Ghostbusters - Alternative View

Ghostbusters - Alternative View
Ghostbusters - Alternative View

Video: Ghostbusters - Alternative View

Video: Ghostbusters - Alternative View
Video: Охотники за привидениями 2024, July

On the eighteenth of May 1928, a battle took place between the Greeks and the Turks at the castle of Frank Castello. A bloody war went on for a whole week …

The Second World War. Greece. Crete. The Germans occupied the island. In the early morning of May, sentries patrolling the coast of Castello Castle heard voices and the clang of weapons. But then they saw the unimaginable. An army of ghosts was approaching the castle from the sea. Warriors in black robes sprang up out of thin air. In horror, the Germans began to shoot …

Every year on the eighteenth of May, the battle is repeated again. With the first rays of the sun, the first ghost warriors appear over the horizon. They always move towards the coast. Numerous witnesses say that at this time the horse stomp, the cries of the soldiers and even the groans of the wounded are clearly heard.

Researchers call this rare phenomenon chronomire. After all, it reproduces real historical facts, and most often people observe such phenomena in places where bloody tragedies took place.

The nature of the chronomyrages is inexplicable, but there is a hypothesis that these are images recorded in the information field of the Earth. And the ghosts of the past remain forever on Earth.

According to the researchers, any particle of the Universe can contact the information field. And human consciousness is also characterized by the same information layer, tuning in, it connects to a certain block of information.

Numerous eyewitnesses of chronomirages get a unique opportunity to take a trip into the past.

Several years ago Russian researchers were interested in this phenomenon. They call the chronomirages "the memory of the past" and are sure that nothing on the planet passes without a trace.

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Planet Earth is surrounded by an information matrix, which records all events taking place on Earth. The researchers have a lot of evidence - photographs that capture objects from the past, for example, a car standing in the bushes, the top of a broken tree, and even soldiers who fought on the Russian land decades ago. Timeline can be filmed with a conventional digital camera and even on videotape.

There is still no answer to the question of the possibility of managing this phenomenon. But the fact that ghosts can be found in an ordinary apartment in Moscow, the singer Danko knows firsthand. He saw them more than once at home. But where can phantoms come from in a big city? It should be noted that the singer noticed a certain pattern: the ghost of a monk in a long hood most often appears at the fireplace.

Experts explain this anomaly by the fact that the ghost is fed by the etheric energy of fire. And at this moment large bursts of static energy are observed.

It is believed that a person has seven bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, karmic, buddhic and atmic. They are called projections of a person in a multidimensional universe.

The physical body exists in a three-dimensional world. Etheric - in four-dimensional, astral - in fifth-dimensional, etc. After death, a person's bodies begin to decay successively. On the third day the physical, on the ninth - the etheric, on the fortieth - the astral, and the human soul is gradually liberated.

But this is not always the case. A person can get stuck in one of his subtle bodies. Thus, according to experts, ghosts are nothing more than etheric bodies, from which sunlight is not reflected, and therefore people do not often see them.

Sometimes human consciousness refuses to accept the fact of death and tries to continue its usual existence. And sometimes he just doesn't understand what happened to him.

To understand where ghosts appear in his apartment, the singer Danko had to delve into history. It turned out that the building in which he lives was built in a historical and very “prayerful” place. There used to be a temple here, which the communists demolished. Among other things, it turned out that his house is in a cemetery. For several centuries, monks were buried in this monastery cemetery. And it is possible that it is their ghosts that wander along Nikolo-Yamskaya Street near their desecrated graves, sometimes dropping into apartments.

Experts say human emotions attract ghosts and ghosts. During intense experiences, pain, anger, fear, a person generates a powerful energy field around him.

For the same reason, ghosts are seen more often in places with anomalous energy. Very often they appear in the cemetery, where they are attracted by human emotions.

Several years ago unique photographs were taken at the Diveyevo Monastery. During the funeral service, a funeral procession is visible in the foreground, and around it, near the graves, light ghostly figures are clearly visible. Everyone who was at the funeral that day did not see these ghosts, but the camera clearly captured the phantoms from a variety of angles.

Experts explain this phenomenon as follows: when clergymen read prayers, they saturate the souls of the dead with energy. In this regard, they came to the Diveyevo Monastery to receive the energy they need to lift their souls "up". That is why those who are stuck in this world literally “flock” to the service for peace in order to receive energy for the “journey to heaven”.

Recently, doctors have discovered "waves of death." Two to three minutes after cardiac arrest, powerful electrical impulses appear in the brain. They last about three minutes. Perhaps it is at this moment that the souls of the dead leave the body. And this means that the soul is still material. Perhaps it is made up of tiny particles. Human cells die, but the particles they are made of are immortal.

Researchers claim that suicides and people who die tragically become ghosts. They are doomed to wander forever in the etheric body. And history knows a lot of such cases. The ghost of Emperor Paul I, who was killed in the engineering castle, still frightens the bailiffs. They clearly describe a figure in a cocked hat and jackboots who walks along the corridors of the castle, and sometimes even plays the flute.

The subtle world exists simultaneously with the physical world. This is a world of energy and information. It is believed that the subtle world is inhabited by the souls of people and animals. Spirits of the elements and all kinds of creatures live there. It is in it that a person's life continues after death. This is where ghosts and ghosts come from.

It is believed that ghosts are capable of communicating with a person and transmitting information to him. Most often, they are people who will soon experience something terrible. The worst thing is when a person meets his ghostly double - a doppelganger. The doppelganger is believed to be a sign of death. He can take possession of a person, take possession of his body, and then bring him to madness or to death.

The meeting with his double for the writer Guy de Maupassant became fatal. In the sparkling mirrors that decorated his house, the writer saw his double. He said that the doppelganger penetrated into his soul and began to inspire terrifying thoughts. Maupassant described his experiences in the story "The Eagle", the hero of which unsuccessfully tries to get rid of his own double and comes to the idea of suicide.

At the beginning of 1852, Maupassant really tried to commit suicide, but he was rescued and placed in a psychiatric hospital, from which the writer never left.

In Christianity, doppelgangers are called settlers or demons. There is a rite of exorcism, with which you can get rid of evil spirits.

The German word "doppelganger" - a human double - corresponds to the English term autoscopy. This is the name of a person's ability to separate from the physical body and observe it, as it were, from the side. This happens during astral travel. However, there is a difference between the astral double and the doppelganger. A person is able to heal himself from a doppelganger, but during the astral transition, consciousness completely passes into the etheric body.

They say that shamans can communicate best with ghosts. For example, in Peru and Ecuador, to communicate with the spirits of the dead, shamans take a special potion - ayahuasca. Today, researchers absolutely unequivocally state: ayahuwasca really transfers a person to the world of spirits. The main psychoactive substance that is part of the drink is produced by the human brain at the time of death throes.

In shamanic traditions, the transition to the spirit world is always accompanied by dying. Siberian shamans use a trance state for this, American - a state of clinical death. Shamans use various methods to force their brain to function in extreme conditions.

But does the astral world really exist, or is it just the result of malfunctioning of the brain? Trying to answer this question, scientists turn to another phenomenon - clinical death. Many psychics have long said that the other world really exists. The souls of people are really immortal and even influence the fate of people, but not everyone can communicate with the souls of the dead. And only before death a person sees the souls of his ancestors.

Not everything and it is not always possible to explain from a scientific point of view. But the time will surely come when all the secrets of the universe will become clear. And maybe then many of us will easily communicate with the souls of our loved ones, which we sometimes miss so much. At least, I really want to believe it …