The Secret Of Mysterious Places And Unusual Finds - Alternative View

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The Secret Of Mysterious Places And Unusual Finds - Alternative View
The Secret Of Mysterious Places And Unusual Finds - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Mysterious Places And Unusual Finds - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of Mysterious Places And Unusual Finds - Alternative View
Video: MYSTERIOUS Places On Earth Still UNEXPLAINED! 2024, October

Mysterious places

There are many secrets of the ancient world that have not been revealed to this day. Almost every day new discoveries are made in archeology and history. And while this is happening, there will always and invariably be a large store of mysteries of the past, concerning such interesting issues as life, beliefs, technology and the origin of our ancestors …

• Tara Hill - the history of the monument goes back to 2500 BC. e. This mysterious place was once the residence of the high kings of Ireland, the sacred abode of the gods and the Celts' portal to the underworld. It is believed that at the time when Tara was an ancient center of paganism, it was visited by Saint Patrick, who brought Christianity to Ireland.

• Serpentine Mound in Ohio - This mysterious structure of the native population of America is the largest earth structure in the world and one of several amazing ancient mounds in North America. It is not known when this gigantic structure was erected and for what purpose?

• Avebury - a huge monument, which consists of stones and henge placed in a circle. Located in the south of England. Avebury is older than Stonehenge and is one of the most important megalithic sites in the world.

• Rennes-le-Château - a village in the south of France, where, according to legend, the treasures of the Templars are hidden. Apparently, the settlement was also associated with the mysteries of sacred geometry, the Priory of Zion and the holy grail.

• The Tower of Babel - referred to in Genesis as a tower that was built to reach heaven. I wonder if this legend is connected with the history of the ancient city of Babylon?

• Legends of Lake Titicaca - legends about lost cities and Inca gold are associated with the lake. It is the deepest high-mountain navigable lake.

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• Glastonbury - the center with which the birth of Christianity in Britain is associated, and the location of the ancient zodiacal signs. This small town in the English county of Somerset is associated with the legends about Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and King Arthur.

• Eleusinian Mysteries - a secret initiation ceremony associated with the cult of Demeter and Persephone, held in Eleusis - a small town west of Athens in Ancient Greece. It is curious what these strange rituals were and over whom was the initiation rite performed?

• Carnac - Carnac village is located on the southern coast of Brittany, in the northeastern part of France, it is known as a complex of more than 3 thousand prehistoric boulders. According to legend, these are Roman legionnaires who were turned into stone by the British wizard Merlin. I wonder why there are so many megaliths on such a small piece of land and who erected them?

• Chaco Canyon - A stunning Native American ceremonial center located deep in the desert regions of New Mexico. I wonder why the mysterious lines were drawn that radiate like rays from the Chaco complex in different directions for 32 miles?

• Mohenjo-Daro - in this unusual town of about 35 thousand people, located in the Indus Valley, on the site of an ancient civilization that existed on the territory of modern Pakistan and North India, a complex drainage system was established, as well as baths and two-story houses were built. And this is more than 5 thousand years ago!

• Tenochtitlan - the capital of the Aztec empire, built on the island of Lake Texcoco, where today is the central part of Mexico City. Under the Aztecs, the island was artificially expanded to become the largest and most influential city in Central America.

• Chartres Cathedral - this Gothic cathedral, located in the city of Chartres, southwest of Paris, supposedly built on the sacred land of the Druids and was associated with sacred geometry, the mysterious black Madonna and the Templars.

• Lioness - the legendary sunken land, which, according to some scholars, was located off the Isles of Scilly. southwest of Cornwall in England. The island of Avalon, where King Arthur rests, and many other lands mentioned in Celtic myths and legends are sometimes associated with this mysterious place. I wonder if the legend of Lioness is the epitome of the people's memory of the flooding of the Isles of Scilly and parts of Cornwall?

• Temple of King Solomon - according to the Bible, the first Jewish temple in Jerusalem, the place where the Ark of the Covenant supposedly rests and countless riches are kept. Did this temple ever exist, and if so, are its ruins preserved under modern Jerusalem?

• Nabta Playa - in the 5th millennium BC. e. the inhabitants of the village of Nabta Playa, on the site of which there was once a large lake in the Nubian desert, 500 miles south of present-day Cairo, have created the oldest astronomical device currently known in the world. What were these mysterious people and how deep was their astronomical knowledge?

Unusual finds

• Ark of the Covenant - The Bible describes the ark as a hiding place where stone tablets with the 10 commandments were kept. I wonder if these amazing relics once existed, are they not now kept in the temple of the city of Aksum in Ethiopia?

• Minoan Linear A - writing from the Minoan culture of the island of Crete, which belongs to the Late Bronze Age. His examples are the inscriptions on jugs and tablets found on some islands of the Aegean Sea and on mainland Greece. But to this day this letter has not been deciphered. Presumably, it is a kind of holy grail of ancient writings.

• Ashoka Stupa - although this column near Delphi in India is almost entirely made of iron and has experienced negative environmental influences for over 1,000 years, it has not corroded at all. Who erected this stupa and for what purpose?

• The origin of the signs of the zodiac - who discovered the 12 zodiac constellations: Egyptians, Babylonians or Greeks, and perhaps the origin of unusual signs of the zodiac is associated with prehistoric times?

• Philosopher's Stone - in the mystical actions performed by alchemists, the Philosopher's Stone was the substance that could turn any metal into gold, as well as create an elixir of youth. What lies behind these unusual ideas and did anyone manage to find the philosopher's stone?

• Oxyrhynchian papyrus - The Oxyrhynchian lands of Egypt are famous for their rich collection of ancient papyri with texts from the Hellenistic and Roman periods of Egyptian history. Among them are the poems of Sappho, the Gospels of the New Testament and a number of Greek documents that are devoted to magic and astrology.

• Painting of ancient caves - prehistoric cave paintings appeared in Europe 40 thousand years ago. This is the oldest painting in the world. What did the ancestors try to convey to us by painting on the walls of the caves, and how did they manage to achieve this level of skill?

• Spear of Destiny - in Christian tradition it is also known as the holy spear, which pierced the body of Jesus. Presumably, the original relic was in Jerusalem. Later she was transported to Constantinople, where the trail of the spear is lost. Has this holy spear been preserved, and if so, where is it?

• Wands of Horus - also known as the wands of Ancient Egypt. These short cylindrical objects usually depicted portraits of the most ancient Egyptian kings and pharaohs. Were the wands like tubes for storing rolls of cloth, sacred symbols, or healing sticks?

• The Holy Grail - in the Christian religion, this is a dish or bowl from which Jesus drank during the Last Supper. Should the Grail be considered a symbol of spiritual rebirth, or was it an object of the physical world? If so, where is he?

• Dendera bas-reliefs - are the mysterious relief paintings in the Egyptian temple of the goddess Hathor in Dendera evidence that ancient people were familiar with electricity, or do they depict scenes from religious life and mythology?

• Stone of Destiny - the most famous name for the skunk, or throne stone. This piece of sandstone has been used for centuries during the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland and England. What is the origin of this unusual stone? What is his connection with royalty?

• Ogamic script - The Ogamic alphabet was used in Ireland, Wales and Scotland in antiquity, mainly for writing texts in the Goidel languages (a group including Irish, Scottish and Manx). It is believed that the letter got its name from the Irish god Oghma. What are the origins of this amazing letter and why was it forgotten?

• Bosnian Pyramid - located in the Herzegovinian-Bosnian city of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. Visočica Hill attracted global attention in October 2005, when a Bosnian-American businessman and explorer Semir Osmanagic made a sensational statement that the embankment was actually a huge man-made pyramid, created perhaps 12 thousand years ago during the last glaciation. Osmanagich assured that the hill on which the medieval fortified city was once located has 4 completely symmetrical slopes corresponding to the cardinal points, a flat top and an entrance.

During excavations carried out in this mysterious place, Osmanagich and his companions found unusual huge stone blocks, which, he believes, made up the surface layer of the pyramid. In addition, tunnels were found, which archaeologists considered ventilation shafts, as well as carved and polished stone slabs, possibly part of the pyramid's slopes.

Osmanagich, convinced that the hill, which is one-third higher than the Egyptian pyramids of Giza, was created by human hands, called the huge building the Pyramid of the Sun for its similarity to the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuokan - a city of pre-Columbian America located in Mexico. Satellite imagery and thermal imagery made it possible to find two more pyramid-like hills in the Visoko Valley.

Osmanagich claimed that there is a whole complex of ancient buildings, in particular the Bosnian pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of the Dragon, the Pyramid of Love and the Temple of the Earth. The prosperity of the tourism industry is associated with the unusual discoveries on the territory of the Visočica Hill. Models of pyramids are already offered to visitors as souvenirs. Next in line are such marketing innovations as the provision of tourism services and the creation of an archaeological park.

It should be noted that today archaeologists are increasingly concerned about the authenticity of the discoveries. Many of them believe that the structures discovered by Osmanagich are in fact the ruins of buildings from the Roman period or the Middle Ages. President of the European Association of Archaeologists Professor Anthony Harding, having examined the monument, came to the conclusion that the hill is a natural object.

Harding was suspicious of suggestions that Upper Paleolithic hunters and gatherers who roamed these lands during the Ice Age had the time, money, and desire to build such a huge structure.

Some of Osmanagich's statements actually indicate a lack of knowledge about the history of ancient Europe. For example, his claim that Visočica Hill, "located in the very heart of Bosnia, is the first European pyramid," is false.

There are at least 16 pyramids in Greece, the oldest of which is the Hellinikon Pyramid, southwest of Athens, in the Gulf of Argolis. Although the pyramid dates back to 2720 BC. e., some archaeologists refute these data, believing that rather it refers to the end of the 4th century BC. e. In appearance, the Greek pyramids are similar to the Egyptian ones, although they are significantly smaller in size.

Houghton Brian
