And He Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

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And He Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View
And He Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: And He Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View

Video: And He Disappeared Without A Trace - Alternative View
Video: He Disappeared Into Thin Air And Was Never Seen Again 2024, October

Sometimes people disappear suddenly, without a trace and inexplicably. In broad daylight. As if sinking into the water. And these situations cannot be explained.


Relentless statistics show that every year in such developed European countries as England, France, Italy, 10-20 thousand people disappear without a trace. Moreover, many cases of disappearance would have puzzled Sherlock Holmes himself.

But let's give the floor to Conan Doyle himself.

“I have heard of one such incident in America that has remained unsolved. A certain gentleman of impeccable reputation was going out with his household on a Sunday evening walk and suddenly found that he had forgotten something. He returned to the house, the door of which was still open, and his companions remained waiting outside.

But he disappeared behind this door forever, and from that day not a single clue was found to somehow come close to the riddle. I can confidently say that this is one of the most mysterious stories I have ever heard of."

But we will not refer to distant countries and turn to facts from our recent history.

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The first story belongs to the times of the Great Patriotic War. Two partisans from the detachment of Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Medvedev from the edge of the forest watched the German headquarters located in one of the remote villages of Smolensk region.

One of the partisans decided to rewind the footcloth and smoke at the same time. Putting the carbine aside, he took up the boot, and his comrade redoubled his vigilance. It took just a few seconds, he turned to a friend with some question, but did not hear an answer. Looking around, the partisan was horrified to find that his partner had disappeared without a trace. His bag, carbine and removed boot remained in place … And not the slightest sound that would have made another scout alert.


The next case was told by Doctor of Technical Sciences Mikhail Dmitriev: “Father and son went to the mountains. Father walked away from the parking lot for a while. When he returned, the son seemed to fall through the ground. And from the footprints in the snow it is clear that he did not leave anywhere and no one approached him. Dmitriev suggests that a powerful ball lightning incinerated the person. But not even ashes remained in this place!

Another similar incident also occurred in winter, at a camp site near Kirov. It was only an hour before lunch, but one of the girls decided to take a walk in the forest through the freshly fallen snow. Her friend shouted to wait and began to put on skis. The girl, laughing, shouted: "You will catch up!" - and disappeared among the trees.

A few minutes later, the friend accepted the challenge and began to catch up. But half a kilometer from the camp site, the girl's ski track suddenly broke off. And no other tracks were nearby on the freshly fallen snow …


In the century before last, in front of his servant in Berlin, an employee of the British Foreign Office disappeared on a deserted street. He was about to get into a harnessed carriage, but at the last minute, deciding to check the harness, went up to the horse. In a second he was gone.

Also, literally before our eyes, a young man disappeared on the outskirts of Glasgow on the early New Year's morning in 1966. Three brothers walked along the road, heading for a festive visit to their relatives. They were talking about something and literally in mid-sentence discovered that the youngest, Alex, was not with them …

Here is another case that occurred in Moscow. Work friends came to the man. He ran out of cigarettes, and he, throwing on his jacket, as he was wearing slippers, went down to the deli, which was in the same house. They waited for him in vain: he never returned. Disappeared in broad daylight in an area of several tens of meters!


There are cases of double disappearances, albeit spaced apart in time. Winter 1984. A large group of Luga traffic cops decided to hunt a wild boar on non-working days.

The hunters walked through the winter forest in a chain, in line of sight to each other, so that the boar would not slip between them. But when they approached the place where the boar was supposed to be, they did not find any prey or a single hunter.

The search for him was unsuccessful, only they found a trail that suddenly broke off. And one of his comrades, who was closest to him, seemed to see a faint red flash in his side, but decided that he just lit a cigarette.

The next day, soldiers from the nearest military unit were sent to search for the missing person, but to no avail …

A few months later, in late spring, one of the soldiers of this unit, who participated in the search, went on leave. He told his friends that he wanted to look at the place where the traffic policeman had disappeared in winter. He did not return to the unit, did not come home either, and the guy had very little left before demobilization.

Karelia, 1987. The biologist disappeared from a small island, all his things and the boat remained in place. A few months later, his brother disappeared just as inexplicably in Leningrad.


And only once, according to the witness of the disappearance phenomenon, he managed to observe the very phase of the phenomenon.

Caucasus, 1980. Two friends-climbers, who were resting at the camp site in the Azau glade, decided to “walk” to Elbrus without informing anyone.

On the "cable car" they got to the station "Mir", and this is already an altitude of 3500, only two kilometers to the top. They did not intend to conquer Elbrus, their goal was the Shelter of the Eleven, where, according to their information, friends from Leningrad were supposed to be.


But only one made it to the shelter, with a gray head. He told an incredible story: literally three hundred meters below the orphanage, when they already saw people standing near the aluminum "barrel" -house, he looked back at his slightly lagging comrade. And before his eyes, a person suddenly began to "bend into a sinusoid", then "thin out" and rapidly stretch upward. In a split second, everything disappeared.

Of course, the climbers rushed in search, but in the indicated place they found only an ice ax stuck into the dense snow. And there was nowhere for a man to disappear in this place.

* * *

By linking together the facts of sudden and inexplicable disappearances and cases of spontaneous displacement, one can make an assumption. It assumes that with uncontrolled teleportation, a person who disappeared in one place can appear, appear anywhere: in the Arctic ice, in the depths of the ocean, in other dimensions or worlds. In this case, it remains for us to state only the first act of the drama - the very disappearance of a person.
