Russian Werewolves In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Russian Werewolves In St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Russian Werewolves In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Russian Werewolves In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Russian Werewolves In St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: Russia, Walking in Saint-Petersburg, Nevsky Avenue 4K. 2024, October

St. Petersburg. TsNPO "Leninets".

“You'd better not wander here at night. Especially do not go down - there, as he runs, he jerks off his hoof … We had one such, playful. On a dispute, I wanted to sleep in the basement … I barely took my legs. Then I couldn't really tell anything. His whiskey has turned gray a lot since that night …”Valery Vasilyevich, the night watchman of the Scientific Research Institute of Radioelectronics, TsNPO Leninets, tells everyone the same thing: the cellars in the center of St. Petersburg that have not been examined by diggers are inhabited by werewolves. These half-humans, half-horses rush around the underground night city, but in the morning they always return home - to the basements of the research institute.

Centaurs, of course, belong to mythology, which cannot be said about Soviet experiments in genetics. Back in the 1920s, a special laboratory was organized in Leningrad, the task of which, in modern terms, was to decipher the human genome. In the 30s, the laboratory was disbanded and the staff seemed to have gone to Siberia.

This is the official and well-known version of the inglorious end of the first "protogeneticists" of the USSR. But according to other sources (Collection of documents "Top secret. Lubyanka to Stalin. 1922-1934" Moscow, 2001) not a single scientist was exiled. On the basis of the secret special laboratory, an even more secret special laboratory was created, which was directly subordinate to the NKVD.

There is little information about her activities: it was located just in the building of the Leninets Scientific and Production Association, was under the personal leadership of Beria, allegedly experiments were carried out here on crossing people, rats, dogs, horses, fish and other representatives of the animal world, apparently every year (up to 70s), a secret report on the successes of Soviet genetic thought lay on the table of state leaders. Until recently, it seemed that these "seemingly" are completely insufficient to believe in the stories of the watchman Uncle Valera.

But at the beginning of 1999, documents were published, according to which about 200 prisoners were sent annually (during the 30-50s) to the special department of the Leningrad NKVD (and then the MGB and KGB) “to conduct a holistic analysis of the physiological and mental state and develop a methodology correction of revealed violations”. Sick or wounded animals from nearby collective and state farms were also brought here.

So it is likely that, having entered into the confidence of Valery Vasilyevich, you will be able to spend an unforgettable night in St. Petersburg and, if you're lucky, acquire impressive gray temples.

How to get there St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 212.

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