Superstition Helped The American To Hit The Jackpot Three Times - Alternative View

Superstition Helped The American To Hit The Jackpot Three Times - Alternative View
Superstition Helped The American To Hit The Jackpot Three Times - Alternative View

Video: Superstition Helped The American To Hit The Jackpot Three Times - Alternative View

Video: Superstition Helped The American To Hit The Jackpot Three Times - Alternative View
Video: Richard Dawkins - The Enemies of Reason - Part 1: Slaves to Superstition [+Subs] 2024, June

A gambling enthusiast from the US state of Maryland claims to have hit three jackpots in one go through superstition. It is reported by UPI.

A man from the city of Baltimore won $ 50,000 (3.3 million rubles) three times in a row in the Bonus Match 5 lottery game, and also received a small reward for other combinations of numbers, increasing the total win to $ 151.4 thousand (10 million rubles).

The lucky winner got a combination of five numbers three times in a row: 2-10-11-25-31. According to him, behind each figure there is a significant date for him - the birthdays of his loved ones.

The winner is sure that it was superstition that made him buy several lottery tickets with a certain combination of numbers. “Good things happen to good people,” he added.

The player said that he plans to divide a certain part of the winnings between family members, and save the rest of the money for the future.

In August 2018, Mary Wilson, a resident of the American state of New York, marked the numbers she dreamed on a lottery ticket and won a million dollars. She believed that numbers would bring her luck and always chose them when she entered the lotteries.