The Grandmother Took The Hand Of The Mummy And Incurred A Curse On Herself - Alternative View

The Grandmother Took The Hand Of The Mummy And Incurred A Curse On Herself - Alternative View
The Grandmother Took The Hand Of The Mummy And Incurred A Curse On Herself - Alternative View

Video: The Grandmother Took The Hand Of The Mummy And Incurred A Curse On Herself - Alternative View

Video: The Grandmother Took The Hand Of The Mummy And Incurred A Curse On Herself - Alternative View
Video: ART DEMANDS SACRIFICES [Top Secret] 2024, June

This strange story was published on the paranormal site "Week in Weird". Its author is not listed.

“When I was a child, we lived in my grandmother's house and my grandmother loved traveling around the world. In the 1970s, when I was 8 years old, she flew with my aunt to the Amazon region and one day they visited the ancient Chauchilla Cemetery in Peru.

This cemetery is famous for the pre-Hispanic mummies, which are wrapped in cloth and seated in seated positions. Basically, their bodies are just skeletons, there is almost no flesh, however, hair has been preserved on the heads of many mummies.

And for some reason my grandmother took with her from that cemetery a “souvenir” - the bone of the hand of one of the mummies. My aunt was vehemently against this and asked her to put the bone back in place, so the next day they came back and my grandmother put the bone where she took it.

However, the damage has already been done. First of all, the grandmother contracted some kind of fungus, from which her nails became thick and yellow. And no medicine could help her. And it was not just a fungus, my grandmother was in those places with many tourists, but only she picked it up.

And then something otherworldly settled in our house. We had unusual things before, like a poltergeist or strange shadows, but now it became much worse and this creature was very angry. You could feel it on yourself, as if you fell into a "cloud" in which fear and anger enveloped you, and our dogs whined and could not calm down in any way.

And this evil entity remained in our family for as long as 30 years and only left when my grandmother died.

During these years, the entity manifested itself in different ways. Sometimes you just sit and suddenly feel in your back that it is nearby and the dogs immediately for some reason instantly become silent. And sometimes my grandmother herself saw something in my room, and then I walked around and stumbled over nothing. One day something pushed me hard onto the bed and I got very scared.

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My grandmother told me that sometimes she sees a creature in the house that looks like a humanoid goat. She never told anyone else about this. The fact is that our family was very religious, and it was also the 70s, the beginning of the 80s, and then little was said about such things.

Many times I woke up at night feeling that something was attacking me and trying to strangle me. Now, of course, this is associated with sleep paralysis, but I think that then it was not paralysis. The thing is. that sometimes I could see the one who was holding my throat and it was a skeleton with bony hands.

Once I was at home and watched my grandmother working in the yard, watering the lawn. And suddenly I saw how something invisible pushed her hard from behind. Then at night, I regularly saw the lights come on in the guest room next to my room. And I was terribly scared to walk and turn it off.


When I got older and my grandmother got older, she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Because of this, few of her relatives wanted to communicate with her, and after the death of my grandfather, no one spoke at all, except me. I regularly came to visit her, but soon I had a big fight with her and then for 7 years I did not see her at all.

I saw her shortly before her death, and after her funeral I stayed at her house to sort things out and clean up. It was very late, around 10 pm, I was in the kitchen, cleaning the refrigerator and suddenly I again felt the presence of IT.

I turned over my right shoulder and looked out into the dark corridor leading to the living room. The living room was completely black, in the sense that now there was not even the light of the streetlights from the windows. Something completely black was blocking all this light and at the same time it moved in my direction.

Out of fear, I jumped up and ran towards the garage door, I ran out onto the road and after categorically refused to return to my grandmother's house. It was 18 years ago and since then nothing paranormal has happened to me."
