Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View

Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View
Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View

Video: Antiquity Medicine - Alternative View
Video: Dr Sanjay Cherian | Indian medicine in antiquity in relation with Hippocratic Medicine 2024, October

Ancient medicine has always attracted scientists with its secrets. Many scientific minds have studied Egyptian papyri and ancient manuscripts for years, believing that they may contain secret potions and medicines that could help humanity to heal most of modern diseases.

Oddly enough, most modern diseases were known to people many millennia ago. And even then, they found medicines to cure them. It should be noted that in ancient medicine, the treatment of the main part of diseases using natural ingredients was practiced. Today, these methods of treatment are called alternative medicine and are considered inappropriate and ineffective. But how, then, our ancestors, using only these methods of treatment, were able to achieve colossal results in medicine and surgery?

Excavations in Egypt, scientists have repeatedly discovered entertaining finds that shocked the entire medical science of the modern world. For example, scientists have found the remains of a man with traces of obvious surgical amputation of the upper limb. Having studied the found artifact, scientists were horrified. This find told the modern times that already three thousand years ago mankind performed operations to amputate limbs using primitive medical instruments that were in no way inferior to modern counterparts.


Anesthesia was also used in the ancient world. By studying papyri and manuscripts, seekers of answers found them. As scientific research shows, our ancestors possessed the technology and knowledge for the manufacture of high-quality pain relievers from herbal ingredients. They used snake venoms and poisonous plants to induce a person into trance and liturgical sleep, which replaced anesthesia.

Doctors of antiquity, before starting treatment, warned the patient in advance about the possible consequences and the feasibility of medical manipulations. If today doctors from business even take on terminally ill patients, then ancient doctors immediately told the patient whether they could help him or not.

Among other things, when starting treatment, doctors read special prayers. Having deciphered the manuscripts, scientists were shocked, since they described whole magical rituals that began any treatment. It turns out that the treatment of antiquity was aimed not only at improving the physical body, but also at the spiritual restoration of a person.

The theory developed today that thought is material and that the cause of all diseases are psychological blocks and incorrect attitudes - doctors have known for a long time. Appealing to the forces of nature, and to the inner energy of man, healers asked permission to conduct a health-improving procedure. If higher powers approved the chosen method of treatment, it was carried out. If not, they were looking for another.

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Today medicine treats everyone with standard methods, which consist in curing the disease only at the physical level and they do not pay any attention to psychological support to the sick person. The practice of family medicine, introduced everywhere, can radically change the situation, since the doctor will also become a friend of the family. It is too early to speak with full confidence about this. It is too early to justify before the scientific world the advisability of using exclusively herbal medicines.

Today, non-traditional medicine is practiced all over the world, to which all methods of medicine that do not meet the generally accepted standards of traditional treatment have come to be considered. For example, in the east, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, today in Western medicine this method is either prohibited or not considered medical. But how then can one explain the centuries-old developments in this industry, which are built on the positive results from the use of acupuncture treatment?

Today scientists, using the latest technologies, cannot achieve such an effect in improving the human body that our ancestors achieved using ointments and rubbing from natural raw materials.

Studying the lifestyle of the ancient Egyptians, today scientists are shocked by the fact that despite the underdevelopment of classical methods of dental services, our ancestors used plant raw materials for the preparation of tinctures that relieve toothache, herbal pastes to relieve gum sensitivity and strengthen enamel. Having restored ancient recipes in dentistry, scientists have obtained colossal results.

But how were ancient people able to develop medicine to such a level? After all, it is actually quite difficult to study the structure of all organs of the human body and find natural sources for curing ailments.

And what about surgical operations? How could they be carried out in antiquity, when in the Middle Ages people did not dare to take many of them? This means that, in fact, with the development of the world, humanity did not develop, but degraded. At some point, the point of loss of all the knowledge accumulated over the centuries came.

If the information of ancient medicine were available to man in the Middle Ages, then it would be possible to avoid epidemics of plague and other diseases that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Scientists are also considering the possibility that all the knowledge of the past was transferred to people either from another race that once lived on Earth, or from the inhabitants of another planet, galaxy.

Today these are only theories, but they explain such a high level of development of ancient medicine. Modern medicine is in no hurry to admit that there is a worthy alternative that can completely replace it.

A return to natural sources of health could help a large number of people not only recover, but also return youth, help conceive a child, and restore psychological health as an important part of overall human health. But while traditional medicine completely occupies a niche in human health improvement, it is too early to talk about the official implementation of the ancestors' achievements.