Creepy Black Dwarfs - Alternative View

Creepy Black Dwarfs - Alternative View
Creepy Black Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Creepy Black Dwarfs - Alternative View

Video: Creepy Black Dwarfs - Alternative View
Video: "I've Discovered The First Black Dwarf Star" FULL VERSION | Scifi Creepypasta | 2024, July

A letter with this story was sent to Alexei Priyma, a well-known researcher of anomalous phenomena. It was sent by Andrey Tolstykh from Belgorod. In his letter, he, in particular, notes: "I have no reason not to believe the author of this terrible story - a woman, very elderly, modest and devout."

An unusual thing invaded the life of a woman who asked not to indicate her first and last name in the fall of 1972. It happened on the outskirts of the city of Novy Oskol, in an area that has long been built up with private one-story houses.

The woman reports:

- The evening was dark. It was drizzling in the yard. I hear someone knocking on the door. A voice is heard from behind her: "Give, for Christ's sake, good people." I unlocked the door and was surprised to see behind her a figure in a white robe up to his feet, similar to a monk's robe.


She wanted to slam the door in confusion in front of her nose, but for some reason she could not do it. The figure stepped over the threshold and entered the house, caught in a strip of light falling from a light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

She was a very tall old woman with young eyes that startled me.

“Give for Christ's sake, granddaughter,” she sang.

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- Yes, I do not seem to be a granddaughter for you. I’m already quite a lot, in general, years,”I said in confusion.

And the old woman said:

- You are not my granddaughter, not even my great-granddaughter. You are much more to me …

Hearing these incomprehensible words, I was very scared, I myself don't know why. Mechanically she picked up a loaf of bread from the table and thrust it into the hands of the wandering beggar. There were apples on the table. With both palms, I raked the heels of apples into a handful and handed them to the intruder too. The old woman with a sharp gesture pushed aside my palms, folded together, and the apples fell to the floor.

I bent down, by the way, completely unexpected for myself.

“Don't cry,” the old woman said in a humorous voice. - Today is a great holiday that happens once in many, many years. Today the sixth star is born … You are a kind woman. So let this day be your holiday too. Today my dead children will come to you for the night.

- Where will they come from?

- From the other world. But not from the other world, but from our own. They don't look like people. They need an overnight stay. Will you shelter them?

I felt dizzy from her eerie speech. I wanted to get rid of the old woman as soon as possible.

“No,” I said firmly. - I will not let your dead children into my house. Talk to your neighbors. Maybe they'll let you in.

An old woman in a white robe flashed her eyes.

“For three hundred years I have been looking for a place to sleep in your world for them,” she announced, frowning. - And you even refuse to shelter them on a holiday … Take your gifts!

And she threw a loaf of bread on the floor, angrily kicked one of the apples scattered on the floor.

I was completely taken aback, overwhelmed. I absolutely did not understand what was actually happening. Just now, the beggar woman almost tearfully begged me for alms, and now she is disgusted, even, in my opinion, with hatred, moves away from him.

- Give me a tablecloth, - ordered the uninvited guest and, moving her chin, pointed to the dining table, which stood at some distance from her.

I pulled the tablecloth off the table and silently handed it to the old woman.

This old witch crumpled up the tablecloth casually and tucked it under her arm. Without looking at me, she walked out of the house with a heavy gait. Loudly, furiously slammed the door when she left.

The rain continued to rustle in the pitch darkness outside the window.

With a trembling hand, I poured myself some valerian, drank it and realized - I can't stay alone in the house! I decided to go to spend the night with neighbors. She put on rubber boots, quickly threw a raincoat over her shoulders … Just went to the door leading to the courtyard, when I heard someone was busy on the porch.

Overcame my fear, I opened the door and was dumbfounded.


A chain of some black dwarfs immediately moved up the high steps of the porch to the open door. Apparently, they stood there in a silent line, waiting for the door to open in front of them. It seemed that they were now flowing into my house in an endless, dirty stream. There was no way to see each of them separately.

As soon as I tried to peer at another new black midget stepping over the threshold, he twitched in a haze, blurred against the general background of the stream. I remember well only long arms, trailing behind each one, first along the steps of the porch, then along the floor of the house.

The very first of those who entered, who headed the column, had his right hand raised up. A burning torch stuck out in it.

A sickening weakness spread over my body. My legs became wadded, and I slid along the wall to the floor. But, even sitting on the floor, she was taller than any of these pygmies.

Their leader approached me with a burning torch.

“That one,” he said in a squeaky treble, “that refused us an overnight stay.

Then I saw and examined his face well. Having examined it, she screamed out loud in horror. It was very difficult to call it a face. It was completely missing eyes and nose. The lower jaw with an ugly thick protruding lip, pushed forward, was raised high and lay on the wrinkled forehead of the midget. Thus, the whole face was a mouth - just one mouth!

- Today we have a holiday, - clapped her jaw. - Do you want us to dance in front of you?

I shook my head negatively.

The dwarf got angry. I stomped my feet angrily.

- Go now to Kiev to your mother, - he squeaked. “She has four days to live.

With these words, he stepped to the door overlooking the courtyard. A stream of black, stunted, blurry figures poured through that door in the opposite direction. A column of black midgets left my house …

When I caught my breath and came to my senses, I grabbed myself off the floor and ran across the yard to the neighboring house. And there she began to beat her fists at the window, shouting something inarticulate. And a second later she lost consciousness.

The neighbors called an ambulance. I was given an injection, I woke up, but the doctors asked: “What's wrong with you? What happened? - did not answer anything definite. The case would immediately smell like a mental hospital if I honestly told the doctors everything about my experiences.

The next day, early in the morning, I went to Kiev. There it turned out that my elderly mother had suddenly become seriously ill. As the dwarf had prophesied with a torch in his hand, Mom died four days later. Dealing with the things left after the deceased, I suddenly found among them … my tablecloth!

Well, yes, the one that a tall old woman in a white robe took with her, leaving my house in Novy Oskol. It was impossible to be mistaken. The tablecloth had a special rare pattern and had special features, including a couple of characteristic grease stains. I recognized the tablecloth and broke out in a cold sweat. How, I would like to know, how did she end up in the house of my deceased mother ?!