A Glitch In The Matrix? A Tourist Filmed Stones Floating In The Air - Alternative View

A Glitch In The Matrix? A Tourist Filmed Stones Floating In The Air - Alternative View
A Glitch In The Matrix? A Tourist Filmed Stones Floating In The Air - Alternative View

Video: A Glitch In The Matrix? A Tourist Filmed Stones Floating In The Air - Alternative View

Video: A Glitch In The Matrix? A Tourist Filmed Stones Floating In The Air - Alternative View
Video: 10 Glitches In The Matrix Caught On Tape! 2024, July

This strange picture was sent to the American UFO site Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The location is a rocky forest near Slade Community in Powell County, Kentucky (USA).

This place is famous for its beautiful landscapes and tourists often come here, and especially climbers who climb the rocks in the Red River Gorge.

It was one of these climbers who took this photo. He filmed his acquaintances, a woman and a girl, standing on the edge of a cliff, but then he noticed an anomaly in the upper right corner in the picture.

The tourist took several photographs almost in a row in this place, but only one of them showed these three stones, which seem to be floating in the air.

The fact that these are exactly stones, and not insects caught in the frame, is clearly visible. Moreover, such a clear frame cannot be obtained by simply throwing stones into the air at the time of shooting. Moreover, the stones also do not look like UFOs.


The MUFON specialists were also unable to give a logical explanation for what got into the photo. According to them, the objects look like simple stones, but why did they hang in the air? And why weren't they visible in other photographs?

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According to one of the versions expressed, the tourist may have caught the moment of the "glitch in the Matrix". After all, the theory that we are all living in some kind of simulation - a computer program - is becoming more popular every year.