Equilibrium Law. What Kind Of Power Rules The World And What Is Not Discussed In Any Religion - Alternative View

Equilibrium Law. What Kind Of Power Rules The World And What Is Not Discussed In Any Religion - Alternative View
Equilibrium Law. What Kind Of Power Rules The World And What Is Not Discussed In Any Religion - Alternative View

Video: Equilibrium Law. What Kind Of Power Rules The World And What Is Not Discussed In Any Religion - Alternative View

Video: Equilibrium Law. What Kind Of Power Rules The World And What Is Not Discussed In Any Religion - Alternative View
Video: Adam Smith's Theory of Organised Religion: A Lecture by Barry Weingast 2024, July

What drives our life? Who are we - a toy in the hands of higher powers, or vice versa, full-fledged masters of our destiny? For many centuries this question haunted philosophers, theologians and scientists. And each of us, ordinary people, sooner or later begins to look for an answer to it. To understand this, you need to start with the most important thing - that which absolutely everyone is subject to, the force that underlies any process, event or character. And her name is the Law of Balance.

Around us there is a constant cycle - the day is followed by the night, after a calm wind begins, after the cold comes warmth - one state is almost always balanced by the opposite. Equilibrium is also present in people, even in the most seemingly harsh characters there are “softening” opposite qualities.

Outwardly harsh are often deeply vulnerable on the inside, irascibility is adjacent to appeasement, excessive enthusiasm and hyper-attention in one area is often combined with indifference to other aspects of life. This list can be continued indefinitely, it is enough to observe each person and see how he is "balanced" due to his opposite characteristics.

There is nothing to say about balance in history - how many great empires fell into complete decline, how many times the morals and customs were reversed, how many former idols were recognized as tyrants and vice versa, how many outcasts became saints - it is difficult to count … History, like the whole world around, proves to us that "nothing lasts forever under the moon" and the medal always has two sides.


If we return to the personal life of people, then within the framework of their current life, the character and the way events develop may seem very "homogeneous". But if you know that a person's life is not one, but a great many of them, then it seems obvious that an inflection in one direction will sooner or later be compensated by the opposite.

For example, if a person in one of his incarnations happened to be a religious fanatic, he observed all the dogmas and strove to live “correctly”, then in one of the next lives he will experience the same impulse “on the contrary” - he will want to go against the foundations and violate all sorts of norms and laws. If you sacrifice one or several lives in a row for the sake of others and strive to please everyone except yourself, then sooner or later you will fall into no less sincere egoism and indifference to others. The longer and more intensely you live one side of a phenomenon, the more time you will spend on the other.

To see the obviousness and inevitability of the law of balance is hampered by the limited memory and time of observation of a specific person. Therefore, we often sort those around us by type, put labels on them and think that they were what they were and remained the same. There are "Mother Teresa", there are notorious scoundrels, and we - all the rest - somewhere in between.

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But the law of equilibrium will not allow anyone to "stagnate" in one image, neither in the current moment, nor in the long term. “Mother Teresa”, even in her angelic role, can at times be selfish and fixated on herself, caring for strangers can be combined with excessive demands on her own and inability to take care of those closest to her. And vice versa, the “bad guys” tend to combine rigidity and selfishness with the majority with sincere love and even idealization of the “chosen ones” from their inner circle.

In addition, in the future, both of these types will reach their personal limit - one to their limit of selflessness, and the second to the “bottom” of their negative qualities (by the way, they can go for quite a long time - several lives in a row). As a rule, after this limit is reached, everything develops in such a way that a person begins to change in the opposite direction.


The scope of good and evil is different for everyone, but, as a rule, it all the same depends on the level of development of the soul, the more complex "construction" it is, the more good and bad deeds it is capable of. Not necessarily if a person is developed, he strikes to extremes, but if he wants good and bad, he will twist many times more than the "average".

By the way, self-development is also completely subject to the global law of equilibrium, there are no people who are constantly developed or are always backward. In the development of everyone there are both short-term periods of increasing and decreasing the level, and global cycles of high awareness, which are replaced by no less global epochs of personal decline.

The individuality of each creature is manifested not in what polarity it is now in, but in what qualities in it are more developed and tend to fluctuate in a positive or negative direction. It is this unique set of interests and inclinations that characterizes the personality, making it unlike anyone else.


A person's thoughts and actions depend on many factors. If we turn to classical psychology, then they teach us that our childhood, parents, environment, as well as the genetically inherent character in us made us who we are. All these factors undoubtedly shape the outlook and behavior, but the point is that they are not primary, as we are told, but secondary. The main and primary factor is the soul's need to experience a particular state. That is why we are born to certain parents, meet the people we need and find ourselves in various pleasant and not very situations.

If an inflection has been observed for a long time in one direction, then the soul on an instinctive level will have a need to correct it by going to another. And accordingly, at, again, at a very deep and unconscious level, she will begin to choose such people and circumstances that will lead to the desired goal. This happens because the soul of any living creature, being inextricably linked with the rest, like everything in the world, is subject to the law of equilibrium, where it is "established" as the main operating system.

This topic, unfortunately, is bypassed by most world religions, which seek to divide the world into light and dark principles, in the battle of which a person must once make his decisive choice, and then go to the light or slide into darkness. Almost always, the idea of attaining paradise, enlightenment, or complete fall is understood as the final state from which there is no way out. In fact, this is not the case.

There is nothing final and final, and cannot be. The life of the soul is a cycle that has no beginning or end - it changes endlessly, grows, fades, but at the same time it exists unchanged. I remember a huge number of my past lives and many people who were by my side at that time - there is not one who would not change. I have seen dizzying ups and downs - my own and others', and therefore I cannot believe in the idea of "final enlightenment" or "unlocking the wheel of samsara," however attractive it may seem. Reaching the “ceiling” in any society or world is not the limit of development, but the level of the “bottom” of a higher level, and even if you can reach the very top, then you will have to go down the same way.


We were told from childhood that good will triumph, and evil must be eradicated and punished. From the point of view of morality and life comfort, this is really so. However, in a global perspective, our soul can be compared to a chess player - in order to gain experience and improve, it must play as much as possible. And there is no such thing that someone always gets only white or black, the pieces change every game. Only the acquired skills and acquired knowledge remain, which help to form your own corporate style of play …
