10 Nightmarish Cases From The Psychotherapist's Couch - Alternative View

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10 Nightmarish Cases From The Psychotherapist's Couch - Alternative View
10 Nightmarish Cases From The Psychotherapist's Couch - Alternative View

Video: 10 Nightmarish Cases From The Psychotherapist's Couch - Alternative View

Video: 10 Nightmarish Cases From The Psychotherapist's Couch - Alternative View
Video: Scary People Caught On Camera 2024, July

In order to cope with a problem, you need to face it face to face. Sometimes this "face" looks pretty creepy.

The work of a psychotherapist is a conversation with the unconscious in its language, in the language of those "imaginary" images with which every person is familiar - they appear before your eyes when you remember something, invent or imagine something.

The task of the therapist is to identify the image with which the unconscious encodes your problem and transform it so that it encodes your well-being and becomes a new "instruction" for the unconscious.

In the process of work, I ask a person to describe those images that appear in his mind's eye and to voice the first thoughts that come to mind as images answers to my questions. They are - information from the unconscious, which can be obtained without hypnosis, trances, etc.

There is nothing mystical or esoteric in this work, despite the fact that often the images are of a fantastic or religious nature. At the same time, it allows in a very short time to solve problems that seem insoluble or torment a person for years.

Below are some real-life cases from practice. All names have been changed.

Anti-money cage

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The young man Konstantin addressed the problem, which he formulated as follows: "Objectively, nothing prevents me from earning more, but I seem to limit myself, I feel like in a cage."


I suggested to Constantine to visualize the mentioned cell and find in his past the moment where, according to his feelings, the cell appeared for the first time. “I have the feeling that this cell has been with me since birth and is much older than me,” said Konstantin, which directly referred us to the need to work with the “ancestral syndrome,” that is, with a problem that is passed down from generation to generation.

When I asked Konstantin to imagine the figure of his ancestor, in whose life the cell first appeared, the young man described the figure of a man of about forty, who looked very dejected. I asked Konstantin to imagine the life of this ancestor as a line and find the point on the line where the problem arose. According to Konstantin, the turning point occurred when the male ancestor suddenly lost his business and income (a picture was drawn as if a fire in a factory or enterprise). As a result, the male ancestor became disillusioned with himself, became desperate and became for his descendants a "translator" of unsuccessful beliefs and behavior patterns.

We gave the ancestor the missing resources and rewrote the unfavorable situation in the past (the fire still took place, but the man who received the resources had the opportunity to relate to this situation more easily and not turn it into a traumatic experience). After that, the male ancestor passed on to the line of his descendants a symbol of a new attitude to life's difficulties in the form of inner light. When this resource reached Konstantin, the cage disappeared by itself, and the "Scout of the Future" technique, which we followed, showed that the young man would achieve his financial goals in a year and a half.

It is noteworthy in this story that a month later Konstantin and I met again, and he said that exactly the day after our session, his office was arrested. It looked like an unequivocal coincidence with the fate of his ancestor. Despite the fact that the situation with the office was soon resolved safely, the young man wanted to understand what such a coincidence meant. I suggested that he ask his own unconscious about this, imagining the figure of the "owner of the problem" - someone who could give an answer about the nature and meaning of the incident with the office.

The emerging image of the owner of the problem told us that this event in itself does not mean anything, but it is the first “domino”, the fall of which triggers a chain reaction of other events leading Konstantin to his financial goal. The young man himself admitted that, thanks to the resource received the day before from his ancestor, he was able to perceive the unfavorable incident much easier and did not make a tragedy out of it.

In parting, I took from him a promise to write to me in a year and a half and tell me about financial success.

Misfortune never comes alone

There was a case when one day two girls who did not know each other approached me at once, behind whose back there was death.


Case 1

The girl Natalia asked to work with the basic fears, which manifested themselves, in particular, in her constant fear of making a mistake.

But when we addressed the unconscious with a request to show us an independent unit of consciousness responsible for the necessary basic fear, the figure of a black man in a hat appeared behind the girl's back, who, according to Natalya, smoked and seemed to be waiting for something. In response to our question, what is he waiting for, the man said: "I am waiting for something bad, which should soon happen in her life."

I asked why he was waiting for this, and the black man replied that he was "just sent, so he does the task." When asked who sent it, the image pointed to the side, and at the indicated place, according to Natalya, her ancestors appeared, wishing, with the help of a black man, to quickly bring Natalya to the grave.

Led them, as it turned out from further inquiries, the motive "our life did not work out, so even if you have no life."

After we gave the ancestors the resources necessary for their lives to develop in the best possible way, the figures of the ancestors were transformed. From dark, they turned radiant and gave Natalia their symbolic blessing of a prosperous life. And the black man, realizing that he was no longer needed here, left.

Natalya described her physical sensations from this technique as follows: “As if I were under water with a stone around my neck, and now I emerged and finally could breathe!”. When Natalya and I met again a week later, she said that soon after our session she had a chance to test the effectiveness of our work: she had a situation that would have plunged her into panic and shame earlier (she had made a serious official mistake).

But now, according to the girl, this situation did not cause any negative emotions in her. On the contrary, Natalya was able to treat what was happening with humor, which also set the other participants in the episode in a friendly mood, and the incident ended happily.

Case 2

Polina addressed the problem of being overweight. When I asked her to imagine the figure of the owner of her excess weight, the girl described either an inflatable or a marshmallow white man. "It's like Ghostbusters," she said. However, the marshmallow man turned out to be taciturn, he refused to answer my questions with the words: "I was forbidden to speak." When I asked who exactly forbade him, Polina said: "It feels like there is someone black behind me." I invited her to mentally leave her body and move to the observer position to look at herself from the side. Indeed, the girl saw a black male figure behind her.

To my questions, the black man replied that he - not much, not a little - is death, and his task is to quickly drag Polina underground.

I asked my client to imagine that someone wise, kind and strong is coming down from somewhere, who can help solve the problem of this “premature death” that crept up from behind. According to Polina, an archangel came down to her from the sky and said that death in the form of a black man was behind her because she was too stiff, and inside she had no light at all.

At that moment, Polina clearly saw that her body really seemed to be made of stone, and the stone - no matter how much we tried to return the inner light to the girl's body, it did not allow the light to take root inside. When asked about its function, the stone replied that it is a protection from a dangerous and unfriendly world, which directly referred us to the need to work with Polina's negative beliefs about the world and people.

A short search on the girl's life line showed us that my client began to turn to stone after seven years, when her mother married for the second time, and the girl's stepfather had to live with an alcoholic stepfather, who for many years tyrannized Polina and her mother. As a result, the girl formed a persistent system of negative beliefs about the world and people and began to “grow” for herself protection from the surrounding dangers in the form of a stone (on a figurative level) and in the form of excess fat (on a physical level).

The resource of all the participants in her life story allowed us to create for Polina an alternative line of her past, where her stepfather did not have to become an alcoholic and a tyrant. Through this alternative life path, my client grew up to her current age in an atmosphere of well-being and became, unsurprisingly, the “best version of herself” without a hint of excess weight.

The combination of her original image with the figure of the "best version" completely removed the stone from Polina's body, and the black man-death, realizing that he no longer had a place behind the girl's back, left.

Stolen joy

The girl Oksana addressed the problem of losing the joy of life. According to her, she was always a very cheerful person, but a few months before we met, all the joy disappeared without a trace, and it happened suddenly and without any external or internal reasons.


I invited Oksana to see where in her social panorama (imaginary space of life) is the source of the lost joy. The answer was: "He is within me." However, according to Oksana's feelings, access to the source was lost. I invited her to look at the figure of herself through the eyes of a detached observer and assess whether there was someone next to her who would “feed” on her joy. Looking from the side, Alana saw something black behind her - alive, but not coming into contact.

Then I invited the girl to see in the surrounding space the figure of someone who can clarify to us the nature of this black creature. And Oksana described a certain luminous image, the most suitable name for which, according to her, was “soul”. In response to the question whether the soul can remove the black "something" from behind Oksana's back, she replied: "She must do it herself," meaning my client. When asked what needs to be done for this, the answer was: "Understand where it came from."

I invited Oksana to examine the space of her life for the master of the black essence - and the girl suddenly saw the figure of her young man next to her. “He gave me this black creature and is now very afraid that it will be returned to him,” Oksana said.

Fortunately, with the assistance of the resources of the higher unconscious, we managed to expel the black "thief of joy" outside the space of Oksana's life without harm - both for herself and for her young man.


The young man Aleksey addressed the problem of sabotage: according to him, he endlessly postponed current business tasks, which caused his business to suffer losses.


I asked Alexey to imagine that somewhere in the space surrounding him a magic door would open and the owner of the sabotage problem would emerge from there.

But in the imagination of the young man, vague, devoid of logic and seemingly fooling images appeared. Then I asked Alexey to say out loud the phrase: "I don't want to see the owner of the problem!" - and track where in his body there will be a response to these words. In response, we found a kinesthetic representation of the fear of learning something new about oneself, which prevented us from seeing the desired image.

As soon as we removed this fear, according to Alexei, a half-clown, half-monkey, cheerful and perky, came out of the magic door. In response to my questions about its function and tasks, the monkey clown began to tell me that he desires a rich future for my client, that Alexei, in my opinion of the clown, lives boringly, and should have sunbathed on his own yacht for a long time. However, with these seemingly good intentions, there was something ominous from the clown, according to Alexei himself.

Then I asked the young man to imagine that now someone wise, strong and benevolent would come down to him from somewhere above - someone who could help clarify the nature of the clown. Alexei described that he went down to him "either Buddha or Shiva" and immediately said about the clown: "This is a parasite."

A short search on the line of Alexei's past showed that the young man "picked up" the "parasite", or rather, he raised himself at the age of 6-8 years. In response to the question whether someone from the boy's entourage was involved in this, the figures of the parents appeared: the mother, who was the bearer of the belief “Money can only be earned by hard work,” and the father, who broadcast something like: “Yes, let us be in debt like silk, it's even fun."

And the third figure of his childhood friend appeared before Alexey's eyes. According to the young man, the friend was from a wealthy family, which made him envy, but at the same time was rather unpleasant. At that moment, the young man burst out: "But the friend looks very much like our monkey clown!"

After we replaced negative parental beliefs about money with positive ones, the life of the family went along a completely different vector, where Alexey the boy no longer intersected with an unpleasant friend and, growing up, became “the best version of himself” - confident, organized, purposeful, etc. e. The clown parasite was naturally absent on the new vector.

The session ended traditionally - by combining the real and ideal figure of Alexei.

Then the next day I received a message from a young man that he unexpectedly took on a task that he had postponed for six months. And then another one, where he said that he had discovered the possibility of delegating routine tasks - a simple thought that for some reason had not occurred to him before.

A parent torn apart and a hidden child

Today, many have heard about the phenomenon of the ego state "inner Parent", which - ideally - should be responsible for keeping us in order, for our belief systems and moral norms. But, being more often unfavorable, the Parent provides us with constant self-criticism, self-criticism, dissatisfaction with ourselves, a feeling of dissatisfaction, etc.


As a rule, people try to suppress manifestations of such an inner critic in themselves, which is tantamount to trying to close a boiling cauldron with a lid, and here is a vivid example illustrating how it looks through the eyes of the unconscious.

We worked with a girl named Anna, and at some point I asked her if she wanted to look at the state of her inner Parent, if she felt that he was too critical? To which Anna said: “Oh yes, I know, I have a very stern Parent! But I've already learned how to rein in him."

However, when we asked the unconscious for the image of the Parent, the picture that opened came as a shock to Anna herself and impressed me. According to the girl, a black figure of a man appeared in her imagination, which was as if blown up from the inside and reassembled from pieces of meat. The image evoked strong feelings and even frightened. Moreover, the torn male Parent was extremely angry. But when we were still able to bring him to sincerity, in order to find out what caused his unsuccessful state, he uttered a phrase that sounded like a cry of despair: "You want to get rid of me, but you can't live without me!"

I assured Parent that, on the contrary, we finally want to do him justice. After that, the Parent agreed to transformations, and the result of the work was a completely prosperous-looking Parent-woman who assured Anna that now she was able to put things in order among the independent units of consciousness that were under her control.

Another remarkable episode was Anna's independent work with the image of her inner Child, about which Anna told me the following.

As the Child figure, a teenage girl appeared - sad, dirty and lousy. When asked if she really is an inner Child, the girl answered with a firm “Yes”. Since the unconscious never lies, there was no thought to doubt her words.

The girl was easily put in order, but the changes did not last long, and no matter how much Anna transferred resources to the image, at the next request the girl again appeared in a dysfunctional state.

According to Anna, she was haunted by the girl's very sad eyes, and at some point the idea came to see if there was someone else inside this image - the one who caused sadness in the eyes. (The phenomenon of such a recursion, when others are embedded in one image, like nesting dolls, is not uncommon.)

Looking inside, Anna saw a fog, and in the fog - the figure of a true inner Child, who was much younger and hid in the body of a teenage girl from the dangers of the outside world. It became clear why the teenage girl was not at the same time a real Child, and did not deceive, saying that she was - he was not her, but lived inside her.

Having transformed the little hidden child, Anna finally got a stable, prosperous image, which immediately led to positive changes in her sense of self.

By the way, the inner Child is often forced to hide in the most unexpected way. Below are a few more examples from practice.

  • As a Child, my client had a girl with a cat. When asked if she is a real Child, she replied: "No." When asked to show where the real Child is, she pointed to the cat. When I asked the cat why she didn’t become a girl, the cat replied: "The cat can do what he wants, and the child must do what he must, what the adults say."
  • Instead of the inner Child, the client had a dusty bag in the heart. When I asked the bag what it was and what it was doing in my heart, he answered, turning to my client: “I am what you think of yourself.” When I offered to see what was inside the bag, a girl came out, who was the inner Child. When I asked her to change her “place of residence” to something more pleasant than a bag, she said: “I have been sitting in it for so long that I’ve got used to it. But if it is possible, I would love to live somewhere free."
  • Instead of the inner Child, a boy appeared suspended high in space. When asked if he really is an inner Child, the boy replied: "No, I am a clown and an acrobat, I play around here, fool everyone and distract everyone." It soon became clear that due to unfavorable life circumstances, the true inner Child was torn away from my client in early childhood, and in his place - like a stub - a "clown and acrobat" arose. Rewriting the circumstances on the line of life allowed the return of the true Child, after which the "clown and acrobat" realized that he was no longer needed and easily agreed to leave.
  • We worked with a girl who, at every session, for any attempt to resource the past, “turned on” strong internal resistance, to the point that she was trying to quit the technique and repeated: “All this is nonsense!”, “This is not what you need,” etc..d. I offered to see who so badly wants us to look into the past. Looking at the lifeline, my client saw a stone wall at the 4 year mark. When I asked who had put up the wall, a girl came out who turned out to be an inner Child, separated from my client and “stuck” in the past. This happened - according to the Child - due to the fact that the girl's mother went to work at that moment, which made her feel abandoned and lonely. When we cleaned the Child's figure of fears and negative beliefs about adulthood,The child agreed to walk along the line of life to the point of the present and reunite with the figure of my client. When we met with the girl a week later, she said that her sense of self and inner state after the return of the inner Child changed beyond recognition for the better.

Executed family

Once, after my webinar with a demonstration of techniques for working with the inner Child, I was approached by a girl Olga, who, according to her, had two girls instead of one Child figure - a bright, cheerful and black sad, who were inseparable like twins.


During the individual session, it became clear that the dark girl is a kind of "shadow" of the inner Child, with which the bright child flatly refused to part, saying that he needed it, but without explaining why. When I asked the owner of the shadow to appear, the old man came out, took the dark girl in his arms with the words: "I gave you a child, and you killed him!"

The girl in his arms, separated from the bright child, really showed no signs of life.

I invited the elder to breathe life into the girl, and she came to life. The elder agreed to leave and take the dark girl, but as he left he threw over his shoulder: "Damn you!"

Such a turn was not part of my plans, so I asked the elder to come back and tell me why he was sending curses. From his fragmentary phrases, it became clear that the elder himself had once lost his child and created this sad girl in his place. It became clear that the elder is the figure of one of the ancestors of my client.

When, having applied the necessary resources, we rewrote the life of the ancestor himself so that his child (son) remained alive, the elder was transformed, instead of "cursing" he gave Olga his blessing, and only one girl remained as the figure of the inner Child - a bright one.

However, as Olga felt, the girl still smelled of some kind of unhappiness. As the reason for this, the girl indicated fear, which, according to her, appeared in Olga at the age of about 2 years. And Olga remembered the situation that gave birth to him: her father went to the army, and her daughter was very worried and missed him. When we re-recorded this episode as if Dad didn’t need to join the army, the fear disappeared, but the inner Child figure still didn’t look completely happy.

They asked the Child girl what she would like to receive for happiness. The girl asked for a nursery, a garden outside the windows, a swing in the garden. All this entourage was reproduced for her in the imagination of my client. But when the girl sat down on the swing, an unexpected picture opened up: as if the swing were in the garden of a certain estate, standing on the bank of the river, there was a table nearby, at the table there was a tea party of a noble family. The picture looked idyllic, but the Child girl said, pointing to the people sitting at the table: "They will all be killed."

It became clear that we are again dealing with the "ancestral syndrome." The task was to virtually change the life of this family. We offered the family to emigrate without waiting for the revolution. All family members survived, began to live in Paris and its suburbs, but there was a feeling that “something was still wrong” - family members looked like some kind of restless in a foreign land. Finally, one of them asked for a factory. After that, the life of the family finally improved. And the inner Child began to look absolutely happy.

There were a great many such episodes of working with the images of ancestors in my practice, but this story is remarkable in that after a while I received a letter from Olga with the results of her research on her own past, which eloquently confirmed that all the images I saw were not a figment of the imagination, but quite reliable information read from the unconscious.

I am often asked how the work is going. I will describe the following three episodes as they took place in reality - in a dialogue format. From such a description, it is clearly visible how short time it sometimes takes to solve rather serious problems.

Comrade Stalin is the ruler of the world

The girl Nadezhda addressed the problem of sabotaging business tasks.


I asked her to feel the state of inhibition that she experiences at the moments when once again decides to postpone the actual task, and to imagine that this state in her is "triggered" by some independent character, some separate subject of will.

- How would such a character look like if he really lived in your body?

- It's a snowman.

- Look, the snowman is the main one, who is responsible for the sabotage, or does he have a boss?

- There is a boss. It is a huge ice mountain.

- Ask the mountain why it causes sabotage.

- The mountain says: “I am not a problem, I am a resource of calmness. You yourself decide how to dispose of me."

- So sabotage is a way to stay calm?

- Yes.

- Ask the mountain to show the figure of your identity, which in this - not in the best way - uses the resources of the mountain.

- I see myself as a child. This is a five-year-old girl, she stomps her foot and says: "I won't!" Nearby is the grandmother, she says that the child must obey adults unquestioningly. My grandmother grew up in an orphanage, where she was taught the value of obedience.

- Look where in the grandmother's body the image of this attitude "the child must …"

- He is not in the body, he is outside. This is a huge comrade Stalin, who sits on the throne and wants to subjugate the whole world.

- Ask Comrade Stalin how he will feel when he will rule the world?

- He will be proud of himself, he will feel that he is great.

- And let us immediately give him this state - the realization that he is good, that he is significant, valuable, etc. as a resource symbol. How will Comrade Stalin change after gaining such a sense of self?

- Oh, he immediately became kinder, he says: live and be happy!

- Well. What does grandma think now?

- The grandmother strokes the girl on the head.

- Perfectly. How will the girl grow up to your age now? What kind of person will she become?

- The best version of me.

- Does such a girl need to sabotage business tasks in order to prove to her grandmother that she “doesn't owe anything”?

- Not.

- Wonderful. Invite the "best version of you" figure to come into your body and connect with you. How is our snowman the master of sabotage?

- From him there was only one nose-carrot.

- Ask the carrot if you need it? What can and will she do good for you?

- Carrot says that she is magical and can motivate me further.

- That is, it is a symbol of the very motivation, which is commonly called "carrot"?

- Yes.

- Then take the carrot yourself, and let it fill you with motivation from now on.


The young man Denis made the following request: “I am engaged in a business that I inherited from my mother. Business brings money, but does not bring joy. I found another one in which I feel my destiny. But I am afraid to quit the first lesson because of the possible negative reaction of the mother."


I suggested that he imagine himself opposite the figure - that Denis who “wants to leave, but is afraid to disappoint his mother”. I asked to describe this figure. To which the answer came:

- He's lying. He's not alive. He's dead.

- Has he ever been alive in his life?

- Not.

- Born already dead?

- Yes, he died at the time of birth.

- What happened at the moment of birth, because of what he died?

- He realized that he was born not for life, but in order to be an instrument. Here's how, for example … a file. The file doesn't need to be alive.

- How did he know about it?

- He was told to.

- Who?

- Mum.

- What does mom herself look like at the moment of his birth? She is alive?

- No, she is also an instrument.

- When did she become an instrument? Also at birth or later? Find the turning point on her life line.

- She was 12 years old, after school she ran to her grandfather, exchanged a few words with him, then went for a walk, and when she returned, grandfather was dead. She first encountered such a quality of death as suddenness, could not explain it to herself, and broke down.

- How and who could change this situation for the better for her?

- The grandfather himself could tell her something important about death. Convey your attitude.

- Imagine that when she sees her grandfather still alive, he gives her a symbol of his attitude to death.

- He hands her a glowing ball.

- How is she going to live her life now, with this ball?

- She will stay alive, she will not cling to little things.

- What child will be born to such a mother? Alive?

- Yes.

- How will he grow up to your age? What kind of person will he become?

- Confident, successful, knowing what he wants. My problems for him simply won't exist.

- What does he think about your situation? What should be done?

- He says: we must leave the first thing only as a source of income, and seriously engage in what pleases.

- Does his mother care about this?

- Absolutely not.

- Ask his figure to enter your body, to connect with you. What do you think, what do you feel?

- I don't see any problem for myself now.

Space elevator to god

The girl Alina addressed a problem: in a short period, several accidents happened to her at once, starting with the fact that the landlord called with complaints, ending with the fact that a complaint was made at work, etc.


I suggested to Alina to find the place in the space where the “owner of the problem” “lives”, able to explain why this is happening. She answered:

- It's somewhere very high in the sky. You have to go there by the space elevator.

- And who will we see there if we rise?

- This is some kind of magician or sorcerer in a black robe.

- Ask him about the reasons for your unhappiness.

- He says that he is responsible only for execution, and someone else, someone else above, is in charge of events.

- Can we go up there?

- Yes. There is someone in white, on a throne, looking like a deity.

- Ask him the same question: why do misfortunes happen in your life?

- He says: this is the universal law by which people live - they need misfortunes in order to learn and become better. He says: it has always been and will always be, nothing can be done about it.

- Tell him that you have grown up to learn of your own free will, and not "out of the stick" of accidents. Ask what lesson you need to learn so that accidents are no longer needed?

- He says: to change the attitude towards people. And he also says that this is a problem - the curse of all members of my family.

- Ask him to show the figure of your ancestor, from which the transmission of the "curse" by inheritance began.

- This is a woman. It seems to me that a man deceived her, and she became angry with the people around her.

We have virtually rewritten the history of the female ancestor so that her family life would develop happily, after which we launched a transmission according to the gender of a symbol of an alternative attitude towards people. When this symbol as a resource reached my client, and the girl placed it in her body as a new belief system, the god on the throne said, referring to her: “Wow! You learn faster than everyone who came before you!"

After such a short but impressive space trip, my client no longer complained of accidents.

Author: Vera Deinogalerian