Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View

Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View
Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View

Video: Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View

Video: Cyrano De Bergerac - Who Were You? - Alternative View
Video: Cyrano - No thank you speech 2024, July

Because of the play by Edmond Rostand about the life of Cyrano de Bergerac, staged on the stages of almost all states of the world, a mistaken opinion about this extraordinary person was created. In the play, Cyrano is portrayed as a witty rake and a reckless duelist. In fact, the real Cyrano de Bergerac is far from the invented image. It would be more correct to call him a mysterious intellectual and a man full of mysteries. All the information known about him is amazing in its improbability, fantasticness and does not correlate with the level of scientific and technological progress of that time. From where Cyrano acquired knowledge of the highest level, not available to his contemporaries, is still unknown.

Cyrano de Bergerac was born in Paris in 1619. He successfully completed his studies at the University of Paris in 1637. True, glory to him, at that time, was brought not by his scientific activity, but by participation in numerous duels with swords. Fate brought de Bergerac into the active army. After several serious injuries, Cyrano returned to Paris, where he joyfully “plunged” into social entertainment.

But suddenly, he completely changed his lifestyle. Now he could be seen more often behind books than at social events. And since that time, the life of Cyrano de Bergerac has a lot of "blank spots". Also, the circle of his acquaintances changed incredibly: scientists, writers, philosophers appeared in it. Only one peculiarity attracts attention - many of de Bergerac's new friends turned out to be members of a secret organization of Rosicrucians. Perhaps it was the Rosicrucians who provided the opportunity for Cyrano de Bergerac to gain access to the secret knowledge that they possessed. In his notes, de Bergerac mentions the information received. For example, he talks about unusual mechanisms, "eternal" lamps, devices capable of playing and recording music, etc. But the most amazing thing: in these entries there is a link to the factthat this knowledge the Rosicrucians received from beings from other planets.

Cyrano wrote a science fiction work - "Journey to the Sun", where he formulated not only the basic principles of thermodynamics, but also outlined the popular process of sound propagation. De Bergerac was professionally versed in the theory of light, which was described and formulated only a hundred years later by the great Russian scientist Lomonosov. Cyrano knew about the existence of such a physical phenomenon as the pressure of light on a surface, and the discoverer of this effect was, moreover, many years later, a completely different person - J. Maxwell. Cyrano's writings describe many amazing technical solutions. Most of them were related to rocketry and devices capable of moving in outer space. It was Cyrano who told about the structure of the three stages of a space rocket, described in detail the state of weightlessness,and also described the pilots' feel when accelerating and decelerating a spacecraft. Such information cannot be invented, such information could only be presented by a person who had experienced everything on himself.

In his work "The State of the Moon" de Bergerac told the readers in detail about his flight from Paris to the Canadian territory on a certain apparatus with an engine operating on the "evaporative-dew" principle. To fly 6 thousand kilometers, Cyrano spent only 5 hours. Those. the speed of the unknown vehicle was higher than that of the Tu-154! In the same book, Cyrano talks about the structure of the universe, its inhabitants, etc.

But the most interesting, Cyrano talked about the giant, surrounded by a halo of light, cities that move on the surface of the moon. These incredibly huge structures move at a speed of about 30 km. in hour. At first glance, some kind of fantasy! But it turned out that modern astronomers have repeatedly recorded the movement of some luminous objects on the lunar surface, but it has not yet been possible to determine their purpose and the source of the glow. So, in 1964, American astronomers have repeatedly observed a clear white luminous spot, rapidly moving along the lunar surface and its speed was significant - from 32 to 80 km. per hour., and it also changed its size.

Cyrano's works describe devices that can record and reproduce sounds. The question arises: where in the 17th century Cyrano could see and study the work of the radio station? Maybe de Bergerac could communicate with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization through radio communication?

In his diaries, he mentions a certain book, which he has, "the binding of which was cut from a whole diamond, much more brilliant than ours …". Doesn't this look like a 17th century TV!

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Cyrano's connection with aliens can be confirmed by the description given by him in his diary: their bodies are immaterial, they become visible as soon as they want it, they can take any shape and size; their bodies are similar to condensed air, they carry heat and possess a tremendous destructive force … This presentation fully corresponds to the description of representatives of other worlds given, subsequently, by K. Tsiolkovsky.

Until now, none of the researchers has given an explanation of where the former rake and life-burner, lover of secular parties, had information that was ahead of the time of Cyrano de Bergerac by many hundreds of years. But the riddle is all the more interesting when the answer must be persistently sought.