The Secret Of The African Tribe - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The African Tribe - Alternative View
The Secret Of The African Tribe - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The African Tribe - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The African Tribe - Alternative View
Video: Namibia. The Africa you have to see! 2024, October

Where could the ancient gods of the Egyptian people and the creators of the round chariots - "viman" fly to us? Popular rumor highlights several stars in the firmament, which the "gods" stubbornly considered their homeland. Yes, and these peoples are not easy.

On the territory of the Republic of Mali, in the Bandiagara plateau region, there lives a small agricultural people, numbering no more than 300 thousand people, who call themselves Dogon. They came here between the 10th and 13th centuries AD and brought with them their main altar to Lebe, their strange, archaic customs and beliefs.

Since 1931, a group of French researchers led by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlain have studied the customs and beliefs of this people. Dogon myths are closed from prying ears, they can only be told by members of the Awa olubaru (society of masks) who know the "language of Sirius" - Shigi so. By the decision of the Dogon patriarchs, Marcel Griaule was initiated into secret knowledge.

According to the Dogon, the Sirius system is very complex. Its main component is called Sigi tolo ("tolo" means "star" in the Dogon language), and its companions are Po tolo and Emme yatolo. The Po star, they say, is as white as a grain of Po (a type of millet). In Dogon sanctuaries, this star is symbolized by a pure white stone. According to the views of the Dogons, all things in the world are composed of four basic elements - earth, water, air and fire. In Po tolo, the element "earth" is replaced by "metal" in all its forms, and especially in the form of "sagala". It is a metal, "shinier than iron, and so heavy that all earthly beings, united, could not lift even particles." Therefore, the Po star is "the smallest and heaviest of all stars."

Strikingly, Sirius B is a tiny star, visually located so close to the main component of the system - Sirius A (from Earth it is visible at an angle of 7.6 seconds) that it is impossible to distinguish it not only with the naked eye, but also in an average telescope. Her discovery was complicated by the fact that Sirius A is the brightest star in the earthly sky, while the glow of its companion is almost ten thousand times weaker; its relative magnitude is 8.5. In Europe, the Sirius satellite was discovered only in 1862. And only at the beginning of our century it was established that Sirius B is a white dwarf, that is, a star that, with its small size, has a huge mass and density. Imagine Griaule's amazement when he discovered that the Dogon cosmology has long had these data in his arsenal.

It is believed that the resolution of the human eye is on average one minute of arc. The theoretical limit, above which the eye by its nature cannot distinguish anything, is equal to twelve arc seconds, but there are very few people on Earth with such visual acuity. But twelve arc seconds is not enough to distinguish Sirius B. By the way, the satellite of Sirius was discovered by European astronomical science at first mathematically, on the basis of deviations in the motion of Sirius A, and only then was it discovered visually. In addition, having seen this tiny star near Sirius, you still need to guess what it is, and the Dogon know both the high density of Sirius B and the period of its revolution around Sirius A, equal to 50 years. In order to calculate these properties of a star, a developed mathematical apparatus is needed, which,as far as we know now, not a single civilization had, except for the European one.

So, if the identity of Po tolo and Sirius B is difficult to question, then the situation is different with the second satellite of Sirius, the Dogon called Emme yatolo. Such is unknown to modern astronomy. But its existence is assumed! An interesting idea of the Dogon is that Po tolo and Emme ya tolo make one revolution around Sigi tolo in approximately the same time - 50 years, although the trajectory of Emme ya tolo is longer. From the standpoint of modern celestial mechanics, such an orbit of a celestial body is extremely unlikely, if at all possible. Emme ya tolo, the Dogon assure, is larger than Po tolo, and 4 times lighter. It is also called “the little sun of women” - Yau naidagi. Two planets revolve around it - Aratolo and Yutolo. I must say that the Dogon perfectly distinguish between stars (tolo), planets (tolo tanaze - letters."Moving stars") and satellites (tolo gonose - "whirling stars").

However, let's not rush to rank the Dogon among the outstanding astronomers. Their solar system, oddly enough, consists of only 5 planets - Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and, apparently, Saturn.

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The Dogon know that the Earth revolves on its axis and, moreover, revolves around the Sun. They know that the Moon - Ie Pilu - "dry and dead" revolves around the Earth. Jupiter - Dana tolo - has four moons, and Saturn - Yalu ulo tolo - "permanent halo" - a ring. These planets, along with Venus (Tolo Yazu) and Mars (Yapunu tolo) revolve around the Sun.

At the same time, the Dogon do not know about the existence of the outer planets and Mercury, unless they identify it with Yazu Danala tolo - "the star that accompanies Venus."

The Dogon know that the stars are far from Earth, close to which only the Sun is. Sirius, called the "navel of the world", takes the main role in the group of stars, including the constellation Orion and several nearby (in the sky) stars. The latter include: the Pleiades, Enegerin Tolo - "Star of the Shepherd of the Goats" (the scale of the Lesser Dog), Tara tolo - Procyon, etc. The totality of these stars constitutes the "internal" system of stars or "support of the foundation of the world", directly involved in life on Earth. "The external system consists of other, more distant luminaries, to a lesser extent interfering with human life."

This system forms a "spiral stellar world" - Yalu Ulo, which can be observed in the sky in the form of the Milky Way - a very clear definition of our Galaxy. Yalu ulo rotates around an axis passing through the Polaris and the Southern Cross constellation (in fact, the poles of the Galaxy are projected: the North to the constellation Coma Veronica, and the South to the constellation Sculptor. It is curious that the Polar - Southern Cross axis lies almost in the same plane with the axis of the Galaxy and "almost" - (the divergence is 5-7 degrees) - is perpendicular to it).

There are infinitely many such "spiral stellar worlds", or, in modern terminology, galaxies in the Universe, and the Universe itself is "infinite, but measurable." The universe is inhabited by living beings. On "other lands", according to the Dogon, "horned, tailed, winged, crawling people" live.

As for plants, for example, the seeds of pumpkin and sorrel, before getting to the Earth, "lay on the edge of the Milky Way" and "sprouted in all the worlds of the Universe." How did the Dogon know all this, how do they, at least, explain it themselves?

"Pale Fox" Yurugu, the hero of a large cycle of myths, symbolizes drought, disorder and is the opposite of moisture, light, order in the person of Nommo. Among the drawings of the Dogon there is the following: "The fox descends in the ark from the star Po." In another picture, the Sun and Sirius (with the diameter of Sirius exceeding the diameter of the Sun), connected by a curve twisting around each of the stars, like a space flight path.

However, not only the Fox landed on Earth, a little later another ark was transferred to our planet Nommo, which is depicted by the Dogon as a half-man-half-snake with flexible, jointless limbs and a forked tongue. Together with him, the ancestors of people came to Earth.

This ark landed after eight years of "swinging" in the sky, "raising a cloud of dust in an air whirlwind." The people who saw the shine of Sigi Tolo at the moment of descent and impact during landing were now present at the first sunrise, which rose in the east and from that moment illuminated the Universe. This description also, to some extent, testifies in favor of an arrival from the Sirius system.

It is interesting to mention the brilliance of Sigi Tolo during the flight and that the passengers of the ark saw the Sun only when they arrived on Earth. The descent of the ark is symbolically depicted on the facade of the Dogon sanctuary. Rhombuses symbolize "quadrangular" "heavenly space", rectangles - "four-sided" earthly. Between these figures in the upper part of the facade are the stars: Po tolo and Emme Yatolo, as well as the "theoretical heavenly place where Nommo di is located." Sometimes this place is identified with Enegerin tolo (Gamma of the Lesser Dog). What prompted the Dogon to "settle" Nommo on this star?

At the same time, the Dogon mythology is very archaic. They believe, for example, that the universe arose from drops of the victim's blood; believe that the rotation of Po tolo around Sigi tolo symbolizes the rite of circumcision, and the circular movements of celestial bodies are similar to the circulation of blood. Moreover, this mythology looks very integral, and this makes the hypothesis of borrowing Dogon knowledge from modern European astronomers doubtful.

Based on Griaule and Dieterlen (whose work began in 1931 and published in 1950), Robert Temple, in his book The Mystery of Sirius (1978), concludes that the Dagon mythology recorded alien intervention five thousand years ago. … His findings have convinced many, but have been debunked by authors such as Carl Sagan and Ronald Storey, who claim that the Dagons heard about Sirius B from local French missionary schools before Griaule and Dieterlen began writing down their beliefs in 1931, and just incorporated this information into their "ancient" rituals.

However, it is extremely doubtful not only the astronomical knowledge with which the preachers shone, but also the fact that in elementary schools they had no other topics for conversations with the natives, except for the novelties of modern astronomy. And in general, taking into account the basic cosmological tenets of the Bible, we assume that astronomy is the last of all the variety of topics that Christian preachers could discuss with their wards. However, even if we close our eyes to this objection and imagine among the Jesuit fathers such a fiery Galileo who would undertake to educate the primitive African community in terms of astronomy, the assumption that Dogon shamans would undertake to transport their mythology based on the data of European astronomers seems absolutely incredible. Rather, they would have believed in the existence of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The question of how the Dogon mastered such a perfect, on the one hand, and so paradoxical, on the other, knowledge of astronomy and what events of deep antiquity influenced their mythology remains open. The discovery of Sirius C would help Dogon's Temple thesis, but there is no basis for this yet.

About the origin of the Dogon, and not only them

Since the Dogon assure that their ancestors are from Sirius, let us agree for a moment with this unfounded statement and try to imagine - from whom approximately.

Probably from people. The classification of UFO pilots (described from eyewitness accounts of contactees) gives us many different types of humanoids (and non-humanoids), so you can choose your own "ancestors" for every taste. There are also dwarfs, growing from thirty to one hundred and twenty - one hundred and forty-five centimeters. And giants - from 2.5-5 meters. Both bald and hairy. With both green and gray faces. In spacesuits and without them. There are enlonauts, one to one similar to the so-called "Bigfoot" or "Yeti". There are "mermaids" - creatures on one leg, fused from two. There are translucent and phosphorescent, sitting on trees, and at the same time having huge ears sticking out much above the head and at the same time extending below the shoulders. There are cyclops (creatures with one eye, but still similar to people). There are no eyes at all - their organ of vision is arranged like a mesh-facet catcher of light signals, like a fly. There are big and kind ones, and there are small and aggressive ones … And there are just colored funny balls that can lure you into their apparatus and it is unpleasant to examine.

A separate category is made up of creatures that practically do not differ from people. They are called "Men in Black" - but they are discussed separately in the chapter "The Same and Men in Black".

Finally, there are enlonauts that closely resemble humans. Their features are of a pronounced Scandinavian type.

To which of them the Dogon classify themselves, of course, remains a mystery even for themselves. Of the recorded contacts with the enlonauts, it seems that there were no "Sirians" yet. Aliens from Zeta Reticuli came across …

If only the "Spanish version" of September 1987 does not suggest anything … In the "plate" hanging over the city square, the "door" swung open, and three appeared on the "threshold": two giants - one in a gray, the other in a red spacesuit (the spacesuits sparkled beautifully), and the third was a green dwarf with a disproportionately large wrinkled head and a bony body. The newcomers addressed the audience in an incomprehensible, but very familiar language … These "people", of course, did not resemble the Dogon, and this was not required: millennia of adaptation of the former Sirians did their job - they acquired a purely earthly growth and an African tan. But the fact that the giants (yes, probably, the green robot too) were from Sirius is readily believed.

Not long before this incident, a silver ball that "appeared" to a group of schoolchildren near Vologda threw a woman in the middle of a forest of unknown origin in the same bright red dress as that of the "Spaniards". True, then she disappeared into some unknown place … However, more about this all in the same, III part.

Let's imagine that 10-12 thousand years ago a spacecraft crashed on our planet. The consequences of this catastrophe were about a thousand times worse than after the fall of the Tunguska diva. The surviving crew of the "saucer" found themselves face to face with the wild nature - and with our no less wild ancestors.

Feeling their double guilt - for the complete destruction of their own ship and for the partial death of the population of our planet, the aliens undertook to atone for their guilt at least to the Earth: they sent their missionaries to all continents, to all lands where the aborigines remained - in order not only to help this the population will be reborn, but reborn at a new, unprecedented level. They gave the Egyptians writing and agriculture. They gave the Indians a perfect calendar. They brought with them the knowledge of astronomy, chemistry, physics, agronomy, law, medicine … It cost them nothing, using their devices, vehicles, etc., to calculate all the precession cycles, to find the optimal points on the Earth, where to posterity are monuments of their guilt and past greatness. Most likely, the ancient Sphinx really contains a message … And probablythat it will be found and read back in this century, although there is so little time left for us to comprehend it … However, all the predictions of the great soothsayer of the 20th century Edgar Cayce came true …

In favor of the version of civilizers, it is precisely the fact that giant stone heads were discovered in America, whose faces represent a race that is not known not only in the ancient Americas, but is now completely absent on Earth. Black race! So, perhaps, having crossed with the earthly ancestors of the Dogon, the gods of the Egyptians and Maya really disappeared into the current Dogon?..

What does Sirius have to do with it, you ask?

There are emigrants who, having settled abroad, forever "cut off" their past, as if it did not exist. Not because they did not love their homeland! Namely, so that nostalgia does not torment them for the rest of their lives and so that children finally have one homeland, like all peoples. It was the same at the beginning of the century with many Russian exiles in a European foreign land and on the other side of the Great Ocean. If we talk about the aliens from the lost ship, it seems that it was in their interests - both for earthlings, and, perhaps, first of all for themselves - to teach earthlings crafts, to smelt the necessary metal with their help, build a ship and fly home.

Was it their colony that settled on Mars? Didn't they build the pyramids there, shown in the photo by the American "Viking" in 1976? The largest of the discovered pyramids (one of them is stepped) has a height of 1 kilometer! A truly great civilization could have built this grandiose structure. And not only the pyramids: the same "Viking" transmitted to Earth a photograph of a giant head - a mournful face fixed its gaze into space … A face whose anthropological features resemble a Negroid type of man. And a tear rolling down my cheek …

Unlike the "earthly" civilizers, the "Martian" ones forever captured the sorrow for the lost homeland.

"Secrets of UFOs", A. Varakin and others.