About The History Of The Development Of Prostitution, Starting With The Most Ancient Peoples And Civilizations - Alternative View

About The History Of The Development Of Prostitution, Starting With The Most Ancient Peoples And Civilizations - Alternative View
About The History Of The Development Of Prostitution, Starting With The Most Ancient Peoples And Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: About The History Of The Development Of Prostitution, Starting With The Most Ancient Peoples And Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: About The History Of The Development Of Prostitution, Starting With The Most Ancient Peoples And Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Prostitution in the Acient World Discovery Part 1 - History HD 2024, July

Have you noticed that there are topics in our society that are not customary to talk about? It seems that this is not prohibited by law, but some things are trying to bypass. For example - prostitution.

Yes, we all know that it exists. Moreover, some know firsthand. This topic is new for us, in principle - in the days of the Soviet Union it was not customary to talk about such things, we have just begun to get used to it.

There are several opinions on this phenomenon. Someone believes that this must be dealt with, while others suggest not to interfere. Well, our task is simply to study this phenomenon, without giving it any emotional and moral color.


So when did the first moths appear? Nobody knows about this, but the first written information about them was in the ancient Laws of Hammurabi, which were created already in the 18th century BC.

And now attention - in these collections of laws, prostitution was divided into ordinary, hospitable and ritual. But the account of the first and third - everything is clear, but here the "hospitable" personally makes me laugh. Just imagine the picture))

What kind of phenomenon was it? And this is the host's offer to his dear guest to sleep with his wife or daughter. This is a joke, but this custom still exists, for example, in Mongolia. And before many peoples had it - from the Chinese to the peoples of the Far North.


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But the development of Christianity has made its own adjustments, so gradually this tradition has sunk into oblivion. Have you heard the famous anecdote about a geologist, a Chukchi and his wife? So, these are echoes of that ancient tradition. In the Far North, it existed until the middle of the 19th century.

As for ritual prostitution, it came to us from paganism. People at that time worshiped the sun and noticed that it sets and rises from different sides, i.e. goes in a circle. The seasons also go in a circle.

And these processes were accompanied by very strange rituals, the purpose of which was the same - to appease the gods in order to get something from them. Still, submission to the stronger one sits in us, people, at the genetic level.


So, the laws of Hammurabi singled out ritual prostitution into a separate class, and those women were considered priestesses and were highly respected among the people. But as for ordinary prostitution, this rule did not apply there.

Do you think Babylon and Mesopotamia are highly developed cultures? Of course, however, one should not forget about the animal principle of man - after all, scientists have long established that we use the capabilities of our brain exclusively to support our animal instincts, of which there are three:

1) There is a desire.

2) Desire to reproduce.

3) Desire to dominate.

As for a country like Ancient Greece, some researchers generally consider it a state of free morals and debauchery. Have you ever heard of getters?


This is what the Greek prostitutes were called. In addition to their "main responsibilities", such women were highly respected, could communicate in aristocratic circles and have influential acquaintances.

The most famous case in history is when Hetera Aspasia became the wife of the famous Greek orator and military leader Pericles. I wonder why he wanted to marry her? It seems to me that everything is clear here, but it's clearly not worth discussing here)))

However, gradually the life of "moths" became more and more difficult. It got to the point that in the 6th century BC Greece adopted a law according to which brothels could be located only on the outskirts of cities, so as not to "darken" high culture with their existence. Sounds funny, don't you think so?


It's amazing why such hatred for the animal principle in man has arisen? This is still a mystery to researchers. As for Rome, everything was generally sad there.

Prostitution was legalized there, and in order to start earning money in this "profession", a woman had to get something like a modern license.

At the same time, she completely lost her legal capacity and could not dispose of her property, if any. And they had separate clothes so that everyone knew what such women were doing. There were also analogs of heterosexuals in Rome.


Such women had a chance to get into the highest aristocratic society and find a permanent "client" there. And there were always plenty of people willing. Naturally, a lot has changed with the arrival of Christianity in Europe.


But it changed only on a piece of paper - after all, a person cannot get away from his animal nature. Yes, from all sides they trumpet about morality, etc., but many people are ready to give up these moral and ethical principles.
