Temple Of Osiris - Evidence Of High Technology Antiquities - Alternative View

Temple Of Osiris - Evidence Of High Technology Antiquities - Alternative View
Temple Of Osiris - Evidence Of High Technology Antiquities - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of Osiris - Evidence Of High Technology Antiquities - Alternative View

Video: Temple Of Osiris - Evidence Of High Technology Antiquities - Alternative View
Video: Evidence for Ancient High Technology - Part 1: Machining 2024, June

Megalithic buildings are striking in their grandeur, but the first thing that comes to mind when the phrase ancient buildings is the ancient Pyramids. But in Egypt there are many other equally majestic ancient megalithic buildings. And among them Osirion at Abydos.

Even a cursory glance at this ancient complex is enough to understand that this complex was built using unique technologies. After all, all blocks are adjusted so that it is impossible to push a knife blade into the gap.

The strangest thing is that practically nothing is known about this unique complex. So, according to legend, it was in this place that the head of the Egyptian god of the afterlife Osiris was buried. This complex was discovered in 1903 by the world-famous scientist F. Petri, but it was finally cleared of the covered sand only in 1914.

Osirion is the courtyard
Osirion is the courtyard

Osirion is the courtyard.

This temple is located near the temple of Seti I, which ruled ancient Egypt in the 13th century BC. The floor level of the ancient temple is 15 meters lower than the floor level of the Seti I temple.

Temple of Seti 1
Temple of Seti 1

Temple of Seti 1.

And even if these temples are located nearby, but not even an expert will say that these complexes were built using completely different technologies. So the Temple of Osirion is a representative of the monumental megalithic masonry, the unique technology of which even modern engineers are surprised.

And the temple of Seti I was built from simple lime blocks. But, despite such cardinal differences, Egyptologists, having found several records on the walls with the name of Seti I, expectedly attributed the construction of the complex to him.

Promotional video:

Seti 1 and Osiris
Seti 1 and Osiris

Seti 1 and Osiris.

But in fairness, the first researchers who discovered the complex immediately suggested that the Temple of Osiris has a much more ancient origin. And, according to the ancient priest of Mafenon, the complex is at least 3000 years old.

The inner columns weighing 65 tons each amaze the imagination, and how they were installed and covered with no less powerful slabs without the use of special modern technology is simply incomprehensible.

There is always water in the temple
There is always water in the temple

There is always water in the temple.

The interior of the complex looks very much like an artificial island and, according to the records of the ancient Greek historian Strabo, who visited the complex in the first century before our era, described it as follows:

“Osirion is a complex that has its own source located deep underground. A whole series of sloping galleries lined with giant granite slabs with perfect processing lead to it. In addition, an artificial canal runs to the temple."



It is surprising that, in fact, nothing else is known about this complex, and how you can find out from open sources, nothing is being done to somehow correct this situation.

What is below the water level is still a mystery
What is below the water level is still a mystery

What is below the water level is still a mystery.

There are versions that the complex in reality was built either by an ancient highly developed civilization, or in general by aliens from other worlds. Unfortunately, the truth is either kept in closed archives, or has been completely lost.

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