Volgograd - A City With A Strong Energy Potential - Alternative View

Volgograd - A City With A Strong Energy Potential - Alternative View
Volgograd - A City With A Strong Energy Potential - Alternative View

Video: Volgograd - A City With A Strong Energy Potential - Alternative View

Video: Volgograd - A City With A Strong Energy Potential - Alternative View
Video: Убийство в родительском чате в Волгограде: армянская община не будет выгораживать убийцу 2024, October

This is what representatives of the Russian esoteric society say.

The city survived fires, invasions, battles of the Civil War and, finally, the most brutal and longest battle in the modern history of mankind in 1942-1943.

“By and large, only strong people lived on this land,” local historian Yuri Voitov expresses his opinion. - Take nomads, can you imagine, survive the cold autumn, or even winter in our area? Yes, some of them went to the Azov region, but for some reason they returned later, and not all of them left. And there is only one explanation: a connection with higher powers that gave the right to survival. Only at this energetic point.

The symbol of Volgograd - Mamayev Kurgan, according to psychics, is in a special place. There is an opinion that a geological fault passes under the mound. Researchers of paranormal phenomena claim that radiation streams through it from the center of the earth, so it literally has a special energy. If you use this energy, you can have the power to influence other people.

The first attempt to intervene in human consciousness was made by the specialists of Ahnenerbe (an organization that existed in Germany in 1935-1945). In a secret laboratory, a unique material was invented - electrum.

In a series of experiments with prisoners of war, it turned out that the material suppresses the psyche and affects consciousness. The Nazis tried to subdue the whole continent by acting with "electrum" from a specific point. This was the prototype of psychotropic weapons, and therefore they fought for Stalingrad, destroyed to the ground. Presumably, the material placed in zinc barrels was buried at the bottom of one of the wells in the village of Orlovka.

“For 75 years, I think there have been many curious people who would like to see with their own eyes the presence of this element,” suggests local historian Yuri Voitov. - It is very dangerous, because we have a lot of points of power. Take, for example, the Three-island temple - a strong energy point, and the Medveditskaya ridge is known throughout the world.

In addition, Zhirnovsk firmly holds the second position in the rating of paranormal cities. It is popularly called the "UFO capital" of Russia. Over the past 10 years, it is here that the largest number of unidentified flying objects has been observed. As noted in "Kosmopoisk", recently Sarpinsky Island began to appear in these messages.

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- We are already accustomed to such phenomena, - says a resident of the village. Peschanka Valentina Marochkina. - I saw a fireball larger than the sun several times at about 3-4 am in the west. He passed over the forest, and then slowly floated up and disappeared. It is characteristic that a star was moving parallel to it across the sky with great speed. And once this "star" hovered over our street and released a beam …

Ufologists suggest that such visits have a protective function.

- If electrum is really in our region, sooner or later the thirsty for power will not fail to use it, and what will happen if it is put on stream? - suggests a paranormal researcher Alexey Ivanov. - This is a catastrophe for all of humanity, which can be controlled by two or three individuals.

Perhaps the reason for the depression of the "minds" of Volgograd lies in the effect of electrum. But how to neutralize its effect?

- If people think good, do good, extract from life not sadness, but joy, I think the effect of this element will come to naught, - said the Volgograd psychic Pyotr Pankov.

Nadezhda Magnitskaya