The Existence Of Ancient Underwater Civilizations. Myths Or Reality? - Alternative View

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The Existence Of Ancient Underwater Civilizations. Myths Or Reality? - Alternative View
The Existence Of Ancient Underwater Civilizations. Myths Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: The Existence Of Ancient Underwater Civilizations. Myths Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: The Existence Of Ancient Underwater Civilizations. Myths Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans 2024, July

2/3 of all space on Earth is occupied by the World Ocean. To date, it has been studied only by 5%. In addition, the underwater environment is very aggressive towards humanity. Every year, scientists declare that the secrets of the underwater depths are only increasing, which means that the likelihood that intelligent life may exist deep below the surface of the water.

Legends and myths

In Japan in ancient times, there were many legends about people who could live under water. Many of the drawings found by archaeological expeditions in the most remote areas of the country depict creatures that look like humans, but with webbed toes. On the faces of these creatures there is something that looks like a diver's mask, and a tube goes from it to the apparatus on the back. Scientists assume that this is a scuba diver from the ancient world.

But the Caspian residents are sure that “underwater people” live in the waters of the Caspian. There are many documented documents in which oil workers met with these creatures. According to some scientists, underwater representatives were closely related to aliens.

There is a version that once a person lived in water, but for some unknown reason lost contact with this element. Experts say that the death of a drowning person does not occur due to the fact that water fills the lungs. In this case, the body's protective process is triggered - a mechanism is activated that squeezes the annular muscle of the throat and suffocation occurs. In order for a person to be able to breathe freely in the water, this function must be disabled. This mechanism is absent in newborns. In fact, it is acquired throughout life. This means that in ancient times a person felt great in water, but over time he lost this ability.

If a person came out of the waters of the World Ocean, perhaps some of his representatives remained there, who now inhabit this element? Therefore, we can say for sure that intelligent life under water exists.

One American researcher put forward a sensational version that a civilization settled under water millions of years ago, which is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of humans. And although this hypothesis seems strange to many, there are many supporting facts in its favor.

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Japanese fishermen believe in the existence of strange humanoid amphibious creatures that have a kind of shell on their backs. The fishermen claimed to have encountered them repeatedly while fishing. And not only in Japan they talk about strange underwater inhabitants.

In the mythology of the ancient Sumerian civilization, experts have found hundreds of references to fish people who lived in the waters of the Persian Gulf. In addition, ancient clay tablets depict the contact of these creatures with humans. The legends of the Sumerians speak of ancient underwater inhabitants who taught the local population the sciences, writing, agriculture, and construction. These creatures were called "Oanami". They spoke the local language, did not eat, and only made contact during the day. As soon as it got dark, the creatures went under the water.

Perhaps the legends are really not fiction, because according to modern science, life originated in the sea, where there is everything for its existence. Why couldn't she become intelligent?

Accidental encounters with underwater inhabitants

Recently, information has appeared in the media about cases when a person meets with underwater intelligent representatives.

In 1974, on the territory of the Kanin Peninsula in a Nenets village, three schoolchildren were resting on the banks of a river that flows into the White Sea. Just a few meters away, a strange humanoid creature with a long tail, completely covered with long black hair, emerged from the water. This creature, as on suckers, climbed up the steep rock, and then disappeared. And when the schoolchildren called the adults, they found strange footprints in the sand, similar to human ones, but longer and narrower.

It is difficult to believe in the stories of children, because their rich imagination can play a cruel joke. However, when military divers encounter such underwater inhabitants, it is worth considering. This incident took place on the shores of Lake Baikal in Russia. Military divers were practicing a combat dive when one of them surfaced and began to scream. From his cursory story, colleagues learned that a creature very resembling a man swam next to him, but his height was more than 3 meters, then two more such creatures followed. At a depth of about 50 meters, these ichthyandras were without masks and scuba gear. All they were wearing were silver suits and ball-like helmets.

The group leader decided to detain the strange subjects. Seven well-trained divers were sent to capture them. Unfortunately, this operation ended with the death of several specialists.

The group tracked down the creature and threw a metal net over it. Suddenly, with a strong blow, all the divers were thrown to the surface of the lake. Even a non-specialist will understand that from such a depth the ascent should be slow, with stops, and then the person was placed in a pressure chamber so that decompression sickness would not start. The group had only one such device. Four people were left disabled for life, and three died.

Now scientists are arguing with which civilization a person will quickly go to communicate - underwater or space. Perhaps with us - aggressive, cruel, unbalanced and greedy, no one will ever make contact? Or maybe the contact has already been established, they just don't tell us anything?

Skeptical scientists and researchers of the depths of the World Ocean do not believe in the existence of underwater inhabitants. However, there are more solid facts captured in photos and videos. These are mysterious underwater vehicles, the origin and design of which are not known to modern science and can hardly be dismissed.

In 1960, off the coast of Argentina, two patrol ships collided with giant submarines. One was at the bottom, the other was above it. The crew of the patrol surface ship tried to raise objects to the surface, throwing depth charges. But these mysterious devices survived and at great speed, which is not characteristic of modern submarines, left the ships. The Argentine military began to shoot at them from all guns, and they were divided into 6 smaller boats and disappeared in the depths.

The US military also collided with mysterious submarine ships. In 1963, near Puerto Rico, they recorded an object moving under water at a speed of 300 km / h. This is 3 times faster than the most modern submarine. In addition, the submarine made maneuvers in an upright position, which completely contradicted human logic.

UFO underwater

Another interesting and mysterious place, scientists consider the Sibinsky lakes of Kazakhstan. In their opinion, in this territory under water at great depth there is a base of alien creatures. This is really an argument. Experts in this area have recorded hundreds of cases when alien spacecraft "dive" into the lake. In the hands of scientists are dozens of photographs from the shore of these reservoirs, on which a variety of UFOs are captured, flying out from great depths or scanning the surface of lakes. Perhaps the Sibinsky Lakes, due to their depth, are a shelter for an underwater base of alien ships.

Underwater civilization?

Ernst Muldashev, a doctor of medical sciences and a researcher of a couple of normal phenomena, is confident that at the bottom of many deep seas and lakes there is a highly developed civilization that has aircraft that can move under water. And man takes these UFOs for alien spaceships.

More recently, Russian divers explored the Salem Express ferry, which sank in 1991. The members of the group tell a strange story: each time, during the dive and exploration of the ship, they were accompanied by a creature similar to a person, but with long arms and legs. And on an expedition to investigate a warship that sank in the Philippines, a similar creature was also nearby. And when a difficult situation arose that could lead to the death of divers, this intelligent creature almost instantly pushed them out of the water. At the same time, the guys did not suffer at all from the sudden rise.

Why don't they contact us?

The main reason is our primitiveness. They just watch us from the side, using all the same UFOs or underwater animals. As already mentioned, modern science has studied the World Ocean by no more than 5%. What's next, or rather deeper? Therefore, when we meet with any monsters, humanoids or UFOs, we think that it seemed to us, and we simply close our eyes so that we are not considered crazy. And if the military or specialists are faced with this, the information is classified and stored behind “seven locks”.

Why do modern experts in the study of water depths pay very little attention to ancient legends? After all, they were not born by aliens from outer space, but by ordinary people. They often mention intelligent beings whose life is underwater. This issue affects all cultures of the world. Really, this is not the main thing - an underwater civilization exists, and it is wiser than human.

Findings found in the waters of the World Ocean are another confirmation of the existence of intelligent underwater life. Experts were never able to explain their purpose. But let's hope that for the sake of truth, scientists will do anything and conduct more thorough research in order to bring humanity a few steps closer to the solution.

Unfortunately, a person cannot go deep under water. Technology is unable to withstand the loads of great depths that remain unexplored. Perhaps, in the near future, modern technologies will rise to a new level, and then we can expect contact with the owners of the ocean. But humanity needs to think about its future. If we do not change, do not change our attitude to the world around us, to inexplicable phenomena, no other developed civilization will want to contact us - be it in space, or in the depths of the World Ocean.