What Generation Can't Live Without Smartphones? The Answer Will Surprise You - Alternative View

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What Generation Can't Live Without Smartphones? The Answer Will Surprise You - Alternative View
What Generation Can't Live Without Smartphones? The Answer Will Surprise You - Alternative View

Video: What Generation Can't Live Without Smartphones? The Answer Will Surprise You - Alternative View

Video: What Generation Can't Live Without Smartphones? The Answer Will Surprise You - Alternative View
Video: Millennials: The Unluckiest Generation In Modern History? | Think | NBC News 2024, October

If you think Gen Z - young people who were born between 2000 and 2019, according to various estimates - can't get away from their gadgets, prepare to be surprised. Yes, the representatives of generation Z are called the children of the Internet, and this is quite logical. However, the addiction to smartphones is higher than others, even more than millennials or Gen Y - people who were born between 1980 and 1999 - are shown by baby boomers or representatives of Gen X - people who were born between 1960 and 1979, respectively. Who would have thought?

Black mirrors of gadgets that fit in your pocket are gaining more and more attention
Black mirrors of gadgets that fit in your pocket are gaining more and more attention

Black mirrors of gadgets that fit in your pocket are gaining more and more attention.

Do baby boomers love smartphones?

Researchers from various fields of science have been trying for several years to find an answer to the question of which generation uses smartphones more time. For example, the results of a study by Nielsen showed that Americans aged 35 to 49 use social networks for 40 minutes more than people aged 18 to 34. Moreover, not only do baby boomers put smartphones on the dinner table more often than millennials, they also spend more time on any other gadget than internet kids and millennials. But why?

According to Wired, the middle of life is the time when a person needs to communicate at the peak of his ability. Middle age means that a person is a kind of heart of the family, a kind of center through which all information exchange passes. Of course, people under 30 can endlessly share photos and Instagram posts with their friends. But middle-aged people receive text and FaceTime messages from their teenage children, as well as emails, phone calls, and other texts from their parents and friends.

Many executives check their emails on weekends and holidays, which can have a negative impact on health
Many executives check their emails on weekends and holidays, which can have a negative impact on health

Many executives check their emails on weekends and holidays, which can have a negative impact on health.

But that's not all. In middle age, most people work, and many employees are in management positions, which means that subordinates send them a huge number of letters by mail and in instant messengers. For example, according to a study conducted by senior research fellow at the Center for Creative Leadership Jennifer Deela, people in senior management positions - many of them Gen X - spend an average of 72 hours a week responding to emails from employees.

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Of course, not all members of the baby boomer generation are obsessed with gadgets and social media. So, we already told you about the results of scientific research, according to which young people, including millennials, are addicted to smartphones. The constant push for checking notifications from apps on smartphones is negatively affecting the mental health of young people, according to researchers.

Many teens prefer text messages to live conversations
Many teens prefer text messages to live conversations

Many teens prefer text messages to live conversations.

Symptoms that define smartphone addiction include feelings of anxiety and panic when the phone is not around, as well as a tendency to spend time buried in the phone at the expense of other activities. However, it should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of studies on gadget addiction, the subjects of generations Z and Y are always the subjects. Meanwhile, it is the representatives of the X generation who may be the most dependent on gadgets.

Lyubov Sokovikova
