If Highly Developed Civilizations Helped Ancient People, Why Don't They Make Contact Now? - Alternative View

If Highly Developed Civilizations Helped Ancient People, Why Don't They Make Contact Now? - Alternative View
If Highly Developed Civilizations Helped Ancient People, Why Don't They Make Contact Now? - Alternative View

Video: If Highly Developed Civilizations Helped Ancient People, Why Don't They Make Contact Now? - Alternative View

Video: If Highly Developed Civilizations Helped Ancient People, Why Don't They Make Contact Now? - Alternative View
Video: Did an Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist Millions Of Years Ago? 2024, July

Skeptics, of course, will find an explanation for everything. But based on the findings, a lot says that the ancient people, for hundreds and thousands of years, someone helped with construction, gave knowledge, technology and much more.

In total, I have two versions of relatively highly developed civilizations of the past, and both can be examined in detail. The first version is a highly developed earthly civilization.

Power is in the truth


An elementary example can be found even in our time. To this day, there are tribes who do not know what technology is and they do not really need it. Most of them, of course, are civilized, but in the past everything could have been the other way around.

For example, a highly developed state could be located on the territory of Eurasia or America, and the whole world in comparison with it was ten times lower in terms of development level and opportunities.

The second version seems more plausible to me. For the most part, I adhere to the version with the existence of a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization.


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At the very least, this is simply explained by some transcendental knowledge of space among many ancient peoples, for example, the Maya or the Sumerians, as well as many others. But how they got this knowledge is difficult to explain.

In addition, the so-called certain "gods" were described in different peoples as real beings. Not only were they portrayed similar in different parts of the world, they also described their appearance, life expectancy, capabilities and much more in great detail, in other words, it is difficult to come up with such a thing.


In addition, it should be said that a huge number of finds suggests that people in ancient times observed approximately the same aircraft around the world. As a rule, these are plate-shaped devices, or something similar to vimaanas.

By the way, according to some "myths", one can find out that, surprisingly, the "gods" descended from the heavens in flying machines. In general, everyone decides for himself what to believe, but the fact of existence and visitation of the Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations is obvious to me.

Another question arises, if they really helped people thousands of years ago, why did they disappear at some point and still do not appear?


I also have several versions. An extraterrestrial civilization could simply be destroyed, either left the solar system, or is watching earthlings.

Considering that over time and the development of technology (cameras), UFOs began to be recorded more and more (although many are photoshop), the latest version does not seem to be nonsense.

Although it can be assumed that many civilizations have already visited the Earth, for example, the same Anunnaki. Also, in some peoples there are legends about the "wars of the gods", which do not sound like legends at all, but quite real events.


What am I bringing all this up to? I believe that many highly developed civilizations helped earthlings, but some could fight each other, others just flew away. And what we have now is UFOs that are recorded on cameras and that's it.

If people are really just being watched, then this raises no less questions. In general, the topic is endless and you can talk like that for a long time, but according to my version, over the past thousands or tens of thousands of years on the Earth (and in the solar system), a lot of things could have happened that now can only be guessed at.


Although it is too early to even talk about the solar system, since modern technologies only describe in general terms any of the planets of our system. And what may be on the surface or, for example, under the surface of Mars or any other planet, now one can only guess.
