Someone Is Building A New World For Us - Alternative View

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Someone Is Building A New World For Us - Alternative View
Someone Is Building A New World For Us - Alternative View

Video: Someone Is Building A New World For Us - Alternative View

Video: Someone Is Building A New World For Us - Alternative View
Video: New World Order: The End Has Come (2013) | Full Movie | Rob Edwards | Erin Runbeck | Melissa Farley 2024, October

We are heading for a military-epidemiological and financial war.

Ekaterina GLUSHIK. Mr. Chiesa, what inevitable consequences do you think the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis will entail? A few months ago you and I talked about a possible global crisis and about the fact that the richest people on the planet are preparing for some shocks, anxiously looking for an answer, how to save themselves and sit out, as they say. Did they fear this crisis? And didn't they cook it?

Giulietto CHIEZA. I could not accurately foresee such a crisis, but I was sure that something similar would happen, that the world was in for deep turmoil. It was the same thought that probably worried American billionaires, who feared the arrival of a mysterious palingenesis, some unknown force, something much stronger than the billions of dollars they have in their safes. They understood that wealth would not save them, that money is not an absolute guarantee against all troubles and misfortunes.

It is difficult to say what will follow the crisis, what changes await us. One thing is clear to everyone: the world will change. And it is difficult to talk about specific consequences because no one has yet a real picture of what is happening. What caused the coronavirus epidemic: was it artificially created and maybe even deliberately spread? There are no answers, there are only guesses and assumptions.

We do not even know why the virus infection occurs so unevenly, unevenly. In Italy, it especially strikes people in the north of the country: in Milan, Lombardy, Bergamo. Nobody understands and cannot explain why exactly there. It is also unclear why the morbidity and mortality from this virus is so high in the north of Italy, where the entire infrastructure, including medical care, is more developed. Indeed, in the south, in the center of Italy, infrastructures are much less developed, less efficient than in the north, so why exactly in the north the number of victims remains very high? I just looked at the numbers: more than 500 people died in a day. No one understands, no one has an answer and an explanation, why the situation is so and why it is not possible to reduce the incidence.

The fears are also caused by forecasts, which predict that when the epidemic subsides and the situation returns to normal, a second outbreak of the epidemic will follow, which will last for several months, probably during September, October, November. But this means that the situation is becoming almost unbearable. Already now, this protracted quarantine, fears of getting sick, lack of work affect people in the most negative way. And if the second wave also starts? This will undoubtedly entail very grave consequences. After all, all this affects the psyche, the number of psychological diseases is growing now, many are going crazy. And in the future, people's minds will become cloudy. This is a tragic situation.

I do not hide it - on the contrary, I openly express my point of view that I got the impression that what is happening is not spontaneous, that all this is not an accident that happened by itself. Please note that Bill Gates is now actively promoting the idea that all citizens of the world should be vaccinated, because otherwise this virus will last for several years, at least two or three years. This idea of his mandatory vaccination, persistent talk about it - very alarming news, a frightening symptom. One gets the impression that there are people with serious power who pursue the goal of radically changing the life of people on the planet, the very behavior of people. This is similar to situations from utopian, very scary fantasy novels by Prevost, Huxley, Orwell and the like. And this is the idea of complete, total control over humanity.

Someone is building a new world for us. We see that an attempt is being made to establish a new system - communal, this is a new form of globalization: all people will be under control, all people will be closed to free, independent action, under a hood, so to speak. And those who will not succumb to this, try to avoid control, do not want to get into the general surveillance system, will be isolated from everyone else! They will become outcasts. Newspapers are already writing that it is necessary to introduce such a system, instill an idea in society, convince that if a person is not vaccinated against this coronavirus, then he is a threat to the rest. And therefore he will not be able to work, move by transport, even simply on foot, will not be able to leave his home. It is depressing that someone is planning to build a world where several billion people will be essentially prisoners. Prisoners!This worries many, causes well-founded fears and even psychosis: what will happen to us?

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In addition, at the same time as this catastrophe associated with the virus, there is a big question: how can the whole world (and the crisis has engulfed most countries of the world) live in a situation where almost 50-60% of all production is canceled? Businesses are closing. People have nowhere to work. This is exactly the situation in Italy now. I'm talking about Italy, where I know the situation well. But I think that in Spain, France, the United States of America, and in many other countries the situation will be or is now practically the same - there has been a huge decline in production. In Italy, 10 million people won't be paid in a month. And where can they get the means of subsistence in order to live elementary?

You asked what changes the world is facing. Of course, the world will change. But the question is, how dramatic, how deep these changes will be. And the second, no less important question: will social upheavals follow and how serious they will be. After all, if the Italian government within ten days, that is, urgently, does not find funds, it is not known what will be on the streets of the country. People will go on strike. Millions of people have no income. Absolutely. They lost their income. The entire tourism industry in Italy is paralyzed: all hotels and restaurants are closed. 60 million people are somehow involved in the tourism business. This is an unprecedented situation, simply catastrophic.

Let me express my personal opinion: I am convinced that the virus attack was organized and directed against China. And this attack is of a military order, it is part of a hybrid war that we have talked about more than once. And the world, those people and communities that are opposed to China, do not calm down, do not retreat from their plans. China still exists, it is strong. Russia exists. Just the other day, the US Attorney General said: China is our enemy.

And from this it follows that we are entering a phase of high international tension. It is quite obvious that such a combination of financial, economic, social, energy and oil crises with the coronavirus pandemic can lead to a sudden sharp deterioration in the situation, deterioration of relations between the United States of America and China, between the United States and Russia, and so on - between other countries too. Contradictions grow

Therefore, the situation is such that I am not only concerned, but I see all the signs that we are heading for a military-epidemiological and financial war. This means that the balance of power will change dramatically. Moreover, the former opposing sides will swap places rather quickly, and the balance of forces will change. And, in all likelihood, we will see a different, new geometric structure of confrontation in the world. This does not mean that we are moving towards a multipolar, multipolar world. This means that the world is moving towards a new round of clashes between powers.

Ekaterina GLUSHIK. A tragic picture

Giulietto CHIEZA. This is a truly tragic picture, but I speak from self-isolation, like a prisoner, being in conditions that no one could have thought of until recently, which have never been anywhere else. We could not imagine such a depressing situation. And now we are in these conditions. In fact, the whole of Europe is in this situation. And no one has an answer: why there is no such virus in Belarus, why there are few infected people in Sweden, in Holland, why there are not so many in Russia, and more in France, Spain … And so on. We don't know what's going on! Different versions are expressed, who says what, but have not yet come to a common opinion, have not consolidated in conclusions.

Seemingly exotic opinions are heard that we have already spoiled nature to such an extent, the attitude of man to nature is so barbaric today that this pandemic is to some extent nature's response to our madness. If the virus is not created artificially, which cannot be ruled out, if it was not a deliberate operation, then the version that this is the answer of nature is also possible.

Many also agree that one of the reasons for such a strong spread of the virus may be the introduction of 5G technologies. Look, Wuhan is at the heart of China's 5G adoption. In Italy, in Milan and Bergamo, where the disease is especially fierce, there is also the highest level of development of the technological information structure, electromagnetic fields, for example. Who knows if these are the underlying reasons? We have no explanation.

We all see a whole palette of interpretations, interpretations and versions multiply every day, but no one can give a convincing, reasoned answer to many questions. We live in a situation of absolute uncertainty. And this in itself is dangerous, because it makes people fear and a sense of insecurity.

Authors: Giulietto Chiesa, Ekaterina Glushik