Are The Cockroaches Leaving? - Alternative View

Are The Cockroaches Leaving? - Alternative View
Are The Cockroaches Leaving? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Cockroaches Leaving? - Alternative View

Video: Are The Cockroaches Leaving? - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Explain Why You Can't Get Rid of Cockroaches 2024, October

As they say in the well-known anecdote, the "Mashenka" crayon is excellent for cockroaches. I bought it - and nowhere to see a single cockroach. I looked behind the kitchen cabinet - they were sitting, drawing …

Jokes as a joke, but red-haired and mustachioed people really have not been seen in city apartments for a long time. It would seem, live and rejoice - well, they are not there, and thank God. Is it boring without them? But no, many are even alarmed by non-roach. Where are they? And if they all, having collected their things, took off and left, then, then, somewhere they should be added?

They say cockroaches are the same age as dinosaurs, and perhaps even older. Only for some reason people have much more reverence for dinosaurs, there, every bone is kept in a museum. Probably because they became extinct and became a legend. And hardy cockroaches are difficult to respect - they are our contemporaries and are considered unpleasant neighbors. In general, there is no prophet in his own country.

Versions are born one after another, creating the richest topics for an independent investigation of the famous TV channel specializing in mysticism.

For example, some people believe that cockroaches do not like radio frequency radiation from microwaves, mobile phones, and computers with Wi-Fi. They say, unable to withstand this strange tension in the air, the Prussian army raised its legs and surrendered. Some may have gone insane before they died. Goodbye cruel world!

Another version: people became so insultingly clean that the poor Hymenoptera died of hunger. But this version is rather fantastic. Rather, you will believe in brownies who have learned to negotiate with cockroaches.

Many people seriously assume that cockroaches are still there, they just became invisible. Perhaps a mutation. Or the punishment of the Lord.

There are also thoughts that the animals could not stand the abundance of products containing GMOs. Reading the inscriptions on the cans and boxes with food, the cockroaches, wringing their legs, moaned: "Again E104, and here E121 …" And then the inevitable decline of civilization occurred on the basis of the extinction of the reproductive function. But before, in the days of everything natural, they ate from garbage dumps with appetite, and nothing.

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Some people don't like boring and believable versions. They are more interested in thinking that the cockroaches have curtailed their assets on this planet because they sensed something was wrong. How to drink it, the Apocalypse is coming.

But the head of the department of preventive disinfection of the Lipetsk Regional Center of Disinfection Galina Kuznetsova listens to all these assumptions with a smile. For, firstly, the cockroaches have not disappeared anywhere. And, secondly, the reason that there are fewer of them in apartments is quite everyday.

- You say the cockroaches disappeared? Well, I can tell you that we still go to the processing of apartments, where there are so many of them that you can't get out from once! - says Galina Alekseevna. - And even more so at catering and food industries: if you do not carry out pest control measures regularly, cockroaches will invade everything!

Galina Kuznetsova assures: there are no miracles in the world. She has been dealing with the cleaning of premises from harmful insects for more than 30 years, she has studied their behavior thoroughly and can afford to draw some conclusions.

- There are fewer cockroaches because powerful chemical means for their destruction were invented and appeared on wide sale, - comments Galina Alekseevna. - There are not so many active substances effective against these insects, but some of them are very radical, especially of the new generation.

It is difficult to fight cockroaches due to their rare vitality, the ability to get used to insecticides and unprecedented fertility. These insects have an incomplete development cycle - an adult immediately hatches from the larva.

- Cockroaches - they are wise! In places that seem suitable for them to live, they mark the territory in order to crawl here again, - says Galina Kuznetsova. - And if unsanitary conditions prevail in the room, you cannot remove cockroaches with poisons alone. It is useless to apply insecticides or sprinkle over dirt! First of all, the places where the Prussians appeared must be properly cleaned! They choose to be warm and "bread", therefore they are very fond of untidy kitchens. In addition, they hide in cracks, secluded corners, voids in walls, behind baseboards. Make sure that there are fewer such shelters in your home, then pest control will be successful. And don't forget to check the hinges in the cupboards!

Galina Alekseevna still recalls what a densely populated paradise of cockroaches they once discovered in a private bakery. True, we should pay tribute to the owners: on the advice of exterminators, they scrubbed clean all the dirt, which had already reached the exact thickness of the layer, when washing does not help, only scrape. By the way, there used to be a great many cockroaches at bakeries, now - much less. The reason is simple - we increased the frequency of processing of all rooms.

While processing the hostels of immigrants from Vietnam in the village of Traktorostroiteley, exterminators saw hordes of unfamiliar black cockroaches. True, these turned out to be not as tenacious as the red-haired Prussians, and quickly gave up.

Lipetsk experts in disinfestation state: cockroach raids on human dwellings are wave-like and now we are seeing exactly the "ebb". But there were periods when the phone in the pest control department did not stop: the tenants asked to come and kill the insects that were loose. As a rule, cockroach revelry fell on hot days, especially during periods of abnormal heat.

You should also know that poison is different. From some substances, insects get something like a knockdown - at first they fall as if unconscious, and then come to life, frightening people with their indestructibility. This happens when they try to act on insects with pyrethroids.

But organophosphate insecticides beat the Prussians tightly. It is chlorpyrifos that is found in anti-cockroach gels with a chocolate scent. Such funds act very quickly and for sure. It is with this trump card, apparently, that we have fought off the cockroaches at the moment. Temporarily or forever - life will show.

Elena Frolova