The Dark Forces Angrily Oppress Us - Alternative View

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The Dark Forces Angrily Oppress Us - Alternative View
The Dark Forces Angrily Oppress Us - Alternative View

Video: The Dark Forces Angrily Oppress Us - Alternative View

Video: The Dark Forces Angrily Oppress Us - Alternative View
Video: Daesh in Afghanistan | TOLOnews Documentary 2024, October

The most terrible stories from the life of Volgograd

The overseas holiday of evil spirits and horrors, which the world celebrated on October 31, is already an integral attribute of the Volgograd autumn. Having barely appeared in Russia, Halloween immediately fell in love with young people, and soon it will take root among the more adult and conservative part of our fellow citizens. The explanation is simple: in a series of harsh everyday life, a cheerful costume break is by no means superfluous, and all devilry is an extra reason to escape from daily stress. And, of course, remember our native Volgograd ghosts. Many of them will be familiar to you, others, perhaps, you will learn for the first time. Are you already shaking? Well then let's start

A merchant in love

The oldest Volgograd ghost appears near the regional blood transfusion station. By the way, next to this place in Tsaritsyn there was a church and a cemetery. Legend has it that one day the Tsaritsyn merchant Kotov, who was madly in love with a young girl from a very wealthy family, left the church and saw a carriage passing by, in which his beloved was embracing with some mustachioed fellow. Kotov seemed to be mad. He, without hesitation, rushed after the carriage, jumped into it and stabbed first an unknown rival, and then a beloved screaming with horror. They say that then the unfortunate jealous man was seen on the banks of the Volga. He cried and tried to wash blood-stained clothes. And closer to night, the merchant went to wander around Tsaritsyn and in the place where he saw his traitor, he stuck a knife in his heart.

“Once my grandmother was returning home with her husband, and, passing by the blood transfusion station, they met a strange person,” says our reader Elena Emelianenko. - He walked without touching the ground, crying. Granny was very frightened. The man asked if she loved her companion. Having received an affirmative answer, he told his sad story. Believe it or not, it was the ghost of the merchant Kotov. I became interested in this story and learned about three more meetings of lovers with a ghost. They say that he looks like an ordinary person, however, his hands glow and walks through the air. But the moralist is absolutely harmless: he urges women not to cheat on their loved ones."

Old Sarepta in the Krasnoarmeysky district is also shrouded in legends. According to legend, in one of the underground corridors under Sarepta lies a coffin with the body of the only daughter of the pre-revolutionary owner of the Kraustwurst brewery. She died on the day of her wedding, and her father, distraught with grief, sat for three days over the body in the chapel of the church. At night, he took the coffin with his daughter's body into the dungeon and put all the dowry to the deceased - 16 kilograms of gold items. It is not known where the girl lies in the coffin covered with gold, but the memories of the museum staff clearly indicate that the dungeon is guarded by a mechanical knight who pierces everyone who dares to defile the peace of an innocent girl with a spear. And the bride herself and her father still roam the streets of Old Sarepta …

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Teacher spirit

Graduates of the State University say that in the area of Lysaya Gora, where fierce battles were fought during the Great Patriotic War, and now there is a student dormitory, ghosts of dead soldiers sometimes appear at night.

“Although I graduated from the university many years ago, I still remember this story,” says Lena Somova, a former student of VolSU, economist. - Friends and colleagues listen with pleasure, but hardly believe in all this. And one day my husband and I went to friends in Liverpool and there we went to a meeting of the local "ghostbusters" society. The story of the Volgograd ghost did not surprise anyone. On the contrary, the British, great experts in all kinds of evil, said that "my" ghost was real. So, one late autumn evening we were returning to the hostel, it was cool, but the guys and girls and I were furious, rehearsing scenes for the party, which was being prepared for November 7th. Suddenly we felt that someone was watching us. Suddenly, about fifty meters away from us, the silhouette of a young man in dark clothes appeared, his hand was bandaged and visible through. He asked for a cigarette, then matches, and as we stood with our mouths open, he disappeared into the darkness. Later, having gathered together all the impressions of what we saw, we decided that it was the ghost of a dead soldier."

But modern ghosts also roam on Bald Mountain. Not far from the cardiac center and the 17th psychiatric hospital, a translucent ghost of a woman appears every two or three months during the day. He asks passers-by for dirty linen. According to rumors, this is the spirit of a teacher who lost her son in a catastrophe and lost her mind because of this. During her lifetime, she developed a mania - to bring cleanliness everywhere. For some reason, the grief-stricken mother got particular pleasure from washing the clothes. And she chose the place for her appearance because of sympathy for those like her who lost their peace.

Cossack theater and the drowned woman

The legend about the ghost of a girl who drowned in the Volga as a teenager is associated with the building of the Cossack theater, where the Gvardeyets cinema was once located. It was built in the 19th century by the Tsaritsyn merchant, timber merchant Alexander Shlykov in memory of his deceased daughter. The facades of the building are decorated with bas-reliefs depicting a gray-haired old man and a girl's face, enclosed in a pearl shell. There are suggestions that the old man is a sea god, Neptune or Poseidon, and the girl is a drowned merchant's daughter. “Shlykov showed her face on the building itself as many as 13 times,” says Roman Shkoda, author of a local history project about Volgograd. - Perhaps this figure indicates the age of the child.

According to the theater staff, sometimes in the corridor on the ground floor there are echoing steps, as if a giant or an adult is walking, but in very heavy shoes. And on the landing, when descending into the wardrobe, from time to time they observe the whitish silhouette of a girl in a long dress. They say that this is the ghost of Shlykov's deceased daughter, and the steps in the corridor belong to her father …

Naked Semyon

And this is a story about a ghost from the city of Dubovka, Volgograd region. There is a stop not far from Dubovka, popularly known as "Mother-in-law". Truckers often stop there to rest, who told the story of the ghost of a naked boy Semyon, who often strolls near their parking lot. A teenager complains to them about the cold in our area. He himself is from the Crimea, a long time ago his stepmother drove Semyon out of the house, ordered him not to come back. He traveled for a long time, reached our lands, and one night in the forest he was bitten by wolves. And since during his lifetime Senya was a disobedient child, he stole, then the higher powers determined the punishment for him - to frighten people for a hundred years. So he is winding up the term, they say, the kid has only two years to toil ….

Experts in various kinds of anomalies say that from the embankment of the Kirovsky district you can watch a young girl in a white dress dancing on the water. And at the Central Stadium in winter, a glowing silver dog runs at night. Angrily barks at random passers-by and disappears … Who they are and where they come from, we still have to find out.

Where did the holiday come from?

From Celtic legends, according to which on the night of November 1, magical creatures come to the world of people. The Celts believed that all the laws of time and existence did not work on this night, allowing the spirits to do whatever they wanted. And since no one wanted to swap places with the ghost, traditionally it was customary to dress up in all sorts of scary costumes and do strange things to confuse the ghosts.

One of the most famous Halloween traditions dates back to Irish folklore. According to legend, the dodgy and alcoholic Jack tricked the devil, forcing him to climb a tree and drawing a cross on the trunk so that the devil could not go down. When Jack died, of course, he was not taken to heaven for all his sins, but he was also denied in hell because he outwitted the devil himself. Jack was only given one smoldering ember, designed to illuminate his further endless path in the icy darkness. This ember was placed in an empty turnip to burn longer. Now, on the night of November 1, such a lantern is lit in every home …

Lilia Cantour