How Historians Lie About Construction In Our Past - Alternative View

How Historians Lie About Construction In Our Past - Alternative View
How Historians Lie About Construction In Our Past - Alternative View

Video: How Historians Lie About Construction In Our Past - Alternative View

Video: How Historians Lie About Construction In Our Past - Alternative View
Video: Cleopatra - Lies - Extra History 2024, October

There are many buildings, structures and structures that appeared, as historians write, at the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th century.

Reading about the description of this construction boom (otherwise you cannot name it), you constantly catch yourself thinking that this was written by amateurs in construction, who themselves did not hold anything heavier than a ballpoint pen in their hands.

One principle is observed everywhere - to drive in more forced people. These can be serfs, prisoners or prisoners of war.

The main thing is that there are many thousands of them. According to historians, this can explain any building, and even one that we, with modern construction methods, cannot build.

If you look at any construction site today, the percentage of auxiliary workers there is minimal. Basically, these are specialists: bricklayers, tilers, plasterers, etc.

But we are told that it is easier to drive 20 thousand prisoners or prisoners and order them, on pain of death, to build something like this.

Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg
Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

And that's it, people will get scared and start working miracles.

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For example, the great architect Montferrand came to St. Petersburg. He was given a horde of forced laborers. He built them, quickly introduced them to his (no, not drawings) sketches and that's it. People, in fear for their lives, as well as because of hunger, immediately, without mistakes, begin to erect the most beautiful buildings in the history of mankind.

By the way, "no mistakes" is a visiting card of all constructions of that time. In order not to start building, as a rule, they did it quickly, much faster than now, and most importantly - no errors. As if, these forced builders have one hundred thousand five hundred construction sites.

For example, the construction of a railway tunnel under the Amur. They took 5,500 people who, with picks and shovels, dug a 7200-meter-long tunnel in the rock in 3.5 years.

Entrance to the tunnel under Amur
Entrance to the tunnel under Amur

Entrance to the tunnel under Amur.

How was it done? Quite simply, most of the workers were prisoners. Stalin frightened them so much that they didn’t disperse even a millimeter, going to meet them underground. The rock was chopped with picks like butter with a knife.

And all this then costs a long time, practically without repair.

Why, in our time, are all sorts of educational institutions created in which they teach various construction professions?

And then, that nothing can be built without specialists of various profiles. The tale that one architect runs around and explains to everyone how to put a brick here, and here to cut a stone more round, will remain a fairy tale.

By the way, St. Isaac's Cathedral, according to historians, was completed in 1858. But in this image from 1817, it is already ready.

Pay attention to the year and the author of the project
Pay attention to the year and the author of the project

Pay attention to the year and the author of the project.

The conclusion is this: all the buildings and structures that were built long before the dates announced by historians were inherited from the previous civilization, the technology of which, we only comprehend.

And in order to legalize them, historians come up with legends about the masses of people who were a sufficient condition for the construction of such masterpieces.