Cat's Eye - Alternative View

Cat's Eye - Alternative View
Cat's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Cat's Eye - Alternative View

Video: Cat's Eye - Alternative View
Video: Substitutes of Cat's Eye / Lehsunia || Brahma Gems | 9953660004 2024, October

Tribes and entire nations worshiped the cat's eye. According to legend, the ancient Indian magicians resorted to using the cat's eye to understand the language of birds and animals. They also used it to make predictions about the future. They say that the cat's eye helps the wearer to notice the clues and signs that fate makes to a person.

In the East, the rosary from the cat's eye was sorted out to find peace and tranquility.

There is such a belief that the cat's eye is able not only to protect from troubles, diseases, to protect from enemies, but even save from death.

It is said that the aristocrats who fled the 1917 revolution to France wore cat-eye jewelry and therefore survived.

Ordinary people then could not buy a cat's eye. However, even now a real "cat's eye" made of chrysoberyl stone with a bright shine is as expensive as a diamond of the same size.

A cat's eye is kept in the treasury of Great Britain, weighing more than three hundred carats. This "cat stone" once belonged to the last of the kings of the Sri Lankan state - Kandy, which was located on the island of Sri Lanka. In 1886, it was presented to Queen Victoria.

The cat's eye gained popularity at the end of the 19th century, after Prince Arthur of Britain, Duke of Connaught and Straharne, in honor of the engagement, presented a ring with a cat's eye to his bride Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia.

What is a real cat's eye?

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At first, the greenish-yellow varieties of chrysoberyl were called the cat's eye, on the surface of which a light glint slid. To a person watching him, he resembles a cat's eye.

This light effect was first described in 1798 by the French crystallographer Rene-Just Gayuy.

As a rule, chrysoberyl is called a cat's eye - a type of quartz, a stone, processed in a special way, after which a narrow band of concentrated light appears in its center. When you rotate the mineral in your hands, this strip will move.

Besides yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz, there are other minerals called cat's eye.

For example, also processed moonstone, apatite, tourmaline, aquamarine, scapolite. The color of the gem can be anything.

Aquamarine is blue with a golden tint, moonstone is white, aquamarine is blue or blue, and the tint is golden.

Alexandrite with the effect of a cat's eye is mined in Sri Lanka, it has a greenish color during the day, and can be reddish or purple in the evening. In Tanzania, a rare yellow opal with the effect of a cat's eye is mined. It can also be pink, white, black.

But still, only a solid gem of chrysoberyl can be called a real cat's eye, it has the most pronounced luminous effect. This stone can be yellow, green, brown, gray. All of these stones have a golden sheen.

One of the oldest chrysoberyl deposits is Brazil. Chrysoberyl cat's eye is also found in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, South Africa, the Czech Republic and the Urals.

The price of a cat's eye is influenced not only by its color, but also by its transparency. The more transparent the stone, the more expensive.

Since ancient times, the cat's eye has been used for medicinal purposes. Lithotherapists use in their practice the cat's eye of all colors and shades.

It is believed that it heals the entire body, helps with chronic and even incurable diseases and maintains health until very old age.

The cat's eye is useful for people with problems with the cardiovascular, nervous, and respiratory systems. For heart problems, it is recommended that you wear a cat's eye ring on your index finger. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cat's eye treats headaches, improves vision and hearing.

It is used for problems with the pancreas, kidneys, spleen, lymph nodes.

It relieves pneumonia, asthma, constipation.

In the East, they are treated with insomnia, fatigue, neurosis, neurasthenia, depression and even serious mental disorders.


The cat's eye strengthens the joints, heals bruises, it is recommended to wear it after fractures, as it accelerates the production of bone tissue and promotes faster healing.

This mineral is useful in the treatment of blood diseases. The cat's eye enhances immunity and gives longevity. This is attributed to his closeness to the "feline". It is believed that cat owners rarely get sick and live longer. The same privileges are given to people and a cat's eye.

But the ability of a cat's eye to treat certain diseases depends on its color. So a bracelet with a green cat's eye improves eyesight, a pendant with a stone of the same color protects the throat. Jewelry with a blue cat's eye is recommended to be worn with low blood pressure, and with a yellow or orange one - with high blood pressure. Blue helps to cope with insomnia, banish nightmares and find restful sleep.

For magical purposes, the cat's eye can only be used by good magicians. The evil ones flee from him like from fire.

The cat's eye helps the one who wears it to find their soul mate and maintain love and loyalty for life.

The gem develops tolerance in character, the ability to get along with other people and relieves the torment of jealousy.

It helps people who strive for their goals, who love their work to rise up the career ladder, attract the sympathy of their superiors, and give them wealth and prosperity.

Magicians advise diplomats and peacekeepers to wear this stone, since the cat's eye is considered a stone of reconciliation, peace and harmony. The cat's eye will benefit the military, firefighters, rescuers, police officers, detectives. Yellow stones are suitable for scientists, clergy and teachers.

There is an opinion that if you give a cat's eye to your enemy, he will become a loyal friend.

It is advised to give pink cat's eye to adolescents so that gems will help them painlessly overcome the difficulties of transitional age.

Astrologers advise people born under the signs of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio and Libra to wear a cat's eye. Everyone else is also not forbidden to wear this stone.

As a talisman, magicians advise wearing a cat's eye in a ring made of gold, platinum and steel.

Those who want to protect themselves from the evil eye should choose silver for the setting of the gem.

The stone must be in contact with the skin.

But one important "But"! The cat's eye sensitively captures the secret thoughts and feelings of the person who wears it and helps only people with a pure soul, honest and noble. On liars, schemers and evil men, he brings down all his anger and brings them failure.

For healing and magic, you must choose natural cat's eye.

A real cat's eye can only be scratched with a diamond, ruby or sapphire, but you can choose an easier way to check - enter a dark room. A real cat's eye glows in the dark, just like a live cat's eye. Fake, of course, no.

But a real stone is afraid of chemistry, temperature changes and … dirt.

The stone is washed with warm soapy water. After washing, it must be wiped with a dry soft cloth - woolen or flannel. This will enhance the natural shine of the stone.

Author: Natalia N Antonova