tiny - Khavroshechka". The girl was left an orphan, but she had a beloved cow. And when the girl needed something, she climbed into the left ear of the cow, crawled into the right one and got what she needed. It would seem that such a big girl cannot climb on cow ears. But this ladybug is the Heavenly Cow Zimun or Ursa Minor, as it is also called - the rectangle is the cow's ear, and then there is Khara, Dara, from where the Kharians, Daarians. But in a fairy tale they will not write: Here the girl went through the gates of the Interworld, directed at this cow's ear, and received everything she needed. And mind you, she asked her mother for everything. Mom is like the image of the cow Zimun, the ancestral home of the Ancestors, and Ingard is also nearby. And the girl went through the ear to Dazhdbog-Sun, to the Ingard Earth, communicated with the Ancestors, and went out completely through another ear,by the movement of the stars, in another place, and made my way home again. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch another place, and made my way home again. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch another place, and made my way home again. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree.and made my way home again. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree.and made my way home again. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the little eye. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree.she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree.she constantly communicated with her Ancestors. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree. At the entrance, one Hall of the Svarog circle was used, and after visiting from another hall, it descended to Midgard through another Hall. And her stepmother has three daughters: one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch, two-eyed and three-eyed, whom she sent to spy on the girl. And the girl, before leaving, sang, soothed: Sleep the peephole. The first sister fell asleep. The stepmother sent her second daughter to follow the girl. Girl again: Sleep a peephole, sleep another. This sister fell asleep too. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree. And only the third managed to spy on the girl, because she sang to her: Sleep the eye, sleep the other, and the third eye, which is between the eyebrows, did not take into account the energy vision. As a result, the cow was slaughtered, but the girl did not eat meat, but collected all the bones, buried them, and grew up in one version of the tale - an apple tree, in another - a birch tree.

And a birch tree is also an image of a generic: a girl was born - a birch tree was planted, a boy was born - an oak tree was planted. And children, playing, grew between the trees, and from these trees they received strength. Therefore, for example, if a son was wounded on a military campaign, the parents, because of the state of the tree, was drying up, they saw that the son was in trouble. And the parents began to take care of this tree, feed it, heal it, and as a result the tree blossomed and the son got better. The daughters did the same with the birch tree.

And Sivka-burka - where does this phrase come from? If Sivka (light), then why Burka (dark)? This is not a zebra, in which the stripe is black, the stripe is white. The thing is that Burka's nickname originally sounded like Burka. And if you look at its origins, you will find clear traces of Boreas. Having turned into a dark-maned stallion, the Patron God of the North impregnated twelve mares and became the father of twelve wonderful foals that could fly in the skies above the land and seas. This is how Homer described them in the Iliad: “Stormy, if they galloped across the fields of grain, Above the ground, above the ears, they rushed, without crushing the stem; If they rode along the ridges of the boundless sea, Above the water, above the crumbling shafts, they flew quickly. In the same way, the flight of magic horses is described in Russian and Slavic folklore, where they are called Sivki-burks,Burushki-kosmatushki, which ultimately means Burki-Boreyki. It is no coincidence that the mythical flying horse of Altai legends is also called Buura. By the way: the Slavic surname Boreiko is still widespread.

In Russian folklore there is a fabulous Tempest-hero (why not Borey?). In Afanasyev's collection of fairy tales, the Tempest-Bogatyr is not just a mighty giant - he is also the Cow's son: the cow licked off the remains of the golden-winged pike, which was prepared for dinner for the childless queen. The storm-hero fights on the famous Kalinov bridge alternately - with six-headed, nine-headed and twelve-headed snakes. There is also a magic apple tree, and Sivka-burka, and a duck that calls trouble, and a werewolf pig (and the Storm-hero itself turns into a totem falcon), and the Sea King with a golden head, which is torn off and used to unravel evil wiles (remember the titan Porkius - the Sea elder who lived near Hyperborea). All this is Hyperborean coded symbolism - it is still waiting for its decoding.

The most outstanding collector, systematizer and researcher of Russian folklore A. N. Afanasyev explains: “On the Buyan Island all the mighty thunderous forces are concentrated, all the mythical personifications of thunder, winds and storms; here they find: the elder snake for all snakes, and the prophetic raven, for all ravens an older brother who pecks a fiery serpent, and a storm bird, for all birds older and large, with an iron nose and copper claws (reminiscent of the wonderful Stratim-bird, all birds mother who lives in the Ocean-Sea and creates violent winds with her wings), the queen bee, the eldest of all queens. From them, in the opinion of the people, as from heavenly mothers, all earthly reptiles, birds and insects originated. According to the evidence of conspiracies, both the Virgin Dawn and the Sun itself sit on the same island. Buyan Island is the focus of all the creative forces of nature, their eternally complete and inexhaustible source. He is a part of that primordial Earth, which the Ocean gave birth to - the mother and father of all seas."

An ancient tale, when a young man goes to free his bride from Kashchei. A wolf helps him, a bear that turned a tree with a chest, with a safe where the death of Kashchei was kept, a falcon or someone else: after all, when a young man got hungry, he wanted to shoot a bird or an animal, and they turned to him: Don't touch me, I I'll still be useful to you. Even a pike and that - brought an egg where the needle was kept, and on the tip of that needle was the death of Kashchei. Different interpretation options. Note, no matter how proud the Kashcheis are - they have always been defeated. Why? Because our Ancestors clearly defined that Kashchei is a demon and he is always mortal: a mortal demon. But since before they wrote everything together, then over time they began to perceive it in the meaning - without mortal. And only then Mr. Lunacharsky threw up the "devilry": he generally introduced the word "immortal." Although in the Russian language there were concepts and "the devil",which means: a demon who will die anyway sooner or later, and "without mortal", which means, eternal. Here's the difference.

And note, in any fairy tale, good always wins, and any action always has a complete figurative form. Note that Kashchei was always in certain armor i.e. in protective clothing. The evil have always liked to defend themselves. And a simple weapon, as in fairy tales: a red-hot arrow does not take it, i.e. tempered, and the sword tempered on the grass, it does not whip, but only what sword takes it? Kladinets. And how was the Kladinets sword different from the tempered sword? And the fact that it is not just a sword, but a powerful information weapon, why? But because the sword was runovyaz, i.e. certain spells were on the blade. And sometimes even on the handle. And the runovyaz created, as it were, a special energy structure - the force around the sword. Those. Kladinets is a weapon of magical influence, or, as they say, a magic sword. And he still pierced any of this negative energy protection. Because there is nothing more powerful than Slavic runes.

Then, in fairy tales, remember: a blue saucer and a pouring apple? TV prototype. So who invented the TV? Ours were invented by the Russians. Where did the world's first permanent television broadcast begin for the first time in the world? In Germany. Those. ours have developed. After all, the same Germans are Western Slavs. And their tales? Remember their fairy tales: "The Golden Goose", i.e. the one who is indifferent to gold, the one who is used to living by their own labor, they could come up, stroke this goose and move on. And the greedy ones stuck. The innkeeper stuck, then the musicians stuck, who only got used to playing for money, etc. Those. what was said? That there is an invisible relationship between parasitic systems i.e. those who do nothing in life, but live at someone else's expense. And it was all ridiculed.

Very interesting, from an esoteric point of view, is the fabulous Instruction-Lesson accompanying more than one Russian folk tale:

It turns out that not only fabulous fellows were given such a Lesson. This instruction was received by each descendant from the Clans of the Holy Race, who ascended along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development (in particular, mastering the Steps of Faith - the "science of imagery").

A person begins the Second Lesson of the First Step of Faith by looking inside himself in order to see all the variety of colors and sounds inside himself, as well as to experience the Ancient Ancestral Wisdom that he received at his birth on Midgard-Earth. The key to this great storehouse of Wisdom is known to every person from the Clans of the Great Race, it is contained in the ancient instruction:

On the same topic and the choice of the path at the stone at the crossroads. And simply the cross of fate. If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, you will lose glory; if you go straight, you will lose yourself and your horse.

By a horse you can understand both Kon and the material world, by glory - the spiritual world, and a straight path - directly to the world of Navi. And as Light or Dark - decide for yourself.


And here we have this unfortunate stone, and again we need to choose, and behind it is a fork. And, God forbid, we will again choose a path beyond the distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom, from where we will never return. And now we have been standing for a good hour at this fork, choosing, counting, and in the end, deciding to turn back. But Ivan the Fool, the most incomprehensible character of our culture with you, does not think at all. And the impression is that he doesn't care which road to take. Yes, for him all the roads are as one. And now he is already walking, groaning and stumbling, with difficulty overcoming his monstrous laziness, and you know, he will definitely return, because the word is a fool, if you decompose it according to ancient Russian images: two or more shines of light to return and bring. It means the ability to think, i.e. shine in two or more planes at the same time, connecting all paths into one, and returning,bring into the system what was once lost.

"Az, Gods, Lead, Verb, Good" - this is how you understand not a, b, c, d, e. The first is living water, the second is dead. And it is understood why foreigners do not understand our fairy tales, even if you scratch their heads! They cannot understand our deep images, because “Az, Gods, Lead, Verb, Good” simply cannot be translated into their language without breaking the harmony of our inner strength, our inner scales, created over the centuries, without erasing the life-giving logic of composing our the very nature of meanings, without distorting the sacred basis of the initial letter Yat, that even being expelled as unnecessary, continues to keep the image of the connection between the top and the bottom, and patiently wait for the return home to their wild and such an irresponsible family, because they do not know what they are doing! By the way, the word Image is also, as you know, an abbreviation. It consists of the initial letters On Gods Er and Retsi, and of course Az. Having added up the meanings of each of the letters, we get - He is Created by Gods Spoken by Man, i.e. An image created by God incarnate on Earth. Life is the belly of our life, created from above. Combining Image and Life, we get: Gods and man created one of the faces Alive. Alive is the real I of man. It turns out being in one of the faces of the many-sided soul of the Whole. The word Soul is also important to clarify. Good originally sent in the works of man multiplied. The gross mistake is to say "my soul", the soul is the good originally sent in the works of man multiplied, that is, it is correct to say: "I am one of the facets of the soul of the Whole." These are the levels at which we are all One. Gods and man created one of the faces of Alive. Alive is the real I of man. It turns out being in one of the faces of the many-sided soul of the Whole. The word Soul is also important to clarify. Good originally sent in the works of man multiplied. The gross mistake is to say "my soul", the soul is the good originally sent in the works of man multiplied, that is, it is correct to say: "I am one of the facets of the soul of the Whole." These are the levels at which we are all One. Gods and man created one of the faces of Alive. Alive is the real I of man. It turns out being in one of the faces of the many-sided soul of the Whole. The word Soul is also important to clarify. Good originally sent in the works of man multiplied. The gross mistake is to say "my soul", the soul is the good originally sent in the works of man multiplied, that is, it is correct to say: "I am one of the facets of the soul of the Whole." These are the levels at which we are all One.

As we all know, in the beginning there was a word, and many scientists will tell you: the word is a factor of the highest civilization and culture. If we take the concept of the Slavs, then in addition to the form in the explanatory dictionary, "one of the largest groups in Europe related to the language and culture of peoples", it means - clearly speaking. And in The Tale of Bygone Years, by the way, the word language is generally used not in the meaning of speech, but in the meaning of people. Therefore, the Slavs were called pagans, i.e. representatives of another people. Any sound in this language initially stores an image, and an image is not a picture, not an illustration in a magazine, it combines many levels in itself. We are all educated people. Right? And some have already noticed that the word "image" is present in this word, and we really do not like it when they call us not educated. Right? That is, "ugly", as if not having an image. For example,we all know that in 989 the baptism of Kievan Rus began. But few people know that in this process about 9 million people are killed who do not want to accept the "new faith." And this figure will seem more than shocking if you specify that the population on Earth at that time was several orders of magnitude lower than today. Those. the new religion simply slaughtered almost an entire nation. And one of the eminent scientists already says that up to Cyril and Methodius, and this is the 7th century AD, the Slavs did not have and could not have any writing at all. Cyril and Methodius, as you know, took the ancient Slavic initial letter, in which there were 49 initial letters filled with TNT, threw out 5, because in the Greek language there were no such sounds, and for 4 they were given Greek names. Then Yaroslav the Wise removed one more letter, there were 43 left. Peter the Great reduced it by 5 to 38,Nicholas II by 3 more, and Mr. Lunacharsky until 31st, while removing the initial Yat, which played more than an important role among his brothers and sisters. She was the image of the connection between the earthly and heavenly principles. But that is not all! He expelled the so-called images into the linguistic GULAG, and the Russian language became without-Figurative, i.e. ugly. And in this ugly ugly language we all actually grew up. Very unpleasant news, agree. From this moment on, as much as you want to beat the bell, no one will hear the sound of the bell, but only the sound of an aluminum basin or gas pipes. The easiest way is to say that pagans are seditious, but be careful, to-Ra-Mola, in our Slavic language, means "to Ra", that is, to the Pure Radiance, turning his word. In the "Life of Saints Cyril and Metholy", by the way, it is said about the Slavs - "a simple child", simple, that is, not twisted,not crafty. And this simple child and Vera was like that. Here's how you decipher the word Faith? Ve - to know, Ra - light. Does it turn out to be "leading the light" or what? And to say that we are this force, this wave, this interweaving of images, on which our individual and collective Slavic worldview is based, is, of course, to say nothing. Take the word Love, for example. Liu - people, Bo - God, Ve - know. People of the Gods Know. Do you feel the image? Two meet to know the Gods. And this work is the highest luxury that only a person can afford.and the collective Slavic perception of the world, of course, is to say nothing. Take the word Love, for example. Liu - people, Bo - God, Ve - know. People of the Gods Know. Do you feel the image? Two meet to know the Gods. And this work is the highest luxury that only a person can afford.and the collective Slavic perception of the world, of course, is to say nothing. Take the word Love, for example. Liu - people, Bo - God, Ve - know. People of the Gods Know. Do you feel the image? Two meet to know the Gods. And this work is the highest luxury that only a person can afford.

We have been living on Earth for a long time. Behind the back are millions of years of legends, epics, experience and various kinds of Testaments. But few people remember that Az is God incarnate on Earth. “The one whom the Gods created the verb”, ie manifests the thought of God through his word. But most of us do not even remember the existence of these life-giving sources. I am wrong? And why, I wonder, has our memory become so short? Why is dead water more to our taste today than living water, and "Conscience" is just an abstract term? But Conscience is the knowledge of Being shared with the Creator. We are angry with others, forgetting that to be angry, in our language means "to make ourselves angry", fighting, forgetting that to fight means "to fight ourselves." And Himself means - "this is God's image." Therefore, today Russian fairy tales are a unique decoder of all elements of the Universe,that all meanings and images existing in the Universe generate. Someone thinks this is a funny exaggeration, someone says that this is memory itself, that very Living water or this very stone at a crossroads. That with the help of legends between the layers of the atmosphere, the genetic codes of one people, amazing in their deep memory, were recorded. It is also interesting that this people never sought to subjugate other peoples. Do you remember this? And why do you think the Slavs, i.e. you and me, it is impossible to overcome by force? Someone, trying to comprehend our mysterious soul, says that we play according to some completely unknown laws for the rest of the world. How? Do you know anything about them? And where are they recorded?That with the help of legends between the layers of the atmosphere, the genetic codes of one people, amazing in their deep memory, were recorded. It is also interesting that this people never sought to subjugate other peoples. Do you remember this? And why do you think the Slavs, i.e. you and me, it is impossible to overcome by force? Someone, trying to comprehend our mysterious soul, says that we play according to some completely unknown laws for the rest of the world. How? Do you know anything about them? And where are they recorded?That with the help of legends between the layers of the atmosphere, the genetic codes of one people, amazing in their deep memory, were recorded. It is also interesting that this people never sought to subjugate other peoples. Do you remember this? And why do you think the Slavs, i.e. you and me, it is impossible to overcome by force? Someone, trying to comprehend our mysterious soul, says that we play according to some completely unknown laws for the rest of the world. How? Do you know anything about them? And where are they recorded?that we play according to some completely unknown laws for the rest of the world. How? Do you know anything about them? And where are they recorded?that we play according to some completely unknown laws for the rest of the world. How? Do you know anything about them? And where are they recorded?

By the way, earlier the word Law sounded like Pocon, i.e. following Kon. Kon is the Unbreakable Rule sent down from above. If we say the Law, then it turns out that which is outside this Cohn, outside the Unbreakable Rule sent down from above. And how, interestingly, did it happen that our communication is based on distorted meanings of the basic language? Or here is the word "democracy". A compound word of Greek origin, it means "a political system based on the recognition of the principles of democracy." But demos in Greek meant "free citizens with slaves", ie slave owners. And the people are cool. Ohlamon is a man of the people. He had no voting rights in democratic Greece. What is the basic principle of democracy? That's right - majority vote principlebut already in ancient Greece on one of the temples it was carved - "the worst are always the majority." But in Plato, you undoubtedly read, democracy is in last place after tyranny. But, nevertheless, we are still in favor of a system in which the voice of an educated scientist and a responsible family man is equal to the voice of an illiterate homeless person and a drug addict. - Do you have alternatives? - you ask. There is a replica. The fact is that the primordial Russian principle is not the principle of the majority of votes, but the principle of Unanimity. In this case, only the parent has the right to vote, i.e. one who has proven by his lifestyle that he is able to organize the space around him. And if a person has a strong family and large and healthy offspring, this suggests that he has the qualifications to organize and protect Life. There is a qualification to convey experience, culture, life-affirming meanings. He has mature responsibility for the future of his children. If a person does not have this qualification, then it is suicide to use his opinion. Simple and more than practical logic. Is not it so? After all, the basis of any culture is the ability to preserve and pass on from generation to generation the basic image of this culture.

Culture, by the way, is also a compound word. Cult - following any rules, Ra - the light of truth. It turns out - following the rules that preserve light. And if the ability to retain light is lost, what does culture do? That's right - it degenerates. For most of you, the words culture and civilization are almost the same thing. But if we disassemble the word civilization according to the canons of abbreviated writing, we get: Qi - the flow of energy, Vili - dilution in different directions, For - sequentially. It turns out "sequential separation of the integral flow of energy." Those. civilization strives for unification and standardization, while following the rules that preserve light, i.e. culture, a completely different image. Right? How easy it is to get confused and go astray without owning the imagery of your own People.

By the way, the word "play", before it sounded like "ghorat", consists of several very important images: Gx - unknown, but manifested from above, convey wisdom, b - with firmness, P - to utter intelligently and consistently, Az - well, you already know, incarnate God, T - approved from above, b - connection with the already existing, Gods and once created. It turns out that playing means "to transmit the wisdom bequeathed by the Gods and confirmed by the experience of the Gods incarnated on Earth." And this, you see, is not so much entertainment as the main function of life. Right? And it turns out that the concept of play, actor's play, orchestra's play, the play of light, children's play, business and political games, the play of nature, play of the mind, play of the imagination, play of the elements, space play, almost all aspects of our life are connected. It is, as it were, permeated with the game at all its levels.

In the modern world, there is a huge number of so-called dichotomies, i.e. pairs of opposite concepts (antonyms). Good - Evil, bad - good, beautiful - ugly, earth - heaven. But if you look at the runic writing, your original language, you will be more than amazed - there are no such dichotomies in it! And how can this be? These "glitches" appeared in our language from the need to simplify our space, under trade concepts, well, you perfectly understand how it happened. But from the point of view of the primordial runic meanings, beauty and ugliness are almost synonymous. Initially, the word "freak" meant closeness to the Family, ie. located near Rod. The same, the old "Good" and "Evil", previously meant something unknown, beyond understanding. We did not say this is good, but this is bad, we always said different, other-seeing, i.e.perceiving the Universe in a different way. In our DNA, with the help of language codes, amazing knowledge is recorded, respect for everything that is created and manifested in the Universe, for all possible forms of life. Plus and minus are just mathematical concepts, but not ethical ones. Our Soul is a big Soul, and everyone everywhere knows about it. A soul capable of compassion, containing its own joy and other people's pain. It does not and has never been opposites that exclude or deny something that does not fit into our understanding. We are created in the image of a multitude in unity, and therefore we are able to live out of conflict and, our energy, is created in the field of elements, not passions. In the field of generosity, not greed. In the field of luminosity - fields of love.all possible life forms. Plus and minus are just mathematical concepts, but not ethical ones. Our Soul is a big Soul, and everyone everywhere knows about it. A soul capable of compassion, containing its own joy and other people's pain. It does not and has never been opposites that exclude or deny something that does not fit into our understanding. We are created in the image of a multitude in unity, and therefore we are able to live out of conflict and, our energy, is created in the field of elements, not passions. In the field of generosity, not greed. In the field of luminosity - fields of love.all possible life forms. Plus and minus are just mathematical concepts, but not ethical ones. Our Soul is a big Soul, and everyone everywhere knows about it. A soul capable of compassion, containing its own joy and other people's pain. It does not and has never been opposites that exclude or deny something that does not fit into our understanding. We are created in the image of a multitude in unity, and therefore we are able to live out of conflict and, our energy, is created in the field of elements, not passions. In the field of generosity, not greed. In the field of luminosity - fields of love.excluding or denying something that does not fit into our understanding. We are created in the image of a multitude in unity, and therefore we are able to live out of conflict and, our energy, is created in the field of elements, not passions. In the field of generosity, not greed. In the field of luminosity - fields of love.excluding or denying something that does not fit into our understanding. We are created in the image of a multitude in unity, and therefore we are able to live out of conflict and, our energy, is created in the field of elements, not passions. In the field of generosity, not greed. In the field of luminosity - fields of love.

Some of you, I am sure, know the golden rule, which was formulated by one wise man: "In any conflict, between two there is always a third invisibly, and only the ignorance that this third exists maintains the conflict between the opposing sides." And now transfer this to modern conflicts - it's clear to tears, right? In short, in order to be a Russian person, it is not enough to be fluent in Russian swearing, and we are all ready to agree with this. A Russian person is one who, through work and responsibility, has restored his ancestral memory. And at the heart of this generic memory, in the language in which it speaks to us, there is not even the concept of death, i.e. symbol meaning the opposite of life. This is completely beyond understanding! As we all know, life is finite, that we all die someday. But God Perun tells us to this:"… you observe death in your surroundings, but for yourself you will not find it." For death is just a change in the measures of life. (Death - C - change, Measure - dimensions, Th - bodies) And to achieve the goal means to achieve a complete image, for which each of you will have to go "there, no one knows where" in order to find "that, you do not know what." And only under this condition, your image will appear in the explicit, physical world, in the light of its perfection!"

From the lessons of the Asgard Spiritual School