Near Volgograd Will Be Looking For Traces Of UFOs - Alternative View

Near Volgograd Will Be Looking For Traces Of UFOs - Alternative View
Near Volgograd Will Be Looking For Traces Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Near Volgograd Will Be Looking For Traces Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: Near Volgograd Will Be Looking For Traces Of UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, June

The region continues to attract fans of the unknown. In May, Russian ufologists are going to the Volgograd region with a large-scale expedition. And on the Ren-TV channel in the TV show "Secrets of the World", hosted by our compatriot Anna Chapman, a new version of the origin of the mysterious Kot balls was presented …

The fossils, dubbed "Kotovsky eggs", were discovered in the village of Mokraya Olkhovka, Kotovsky district in May 2010. After a heavy downpour in a crumbling ravine, local residents found 15 egg-shaped fossils. Each sphere is slightly more than a meter in diameter. Inside, they turned out to be hollow; the shell itself consists of fine sand and granular metal.

Over the years, the mysterious objects have attracted the attention of researchers from different cities and countries, but it has not yet been possible to establish for certain the origin of the "Kotovsky eggs".

- The fossils have been found long ago, but little has been studied. In the forest, which is located on the territory of the village, the corpses of animals were found, and according to external signs there was an impression that a certain creature was sucking blood out of them, and leaving the carcasses, - says Yaroslav Kvitko, head of the research group "Integral-Cosmopoisk". - In addition, a black substance was found inside the balls, analysis showed that it is of biological origin.

The residents of Mokra Olkhovka also adhere to this version.

- I found these eggs among the first, - says a resident of the village Pavel Korostylev. - Since then, a lot of time has passed, researchers leave and come, not noticing the main thing - there are many underground tunnels on the territory of our settlement. Often the soil collapses, and there are neat moves in the funnel. It seems to me that an ancient giant worm lives underground. It is he who owns these eggs, maybe these creatures are already more than one generation …

Ufologists do not exclude that eggs are capsules in which aliens arrived on Earth millions of years ago. They left them, but they could not find them in time, so the containers remained buried under a layer of soil. Research of the "Kotovskiye Eggs" continues.

Meanwhile, the well-known research group "Cosmopoisk" is assembling a large-scale expedition to the Volgograd region. The main task is to detect and fix the presence of UFOs in the region.

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“From May 20, we invite you to an expedition, a field congress on the Medveditskaya ridge of the Zhirnovsky region,” said Vadim Chernobrov, head of the Cosmopoisk project, a public organization for the study of anomalous phenomena and UFOs. - Both ufologists and ordinary citizens can take part.

Recall that it was the Cosmopoisk team that last year discovered another mysterious artifact in the Zhirnovsky region - 200-kilogram stone discs one meter in diameter (for more details, visit, material - “There was a“UFO parking lot”near Volgograd ?).

- It is unlikely that these objects have acquired their unusual shape artificially, - says Vadim Chernobrov. - It is quite possible that once upon a time there were disc-shaped objects made of other materials in this place, for example, these could be parts of alien aircraft. In the soil, they gradually rotted, and the resulting void was filled with lime. This can also explain the fact that some of the discs that we found in the Volgograd region are completely stone, no other substances are observed in their composition, which is actually a great rarity.

Now the mysterious discs have entered the collection of the Zhirnovsky Museum of Local Lore.