Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View

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Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View
Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Consumerism As A Way Of Life - Alternative View
Video: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity (2016) - Free Full Documentary 2024, July

Motive. Without it, no action is possible. We are born with basic motivations based on our physical needs. But the further we get to know the world, absorbing all the features of the information environment around us, the more motivation we have. But often our choice is not always our choice. Rather, it is the choice of the environment that shapes us. Any our action is preceded by a motive. And depending on what motivations are inherent in us, we will perform such actions and we will move along this path.

And the modern world is arranged in such a way that the environment lays in us not the best motivations from childhood. These motivations are predominantly selfish. Why is this happening and who benefits from it? There is an opinion that 90% of the information we come across is beneficial to transnational corporations and paid for by them. What is this information? And is it just about some kind of explicit advertising?

XXI century - the century of consumerism

At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century came the heyday of transnational corporations. If in the 20th century there was a war of ideologies predominantly in the world, and this war proceeded through armed clashes, then by the end of the 20th century a new era began - an era of structureless management of society, an era of war that is not on the battlefields, but in the minds of people. Today, the arms race is not waged in terms of weapons in the traditional sense of the word. Advertising and other methods of manipulating mass consciousness have become the main weapon of our century.

Advertising. With this word, as a rule, everyone has approximately the same associations. The advertisement is inserted in the most interesting place of the favorite TV series, it is posted in public transport, it falls on us on the streets of our hometown. However, this is only part of the iceberg. In fact, 90% of the information we come across is advertising. In the age of consumerism, advertising has become the engine of progress. Well, or regression, it depends.

Today, everything that we see on TV, hear on the radio, everything that is sung about in songs, all the strange concepts and ideas that are promoted through the Internet are all advertising. Hiden advertisment. How it works? Very simple. You can petulify people with an explicit advertisement of beer as much as you want, but if a person has not been hooked on this almost since childhood, then it is hardly possible to make him buy a harmful drink. And here hidden advertising comes into play. Beer makers are starting to fund the production of various films and TV shows, where all (or the vast majority) of the heroes regularly drink beer.


Promotional video:

At the same time, the brand of this beer is not so important: all beer brands still belong to one corporation and all profits go to the common pot. Therefore, it is not a specific beer brand that is promoted from the screen, but a specific model of behavior - to regularly consume beer. This is promoted from the TV screen as the norm: heroes who drink beer are shown as goodies - they have a fun life, they are successful, attractive, wealthy, and so on. Moreover, it is important to note that the image of attractiveness will be different for each social stratum of potential consumers.

For young people, for example, arrogant cheeky teenagers are attractive heroes, but for older people the income of the hero and his social status are important. And beer makers sponsoring such films will create a positive image for every social group. And thus, they will gradually introduce into society the concept that drinking beer is fashionable, cool, fun and not even harmful at all. But the one who does not drink beer - this is definitely something wrong with him. He, as the legendary Woland said: "Either he is seriously ill, or secretly hates those around him." Sadly, the words written by the genius writer have become prophetic: today in our society, this is how everyone who does not drink alcohol is perceived.

And this is exactly how this system works: a person is not forced to do anything directly, no one tells him how to live, they just gently and unobtrusively inspire him in which direction he needs to move. The active introduction of destructive concepts began in our society around the end of the 20th century. It was then that the unprecedented flourishing of transnational corporations began. And for 30-40 years our society is almost completely subordinated to the so-called philosophy of consumption.

The consumption paradigm directs us to the fact that the meaning of life, roughly speaking, is nothing other than the consumption of goods and services. And to this you need to direct your attention. Each of us in this life is offered a simple life plan - sacrificing everything, make a career, earn as much money as possible, and everything in order to consume the maximum amount of goods and services in a short period of human life.

A special place in this entire system of consumption is occupied by such a control lever as the artificial "obsolescence" of things. For example, you can use a phone that you bought back in the early 2000s. However, if you are somewhere surrounded by ordinary social people pull out such a phone, you will literally burn a hole in you with condemning and mocking looks. Because with such "old things" you can only walk … in general, you know yourself. And it is important to understand that such a reaction is far from the choice of all these people. They were simply taught to think in a certain way so that they would encourage each other to buy up "new items" all the time.

This is the meanness of this system: it acts with the hands of its own victims, forcing them to destroy themselves and their lives. That is why modern violence against a person, which always occurs covertly and implicitly, is much more cynical and dangerous. And its danger is that a person does not perceive this as violence, sincerely believing that this is his own choice. It is truly said: "The best slave is the one who does not suspect that he is a slave."

Consumers are persistently and persistently told that every two or three years they need to change their phone, and a person without a smartphone in modern society looks even stranger than a teetotaler or vegetarian. And a person, even realizing that he does not need this smartphone, will sooner or later be simply “bored” by his environment, and in order to just stop ridicule and bullying, he will buy himself this smartphone. And the meanness of the human psyche is that, having bought a smartphone, he will feel that he has finally joined the elite, and he himself will spread rot on those who do not have this smartphone. This is how this system works.


And according to this scheme, all branches of this consumption system function. Anyone who tries to break this system, even within the framework of his own life, will meet with the most severe rebuff from the advertising-zombified consumers. Anyone who has tried to go against this system at least once understands what this is about. After years of drinking alcohol and meat, try telling your friends or family that you have decided not to.

With extremely rare exceptions, the reaction will be completely inadequate and most often extremely aggressive. And strange as it may sound, people themselves have almost nothing to do with this reaction. This is how the work of those destructive programs that are installed in our consciousness with the help of hidden advertising is manifested. If a person from the screen of 20-30 years of his life is told that alcohol is a food product, and a holiday is impossible without it, then how can this person normally perceive that his friend or relative has decided to refuse it? Therefore, these people can be understood - they are victims of advertising, and nothing more. They sincerely believe that the "distraught" teetotaler must be urgently brought to his senses and returned to his normal state - a state of "moderate" self-poisoning with alcoholic poison.

It's the same with meat. From childhood, every person was taught that meat is a necessary food product. And even if a person eats this very meat a couple of times a week, then he will respond invariably to information about vegetarianism: "What is there then?" It feels like a person, apart from meat, eats nothing at all: meat soup, meat porridge, meat salad, meat dessert and meat tea. In reality, the average person eats a couple of cutlets a week, and refusing them certainly does not lead to starvation.

However, almost every supporter of "traditional" nutrition has already installed a program in his mind that makes him react aggressively to any ideas about changes in nutrition. Why is that? Because it is beneficial for transnational corporations. You may notice that people almost always react to offers to refuse meat with the same phrases: about protein, B12, about the fact that there is nothing to eat, about the fact that “man is omnivorous” and other nonsense suggested by meat corporations.

Examples with meat and alcohol are just the most striking examples. But in fact, the consumption system works like that in everything. Its scheme is simple: using hidden advertising to inspire the majority of ideas that are beneficial to it. And the minority will be despised and ridiculed. And sooner or later will go over to the side of the majority. And if not, then a small loss: the majority will still be profitable.


Consumerism and parasitism - the scourge of our time

Try to analyze your habits, rituals, ceremonies that you are used to. The same example with the New Year: we are taught from childhood that cutting down hundreds of thousands of Christmas trees, inflicting a blow on the environment, is normal. And every self-respecting person should pay a tidy sum for the tree, sponsoring this cruel business, and after two weeks throw it out without any worries about where these hundreds of thousands of Christmas trees that lie on the city streets until summer will now go.

We are persistently taught from early childhood that the most important thing is to have fun. Pleasure is above all. The fact that this pleasure is to the detriment of other people and the environment is not even discussed, but the paradox is that most often it is pleasure even to the detriment of the person himself. But this philosophy of consumption is so deeply driven into our minds that it was able to nurture in us even a disregard for our own life and health.

Health is such a thing that it is always enough for the rest of your life. All this would be funny if people, drugged by the philosophy of consumption, did not start to get sick at the age of 30, but die at 60. Advertising zombies consumers so much that even the instinct of self-preservation is turned off and they consume to their own detriment. The fact that their consumption causes colossal harm to the environment is no longer necessary to speak. Dozens of films have already been filmed about the massive harm meat-eating brings to the entire planet. But who cares besides those who have already stopped eating meat? Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of viewers of such films are precisely those who have already understood everything about the dangers of meat.

Most people today are parasitic. Ask the average person about what they are striving for, what they want from life, what are their goals and motivations? "I want some money …" - a girl once answered me when asked why she wants to work in the IT sphere. Note that she does not want to change the world for the better, does not want to bring something new, to invent something, to make life easier for people, does not even want to just learn something new and somehow develop.

“I want some money…” - this is her only motivation. And this is not an isolated case, but rather the “norm” of modern society. The overwhelming majority of people (especially young people as the segment of society most exposed to the influence of advertising and propaganda) today are motivated precisely to consume goods and services. And therefore it is quite logical that "I want money." Only people "want" not themselves, but those who paid for the advertisement, which installed all these false desires in the minds of people. This is a simple rule of business: before you make money, you need to invest.

Transnational corporations are investing billions in organizing all this information war aimed at installing destructive attitudes in our minds that motivate us to consume, parasitize and self-destruct. But in the end, they get hundreds and thousands of times more from those intoxicated with lies, who are ready to first work 12 hours a day, because they “want money,” and then spend this money in order to consume what they do not need, and destroy ourselves. And this paradoxical system works well and smoothly. Consumerism and parasitism have long been the dominant ideology in most countries.


How to get rid of consumerism

With consumerism and the system that controls us, everything is clear. But the classic questions follow: "What to do and who is to blame?" It is not so important who is to blame, since transnational corporations are interested in this state of affairs, and we are to blame for the fact that the world is just like that. But much more important is the question "What to do?"

First, it is important to realize that we are being controlled. Remember that "The best slave is the one who does not suspect that he is a slave"? And in order to get rid of these chains of consumption, you first need to become a less "convenient" slave: to realize that we are controlled and most of our motivations are simply instilled in us. Further, all the actions that we perform should be subjected to the deepest analysis. As already mentioned at the very beginning, any action is preceded by a motive. That's where we need to start. Before taking any action, check your motive.

Let's take a look at the example of a purchase. So, there was a desire to buy something. Honestly (this is important) ask yourself, do you really need this thing? And if so, why? Will it contribute to your development? Will it benefit you and the people around you? Is the desire to buy this thing imposed on you by some hidden advertising or persistent "advice" from other people. Tips for all sorts of purchases should be treated with extreme caution. It is important to understand that most people are already zombified with ads. And what they advise you is simply the process of relaying the ideas that have been put into them through advertising. That is, it is not your friend or relative who gives you advice, but through it - people interested in sales. This is important to understand.

Mindfulness is our most powerful weapon. When, before each of your actions, you honestly ask yourself about the motives and meaning of this action, then you will become truly free. No hidden advertising, no hypnosis or brainwashing can do anything with the consciousness of a conscious person. Imagine an anti-virus program on your computer. It immediately stops any attempts of malicious programs to integrate into our computer.

The same thing happens with the consciousness of a conscious person, who, before each of his actions, thinks about what his motives are, what is the meaning of this action, what are the goals and what result this action will lead to. And this allows us to destroy "Trojans" in our minds even before they take root there and begin the process of destruction. Run in your mind such an antivirus program and before each action, before each purchase or ordering a service, ask yourself: “Why do I need this? How will this benefit? " You will see: many desires, imposed needs and costs will go away by themselves!