Adular - Full Moon Stone - Alternative View

Adular - Full Moon Stone - Alternative View
Adular - Full Moon Stone - Alternative View

Video: Adular - Full Moon Stone - Alternative View

Video: Adular - Full Moon Stone - Alternative View

Probably, it is difficult to find a person, especially if this person is a woman who would not be fascinated by adularia, a gem, which is often called a moonstone …

The ancient Indian name for this gem is jandarkand from the Sanskrit words "chandra" and "kanta" - pouring out water when the moon shines. In India it is also called "moon foam".

And in Latin - Lunaris. Other names for this stone are pearl spar, orthoclase, mother of pearl spar and fish eye, wolf's eye, Ceylon or water opal …

I must say that adularia is one of the many stones that are called lunar stones.

For example, Wilkie Collins' book Moonstone says:

But in fact, Collins describes in his book not a real moonstone, but a yellow diamond.

Adularia is called the moonstone for its soft blue, as if silky tide, reminiscent of the pouring moonlight in the full moon.

The mysterious shimmer of the stone is mesmerizing. In the literature, this light phenomenon is called "adularization".

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Since ancient times, the stone has been surrounded by all kinds of legends and beliefs.

Priests of Southern Mesopotamia in the 1st millennium BC on the full moon, when the power of the stone increased, they put it under the tongue, offered prayers to the gods and made prophecies.

In ancient Greek myths, the moonstone was associated with the Hyperboreans, who, according to legend, lived in a country located in the Far North - "beyond Boreas", that is, the god of the north wind.

In Siberian legends, women were sent to the moon for gossip and bad behavior, from there they looked longingly at the Earth …

Adularia brings peace to restless natures, brings harmony to the inner world.

Adularia is called the patron saint of lovers.

Scientific name Albit is from Latin - "albus" - white. And adularia comes from the name of the Adula mountain range in Switzerland, where these stones were found for the first time. There is also a version that it got its name from Mons-Adular, the old name of the Saint-Gotthard massif in the Lepontine Alps, where, according to G. Bank, there is a classic deposit of this stone.

Adularia is a mineral from the group of potassium feldspars, the rocks of which occur at great depths.

According to scientists, adularia appeared due to the crystallization of silicate melt in the bowels of the earth, in rocks, in those places where high-temperature waters are enriched with silica and potassium.

In its composition, adularia contains - orthoclase up to 90%, albite, anorthite and some other impurities.

As a rule, adularia crystals are rarely more than 20 cm, and most often less.

The most common adularia are translucent blue. But there are white, yellow, peach, gray and black. Iridescent moonstones are called adularia varieties that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

In India, adularia is still considered a sacred stone that brings happiness.

In ancient times, it was believed that these stones are frozen tears of the moon. The servants of the temples are sure that if the adularia is hidden in a temple in a place where sunlight does not penetrate, then you can get a drop of the so-called "moon dew", which is a panacea for almost all diseases.

And in Arab countries and in our time, women embroider underwear with adularia to become more fertile.

In their untreated form, adularia have a nondescript appearance; they acquire their beauty only after grinding. The processing of the adularia in the form of cabochons reveals all its mesmerizing play.


The researchers call the birthplace of adularia Sri Lanka, because the first deposit of this mineral was found there. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day.

The first written records of adular have survived in Persia and India.

Nowadays, it is mined in India, Burma, Tanzania, Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. In Russia, adularia is mined in small quantities in the Urals in the city of Makrusha. And also in Siberia in the Inaglinsky massif, where adularia is found together with quartz. There are adularia with the finest internal dissemination of gold. And the Chukchi gold deposits give aggregates of adularia crystals with native inclusions of gold. It happens that adularia contains silver.

The Baikal adularia with a pearl tint are very beautiful. The most famous deposit there is the Naryn-Kunta deposit.

In the Irkutsk region, the largest adularia in our country are found, but, unfortunately, their appearance is not encouraging due to the strong pollution with iron oxides.

But the most beautiful adularia are mined in the Swiss Alps, in the region of Saint Gotthard.

Jewelers from different countries of the world willingly work with adularia. These not too expensive, but very beautiful stones look wonderful in earrings, rings, pendants. To give strength to these rather fragile stones, they are carefully polished and covered with a layer of varnish. They are usually set in silver.


Sometimes belomorite is issued as adularia - a translucent or translucent oligoclase, also a type of feldspars. Belomorite has a pearlescent luster and blue-green-yellow shimmer, but it is not a moonstone. This stone got its name from a deposit on the coast of the White Sea.

However, buying Belomorite instead of Adularia is still half the trouble, scammers can slip an ordinary carefully processed glass instead of a moonstone. Therefore, when buying products from adularia, you need to be careful.

A real adularia cannot sparkle with too bright colors; at a right angle it does not shine blue.

Since ancient times, Adularia was considered a stone healer. It was believed that it not only has a beneficial effect on the psyche and the cardiovascular system, helps with severe depression, but also normalizes sleep, treats epilepsy and sleepwalking.

It is believed that this mineral is energetically associated with the water element, therefore it removes toxins, excess water, stones, tumors, seals from the body, and eases the suffering of a patient with oncology.

It is recommended to wear it for diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, jaundice, edema, hormonal imbalance, diseases of the pancreas and heart.

It is believed that adularia purifies the blood and prolongs youth.

Specialists in lithotherapy say that for therapeutic purposes, the adularia should be worn so that it does not come into direct contact with bare skin.

In ancient times, healers advised wearing an adularia between the diseased area and the heart.

Magicians also love this stone.

They consider him a love talisman and advise those who are in search of their soul mate to wear a brooch with an adularia at heart level.

Adularia saves from loneliness, awakens tender feelings. According to the sages of antiquity, there is no better gift for the object of one's passion than a thing with adularia. This stone evokes true mutual love.

They say that adularia loves when its owner talks to him, thanks him and asks for something. This stone is the best fulfillment of the made wishes.

And if you put the adularia under the pillow, you will have a prophetic dream.

It helps its owner get rid of fears, anxieties and avoid trouble. Adularia makes its owner more sensitive, benevolent, gentle.

For people of creative professions, writers, artists, musicians, designers, experts advise to wear a stone with adularia on their right hand. He will not only help to reveal new facets of character, give inspiration, but also lead to recognition and success.

But you can't wear this stone all the time. During the period of the defective moon, he takes energy.

Wear it from new moon to full moon.

In order for the stone to absorb as much useful energy as possible, experts advise to put it on a windowsill on a full moon night so that it is saturated with moonlight.

The adularia should be cleaned once a month. This is done simply - the stone is immersed in a glass of clean water for two hours.

Adularia has the strongest positive effect on those born under the signs of Cancer and Pisces.

It is not recommended to wear adularia for the signs of Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.

Everyone else is not prohibited from wearing this stone.

And for those who were born on a full moon or on Monday, adularia can become a happy talisman that will help you go through life without a hitch, becoming a favorite of fate.

Author: Natalia N Antonova