Who Are The Trolls? - Alternative View

Who Are The Trolls? - Alternative View
Who Are The Trolls? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Trolls? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Trolls? - Alternative View
Video: Who are the trolls? 2024, June

Trolls are only characters from the Scandinavian folklore tradition. The legends about these creatures were most widespread in the territories of modern Norway and Sweden, as well as Iceland, which had in ancient times the closest connection with the Norwegian Vikings. Interestingly, in Denmark, the belief in trolls is less common, despite the geographical proximity to the same Sweden.

These creatures are divided into two main types - forest and mountain. As for their appearance, opinions differ slightly, but the main thing in their appearance is their gigantic growth and the presence of a huge nose. Mountain trolls live in caves and are afraid of light. Once under the sun's rays, the mountain troll turns to stone, so rocks with an unusual shape are called frozen trolls. This breed is hostile to humans and sees only prey in them.

Forest trolls live in the most remote thickets, like to settle in swamps and other hard-to-reach places. People are also only food for them. There is evidence that forest trolls are more tolerant of sunlight, it is not fatal for them, but, nevertheless, they try to avoid it.

There are also so-called bridge trolls. They are not afraid of light, do not hate people, and their main occupation is collecting tribute from those who want to pass or cross the bridge. These trolls are partial to money and can kill those who refuse to pay. According to some researchers, they themselves know how to build bridges over abysses and rivers, although more often they prefer to settle under an already finished bridge.

The word "troll" means "witchcraft", "magic", it can also mean "charm". Trolls have some magical abilities, speak and are divided into male and female species. With the help of magic, they can control some elements and slightly change their appearance. According to legend, trolls are the descendants of giants, ancient creatures waging an eternal struggle with the pantheon of Scandinavian gods.

If you are interested in a similar topic, I advise you to watch the rather fascinating Norwegian film Troll Hunter.

The theme of trolls, their origin, way of life and customs are reflected in many areas of art, including musical works. The song Herr Mannelig, one of the ancient ballads that has survived to this day, tells the story of the relationship between a troll woman and a certain knight.

Contrary to popular belief, not all trolls are mindless creatures. Although most of them are guided by the most primitive instincts throughout their lives, there are legends in which trolls act as quite reasonable heroes. A special place is given to the trolls living under the bridges. The first thing that distinguishes them from their fellows is a completely human passion for gold. Second, this type of troll is not indifferent to female beauty, and there are legends about the mutual inclination of trolls and human representatives of the fair sex. True, at the same time, the girl who trusted the troll disappears forever from the world of people and never returns to it.

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Forest trolls are most often described as giants whose skin is overgrown with moss and grass, ugly and vicious creatures. Although there is an opinion that forest trolls are quite harmless and look like gnomes - very small stature, prone to petty mischief, characters indifferent to people.

The most gloomy and dangerous are mountain trolls living in caves and gorges. They have magical abilities, have the habit of eating the paws of people who have fallen to them, and the only way to escape from them is to try to lure them out into the sun. But the trouble is that mountain trolls leave their shelters only at night, so there is practically no chance of salvation. Moreover, this breed is distinguished by extreme ferocity, enormous physical strength and stubbornness.

Least of all there is information about female trolls. It is only known that they also differ in gigantic growth, but it is very difficult to find a description of their appearance and habits.

Currently, trolls are perceived more as the personification of the blind and ruthless forces of nature. In any case, all legends involving trolls contain advice to stay away from them, since it is almost impossible to defeat them in battle.