Diseases Can Be Easily Avoided With The Help Of Palms And Fingers - Alternative View

Diseases Can Be Easily Avoided With The Help Of Palms And Fingers - Alternative View
Diseases Can Be Easily Avoided With The Help Of Palms And Fingers - Alternative View

Video: Diseases Can Be Easily Avoided With The Help Of Palms And Fingers - Alternative View

Video: Diseases Can Be Easily Avoided With The Help Of Palms And Fingers - Alternative View
Video: Epigenetics and Diet: Uncovering the Roots of Disease 2024, June

Probably, each of us has heard or read what palmistry is - predictions about the future and many other things that concern one particular person, on his hand. However, not everyone knows that not only what awaits us, but also our health is “written” in our palm.

We will not go into details of what symptoms (signs) indicate this or that disease (this is a whole science that anyone who wants to understand, fortunately, there is a lot of material on this topic on the Internet), we want to attract the attention of those who do not is going to become neither a professional palmist, nor a palmist-doctor, but, nevertheless, ready to stimulate their health with the help of their palms and simple manipulations with them, paying special attention to the weakest points in it.

And for this it is enough to get acquainted with the diagram of the connection between individual points and zones of the palm with our internal organs and other systems of the body. And if, for example, you have a weak heart, then massage more often, press (preferably with essential oils) the corresponding points in the middle (closer to the left edge - see the diagram in the photo) of the palm. If your legs hurt, massage the phalanges of the ring finger, and so on.


Diseases are not only easy to trace, but also hand-prevented. At least rub your palms together more often, massage your fingers, click them, “shoot” with all your fingers and you will certainly get acquainted with such an amazing science of antiquity as “Buddhist mudras”. This is also work with fingers, but with their positions, with the creation of certain figures from fingers. Buddhist mudras, as many who use this practice say, it is not clear how, but they easily and quickly solve many health problems. And even not only with health, for example, they can attract good luck, money, finally, love into your life …
