Where Do "doubles" Come From? - Alternative View

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Where Do "doubles" Come From? - Alternative View
Where Do "doubles" Come From? - Alternative View

Video: Where Do "doubles" Come From? - Alternative View

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The numerous facts that have been observed at all times and are known as "double phenomena", science has always looked at as hallucinations. However, hundreds and hundreds of facts collected by parapsychologists around the world and verified with the utmost care, prove an undeniable connection between the phenomenon of a ghostly double and its living "master".

I think I saw myself

In many of the surviving archival documents, one can find evidence of the appearance of doubles of famous historical figures. So, in 1810, when Byron, while in Greece, was lying with a bout of severe fever, people who knew the British poet well saw him several times on the streets of London.

State Secretary Peel wrote to Byron that in those days he met him twice on Saint-Germain Street, and once saw him, being with Byron's brother.

In response to this letter, Byron wrote with his inherent irony: “I have no doubt that we can - how, we do not know - bifurcate: moreover, the question arising from this about which of the twins is currently valid and which is not, I represent Your choice”.

An even more incredible story happened in 1885 with the famous French writer Guy de Maupassant. Working in his office, he leaned back in his chair and suddenly saw someone entered the room and sat down opposite. The unexpected guest spoke up and, to the amazement of the writer, uttered the phrases that the writer had just intended to write! Looking closely at the stranger, Maupassant was even more shocked: he saw his own face! Then the double got up and silently left the room …

Some famous personalities have met their own counterparts who looked how many years older. This is what the German poet Goethe recalled: “In 1771 an incredibly strange incident happened to me. Not with the eyes of my flesh, but with my inner spiritual vision, I saw myself on horseback riding up the path, but dressed in a suit that I did not have - a light gray with golden trim.

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I shook my head and the vision disappeared. But the strangeness is that eight years later I found myself driving along the same path … And suddenly I caught myself thinking that I was dressed exactly as I had imagined then. And it happened not intentionally, but quite by accident."

During Mark Twain's trip to Canada, a reception was given in his honor in Montreal. There he noticed his old acquaintance, with whom he had not communicated for 20 years. He was surprised that, while talking to many of those present, she did not even pay any attention to him. In the evening, when he was preparing for his performance, this very acquaintance came to him and assured him that she had only arrived from Quebec an hour ago.

Mark Twain wrote about this: “She was not at the reception, not even in the city. And yet I saw her there, I saw her quite clearly and unmistakably. I swear to it. I did not think about her at all at that moment, as I had not thought about her for many years. But she undoubtedly thought of me at the time. Perhaps her thoughts, flying the distance that separated us, brought with them such a clear and pleasant image of herself. It seems to me like this."

As the researchers note, twins rarely meet with their "originals". And if the meeting does occur, the ghosts immediately disappear. Why this happens is not clear.

Meet at Palazzo Banaparte

Numerous cases have been recorded when people, experiencing extreme suffering, semi-consciously generated their double, although they themselves did not see him. His appearance was witnessed by their close friends or relatives, who were often thousands of kilometers away. The appearance of this kind of twins is called the "crisis vision".

On May 5, 1821, Napoleon's mother was sitting in the drawing-room of the Palazzo Banaparte, when downstairs, in the hall, the gatekeeper was talking to a stranger wrapped in a wide cloak and with a hat pulled down over his eyes. The stranger asked Senora Madre, said that he should see her immediately, since he had arrived with news from her son Napoleon Bonaparte, exiled to the island of St. Helena.

Bonaparte's mother, of course, ordered the introduction of an envoy to her. The one who entered, to her surprise, diligently covered his face with a cloak and was silent until the servant left. Then he immediately opened his cloak and lifted his hat. It was Napoleon himself!

The woman trembled and screamed loudly: she was both delighted and afraid for her son. He had already fled the island of Elba once in 1815. It seemed to her that he had fled again and was seeking temporary refuge with her. But she was immediately seized by horror: a chilling cold emanated from her son, and in response to her joyful greeting, he slowly said: “May 5, eight hundred and twenty-one - today!” His immobility and the tone in which he uttered this phrase made the unfortunate a woman to be dumbfounded. Shuddering with fear, she continued to stare at him, while the ghost staggered back to the door and left, pulling the heavy curtain down behind him. Having regained consciousness, Napoleon's mother threw herself down, but there was no one there except the servant.

With a heavy heart, the woman returned to her chambers. And two months later, in July, she found out: her son Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821.

Prints in space

Today, about 10 percent of people have seen their counterpart at least once or felt his undoubted presence nearby. Does this bode well for a person? Why do doubles appear to people?

Some researchers believe that doubles appear in all people shortly before their death, during a serious illness, or an accident. They explain this phenomenon by the fact that at this moment some unknown astral energy is separated from the human body. Before this energy moves to another space, it must materialize in our world in the form of an exact copy of the original that generated this energy. It is then that the astral body becomes visible to others.

At the same time, judging by the amazing variety of manifestations of twins, it is rather difficult to find a single explanation.

Biophysicists give an interesting explanation of the phenomenon. Our body emits a wide range of electromagnetic waves. A person is able to leave "prints" in space, similar to holograms, but a clear image can be left only in a state of strong emotional excitement. To perceive the image of your own or someone else's double is really possible only in this state. Therefore, calm, focused people will never see this mysterious image.

But these are all just assumptions. There is still no consensus on the nature of the phenomenon. Therefore, the question of doubles is still awaiting resolution.

Source: “Interesting newspaper. Oracle “No. 9. Author: F. Grischuk
